require 'thread' require 'lita/handlers/enhance/chef_indexer' require 'lita/handlers/enhance/node' require 'lita/handlers/enhance/enhancer' require 'lita/handlers/enhance/session' module Lita module Handlers class Enhance < Handler on :loaded, :setup_background_refresh route( /^refresh enhance$/, :refresh, command: true ) route( /^enhance stats$/, :stats, command: true ) route( /\Aenhance(\slvl:([0-9]))?(\s(.*))?\z/m, :enhance, command: true, help: { 'enhance ' => 'Enhances details in your text.' } ) def self.default_config(config) config.knife_configs = {} if File.exist?('~/.chef/knife.rb') config.knife_configs['default'] = '~/.chef/knife.rb' end config.refresh_interval = 15 * 60 config.add_quote = true # How long to remember the previously enhanced message for. config.blurry_message_ttl = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 # seconds end def setup_background_refresh(payload) @@chef_indexer =, config.knife_configs) @@enhancers = do |enhancer_klass| end bg_refresh = proc do begin lock_and_refresh_index rescue => e # Keep error from killing background thread log.error { "#{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } end end { "Will refresh enhance index every #{config.refresh_interval} seconds" } after(0, &bg_refresh) every(config.refresh_interval, &bg_refresh) end def refresh(response) response.reply(t 'refresh.queued') after(0) do begin lock_and_refresh_index response.reply(success(t 'refresh.success')) rescue => e response.reply(failed(t 'refresh.failed')) { "#{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } end end end def enhance(response) level = response.matches[0][1] level = level.to_i if level blurry_string = response.matches[0][3] return if blurry_string == "stats" key = last_message_key(response) level_key = key + ":level" session =, key, config.blurry_message_ttl) if blurry_string && !blurry_string.empty? level = 1 unless level else blurry_string = session.last_message end unless blurry_string response.reply(failed(t 'enhance.message_required')) return end level = session.last_level + 1 unless level if level > max_level response.reply(failed(t 'enhance.level_too_high', max_level: max_level)) return elsif level < 1 response.reply(failed(t 'enhance.level_too_low', max_level: max_level)) return end enhanced_message = session.enhance!(blurry_string, level) if enhanced_message != blurry_string response.reply(mono(enhanced_message)) else response.reply(no_change(t 'enhance.nothing_to_enhance')) end end def stats(response) INDEX_MUTEX.synchronize do response_msg = t('stats.last_refreshed', last_refreshed: (@@chef_indexer.last_refreshed.to_s || 'never')) response_msg += "\n" + t('stats.refresh_frequency', refresh_mins: ('%.2f' % (config.refresh_interval / 60.0))) @@enhancers.each do |e| response_msg += "\n#{e}" end response.reply(response_msg) end end private # This mutex must be obtained to refresh the index REFRESH_MUTEX = unless defined?(REFRESH_MUTEX) # This mutex must be obtains to update the index with new data, or to use the index to enhance some text INDEX_MUTEX = unless defined?(INDEX_MUTEX) def lock_and_refresh_index REFRESH_MUTEX.synchronize do @@chef_indexer.refresh end end def last_message_key(response) || end def max_level {|x| x.max_level }.max end def adapter if Lita.respond_to?(:config) Lita.config.robot.adapter elsif robot.respond_to?(:config) robot.config.robot.adapter else :unknown end end # Calls out that this message was successful via adapter specific messaging def success(message) case adapter when :hipchat "(successful) #{message}" else message end end # Calls out that the action failed via adapter specific messaging def failed(message) case adapter when :hipchat "(failed) #{message}" else message end end # Calls out that action resulted in no change via adapter specific messaging def no_change(message) case adapter when :hipchat "(nothingtodohere) #{message}" else message end end # Attempts to render the message using a monospaced font via adapter specific messaging def mono(message) case adapter when :hipchat "/quote #{message}" else message end end end Lita.register_handler(Enhance) end end