Function Index
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 __call, $.jstree
 __construct, $.jstree
 __destruct, $.jstree
 __trigger, jstree
 _clean, $.vakata.dnd
 _execute, $.vakata.context
 _focus, $.jstree
 _focused, $.jstree
 _get, $.vakata.dnd
 _get_string, jstree
 _load_node, jstree
 _parse, $.vakata.context
 _reference, $.jstree
 _scroll, $.vakata.dnd
 _show_submenu, $.vakata.context
 add_css, $.vakata.css
 add_sheet, $.vakata.css
 array_remove, $.vakata
 array_unique, $.vakata
 attributes, $.vakata
 check, jstree
 clean_node, jstree
 close_all, jstree
 close_node, jstree
 cookie, $.vakata
 copy_node, jstree
 correct_node, jstree
 create_node, jstree
 currentBackend, $
 decode, $.vakata.json
 del, $
 delete_node, jstree
 drag, $.vakata.dnd
 elm_get, $.vakata.selection
 elm_get_caret, $.vakata.selection
 elm_get_caret_position, $.vakata.selection
 elm_replace, $.vakata.selection
 elm_set, $.vakata.selection
 elm_set_caret, $.vakata.selection
 encode, $.vakata.json
 flush, $
 get_children, jstree
 get_container, jstree
 get_container_ul, jstree
 get_css, $.vakata.css
 get_index, jstree
 get_json, jstree
 get_next, jstree
 get_node, jstree
 get_parent, jstree
 get_prev, jstree
 get_scrollbar_width, $.vakata
 get_settings, jstree
 get_state, jstree
 get_text, jstree
 hide, $.vakata.context
 index, $
 is_closed, jstree
 is_leaf, jstree
 is_loaded, jstree
 is_loading, jstree
 is_locked, jstree
 is_open, jstree
 is_parent, jstree
 load_node, jstree
 lock, jstree
 move_node, jstree
 open_all, jstree
 open_node, jstree
 parse, $.vakata.pretty_date
 parse_json, jstree
 plugin, $.jstree
 refresh, jstree
 remove_css, $.vakata.css
 rename_node, jstree
 scroll_to_node, jstree
 set, $
 set_state, jstree
 set_text, jstree
 set_theme, jstree
 show, $.vakata.context
 start, $.vakata.dnd
 stop, $.vakata.dnd
 storageAvailable, $
 storageObj, $
 storageSize, $
 toggle_node, jstree
 unlock, jstree
 vakata_highlight, $
 vakata_pretty_date, $()
 vakata_reverse, $()
 xslt, $.vakata
Call a function on the instance and return the result
Creates a new jstree instance, any arguments after the first one are merged and used to configure the tree.
Destroys an instance, and also clears `jstree-` prefixed classes and all events in the `jstree` namespace
Used internally to trigger events on the container node.
Used internally to cleanup after a drop, so that all variables are nulled and ready for the next drag.
Used internally to execute the action (if any) associated with an item.
Make an instance focused (which defocuses the previously focused instance)
Returns the currently focused instance (by default once an instance is created it is focused)
Used internally to get all items for the drag event.
_get_string : function (s)
Used to get the common string in the tree.
_load_node : function (obj,
Load the children of a node, but as opposed to load_node does not change any visual properties or trigger events.
Used internally to parse a contextmenu description object to an HTML string.
Returns an instance
Used internally to scroll hovered elements.
Used internally to show a submenu
Used internally to trigger all necessary events.
Used internally to trigger all necessary events.
Adds a rule.
Adds a whole stylesheet or appends to an existing stylesheet.
Makes it possible to remove an item (or a group of items) form an array.
Returns only the unique items from an array.
Collects all attributes from a DOM node.
check : function (chk,
This function checks if a structure modification is valid.
clean_node : function (obj)
This function converts inserted nodes to the required by jsTree format.
Close all nodes from a certain node down.
Close a node so that its children are not visible.
$.vakata.cookie = function (key,
A function for getting and setting cookies.
This function copies a node.
This function corrects the open/closed/leaf state as data changes (as the user interacts with the tree).
This function creates a new node.
Get the current backend used.
Exists for consistency and is a simple wrapper for jQuery.parseJSON.
Remove a key.
This function deletes a node.
Used internally to process the mousemove event after $.vakata.dnd.start is called.
Gets the selection inside an input element or textarea.
Returns the caret position in the element.
Returns the caret position in pixels relative to the element.
Replace the selection inside an input element or textarea.
Sets the selection inside an input element or textarea.
Sets the caret position in the element.
A function for encoding data in a JSON notated string.
Empty the storage.
Gets the current selection.
Get a value by key.
get_children : function (obj)
Get all the children of a node
Returns the jQuery extended container of the tree (the element you used when constructing the tree).
Returns the jQuery extended first UL node inside the container of the tree.
Retrieves or deletes a specific rule.
Returns an integer, which is the instance’s index.
get_json : function (obj,
This function returns the whole tree (or a single node) in JSON format.
get_next : function (obj,
Get the next sibling of a node
get_node : function (obj)
Get a hold of the LI node (which represents the jstree node).
get_parent : function (obj)
Get the parent of a node
get_prev : function (obj,
Get the previous sibling of a node
Gets the width of the scrollbar
Returns the settings for the tree.
get_state : function ()
This function returns the current state of the tree (as collected from all active plugins).
get_text : function (obj,
This function returns the title of the node.
Used internally to hide the contextmenu after a click, or on mouseleave, etc.
Get an array of all the set keys in the storage.
Parses all time elements in the document and keeps reparsing them every few seconds.
Used internally.
is_closed : function (obj)
Check if a node is currently closed.
is_leaf : function (obj)
Check if a node is a leaf node (has no children).
is_loaded : function (obj)
Check if a node is loaded.
is_loading : function (obj)
Check if a node is currently loading.
is_locked : function ()
Used to get the locked status of the tree.
is_open : function (obj)
Check if a node is currently open.
is_parent : function (obj)
Check if a node is a parent.
Load the children of a node.
Used to lock the tree.
This function moves a node.
Open all nodes from a certain node down.
Open a node so that its children are visible.
Parses the difference between to dates to a human readable string.
parse_json : function (node)
This function returns a jQuery node after parsing a JSON object (a LI node for single elements or an UL node for multiple).
Register a plugin
This function saves the current state, reloads the complete tree and returns it to the saved state.
Removes a rule, this functions is a shortcut to $.vakata.css.get_css with the delete flag set to true.
This function renames a new node.
scroll_to_node : function (obj)
This function scrolls the container to the desired node (if needed).
Set a key to a value
This function returns sets the state of the tree.
This function sets the title of the node.
set_theme : function (theme_name,
Sets the tree theme.
Shows the context menu.
Use this function to start a drag (usually with the mousedown event)
Used internally to process the mouseup event (drop) after $.vakata.dnd.start is called.
See if storage functionality is available.
Get a read only copy of the whole storage.
Get the size of all items in the storage in bytes.
toggle_node : function (obj)
Used to unlock the tree.
Hightlight words in the matched elements
$.fn.vakata_pretty_date = function (format,
Sets the HTML of every element to the parsed difference of its datetime attribute and the compare parameter.
Makes it possible to apply the standard array reverse function to a jQuery collection.
$.vakata.xslt = function (xml,
This functions transforms a XML string using a XSL string.