When /^no radio buttons have been selected$/ do # nothing to do here end Then /^no radio buttons should be selected in the group$/ do @page.favorite_cheese_selected?.should == false end When /^I select the "([^\"]*)" radio button in the group$/ do |how| @page.select_favorite_cheese("#{how}") end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" radio button should be selected in the group$/ do |how| @page.favorite_cheese_selected?.should == "#{how}" end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" radio button should not be selected$/ do |how| @page.favorite_cheese_selected?.should_not == "#{how}" end Then /^I should see that the radio button group exists$/ do @page.favorite_cheese?.should == true end When /^I ask for the elements of a radio button group$/ do @elems = @page.favorite_cheese_elements end Then /^I should have an array with elements for each radio button$/ do @elems.length.should == 3 end And /^the radio button element values should be "([^\"]*)", "([^\"]*)", "([^\"]*)"$/ do |val1, val2, val3| elem_arr = @elems.collect { |elem| elem.value } elem_arr.should == [val1, val2, val3] end