describe 'up.popup', -> describe 'Javascript functions', -> describe 'up.popup.attach', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'up.popup.coveredUrl', -> it 'returns the URL behind the popup', (done) -> up.history.replace('/foo') expect(up.popup.coveredUrl()).toBeUndefined() $popupLink = affix('a[href="/bar"][up-popup=".container"]') $ @respondWith('
') expect(up.popup.coveredUrl()).toEndWith('/foo') up.popup.close().then -> expect(up.popup.coveredUrl()).toBeUndefined() done() describe 'up.popup.close', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'up.popup.source', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe 'a[up-popup]', -> it "loads this link's destination in a popup when clicked", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path/to"][up-popup=".middle"]').text('link') $ expect(@lastRequest().url).toMatch /\/path\/to$/ @respondWith """
""" expect($('.up-popup')).toExist() expect($('.up-popup .middle')).toHaveText('new-middle') expect($('.up-popup .before')).not.toExist() expect($('.up-popup .after')).not.toExist() describe '[up-close]', -> describe 'when clicked inside a popup', -> it 'closes the open popup and prevents the default action', -> $popup = affix('.up-popup') $link = $popup.affix('a[up-close]') # link is within the popup up.hello($link) wasDefaultPrevented = false wasClosed = false up.on 'click', 'a[up-close]', (event) -> wasDefaultPrevented = event.isDefaultPrevented() true # the line above might return false and cancel propagation / prevent default up.on 'up:popup:close', -> wasClosed = true $ expect(wasClosed).toBe(true) expect(wasDefaultPrevented).toBe(true) describe 'when no popup is open', -> it 'does neither close the popup nor prevent the default action', -> $link = affix('a[up-close]') # link is outside the popup up.hello($link) wasDefaultPrevented = false wasClosed = false up.on 'click', 'a[up-close]', (event) -> wasDefaultPrevented = event.isDefaultPrevented() true # the line above might return false and cancel propagation / prevent default up.on 'up:popup:close', -> wasClosed = true $ expect(wasClosed).toBe(false) expect(wasDefaultPrevented).toBe(false)