module Padrino module Admin module Helpers # Returns true if current_account is logged and active. def logged_in? !current_account.nil? end # Returns the current_account, it's an instance of Account model def current_account @current_account ||= login_from_session end # Return the admin menu def admin_menu return "[]" unless current_account access_control.auths(current_account).project_modules.collect(&:config).to_json end # Ovverride the current_account, you must provide an instance of Account Model # # Examples: # # current_account = Account.last # def set_current_account(account) session[session_name] = rescue nil @current_account = account end # Returns true if the current_account is allowed to see the requested path # # For configure this role please refer to: Padrino::AccessControl::Base def allowed? access_control.auths(current_account).can?(request.path_info) end # Returns a helper to pass in a before_filter for check if # an account are: logged_in? and allowed? # # By default this method is used in BackendController so is not necessary def login_required store_location! if store_location return access_denied unless allowed? end # Store in session[:return_to] the request.fullpath def store_location! session[:return_to] = request.fullpath end # Redirect the account to the page that requested an authentication or # if the account is not allowed/logged return it to a default page def redirect_back_or_default(default) redirect_to(session[:return_to] || default) session[:return_to] = nil end private def access_denied #:nodoc: # If request a javascript we alert the user if request.xhr? "alert('You don\'t have permission for this resource')" # If we have a login_page we redirect the user elsif login_page redirect(login_page) # If no match we halt with 401 else halt 401, "You don't have permission for this resource" end false end def login_page options.login_page rescue nil # for some reason on sinatra 9.4.x respond_to?(:login_page) didn't work end def store_location options.store_location rescue false end def session_name options.app_name.to_sym end def login_from_session #:nodoc: Account.first(:conditions => { :id => session[session_name] }) if defined?(Account) end end end end