require 'useful/ruby_extensions/string' unless module TestBelt; end module TestBelt::ShouldaMacros; end module TestBelt::ShouldaMacros::Files def should_have_files(*files) the_files = files.flatten if the_files.empty? should "have @root_path" do assert @root_path, "the variable @root_path is not defined" assert File.exists?(@root_path), "'#{@root_path}' does not exist" end else the_files.each do |file| should "have the file '#{file}' in @root_path" do assert @root_path, "the variable @root_path is not defined" assert File.exists?(File.join(@root_path, file)), "'#{file}' does not exist in '#{@root_path}'" end end end end protected :should_have_files def skip_should_have_files(*files) the_files = files.flatten if the_files.empty? should "(skip) have @root_path" do skip end else the_files.each do |file| should "(skip) have the file '#{file}' in @root_path" do skip end end end end protected :skip_should_have_files alias_method :should_have_file, :should_have_files alias_method :should_have_directories, :should_have_files alias_method :should_have_directory, :should_have_files alias_method :skip_should_have_file, :skip_should_have_files alias_method :skip_should_have_directories, :skip_should_have_files alias_method :skip_should_have_directory, :skip_should_have_files end Test::Unit::TestCase.extend(TestBelt::ShouldaMacros::Files) if defined? Test::Unit::TestCase