# Copyright, 2012, by Samuel G. D. Williams. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. module Utopia class Basename # A basename represents a file name with an optional extension. You can specify a specific extension to identify or specify true to select any extension after the last trailing dot. def initialize(name, extension = false) if extension if extension == true offset = name.rindex('.') else offset = name.rindex(extension) - 1 end @name = name[0...offset] @extension = name[offset+1..-1] else @name = name @extension = nil end end def rename(name) copy = self.dup copy.send(:instance_variable_set, :@name, name) return copy end attr :name attr :extension def parts @parts ||= @name.split('.') end def locale parts.last if parts.size > 1 end def to_str "#{name}#{extension}" end def to_s to_str end end # Represents a path as an array of path components. Useful for efficient URL manipulation. class Path include Comparable SEPARATOR = '/'.freeze def initialize(components = []) @components = components end attr_accessor :components def freeze @components.freeze super end def empty? @components.empty? end def self.root self.new(['']) end # Returns the length of the prefix which is shared by two strings. def self.prefix_length(a, b) [a.size, b.size].min.times{|i| return i if a[i] != b[i]} end # Return the shortest relative path to get to path from root: def self.shortest_path(path, root) path = self.create(path) root = self.create(root).dirname # Find the common prefix: i = prefix_length(path.components, root.components) || 0 # The difference between the root path and the required path, taking into account the common prefix: up = root.components.size - i return self.create([".."] * up + path.components[i..-1]) end def shortest_path(root) self.class.shortest_path(self, root) end # Converts '+' into whitespace and hex encoded characters into their equivalent characters. def self.unescape(string) string.tr('+', ' ').gsub(/((?:%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+)/n) { [$1.delete('%')].pack('H*') } end def self.[] path self.create(path) end def self.split(path) case path when Path return path.to_a when Array return path when String create(path).to_a else [path] end end # This constructor takes a string and generates a relative path as efficiently as possible. This is a direct entry point for all controller invocations so it's designed to suit the requirements of that function. def self.from_string(string) self.new(unescape(string).split(SEPARATOR, -1)) end def self.create(path) case path when Path return path when Array return self.new(path) when String return self.new(unescape(path).split(SEPARATOR, -1)) else return self.new([path]) end end def include?(*args) @components.include?(*args) end def directory? return @components.last == '' end def to_directory if directory? return self else return join(['']) end end def relative? @components.first != '' end def absolute? @components.first == '' end def to_absolute if absolute? return self else return self.class.new([''] + @components) end end def to_relative! @components.shift if relative? end def to_str if @components == [''] SEPARATOR else @components.join(SEPARATOR) end end def to_s to_str end def to_a @components end def join(other) self.class.new(@components + other).simplify end def expand(root) root + self end def +(other) if other.kind_of? Path if other.absolute? return other else return join(other.components) end elsif other.kind_of? Array return join(other) elsif other.kind_of? String return join(other.split(SEPARATOR, -1)) else return join([other.to_s]) end end def with_prefix(*args) self.class.create(*args) + self end # Computes the difference of the path. # /a/b/c - /a/b -> c # a/b/c - a/b -> c def -(other) i = 0 while i < other.components.size break if @components[i] != other.components[i] i += 1 end return self.class.new(@components[i,@components.size]) end def simplify result = absolute? ? [''] : [] @components.each do |bit| if bit == ".." result.pop elsif bit != "." && bit != '' result << bit end end result << '' if directory? return self.class.new(result) end def basename(*args) Basename.new(@components.last, *args) end def dirname(count = 1) path = self.class.new(@components[0...-count]) return absolute? ? path.to_absolute : path end def to_local_path(separator = File::SEPARATOR) @components.join(separator) end def descend(&block) return to_enum(:descend) unless block_given? components = [] @components.each do |component| components << component yield self.class.new(components.dup) end end def ascend(&block) return to_enum(:ascend) unless block_given? components = self.components.dup while components.any? yield self.class.new(components.dup) components.pop end end def split(at) if at.kind_of? String at = @components.index(at) end if at return [self.class.new(@components[0...at]), self.class.new(@components[at+1..-1])] else return nil end end def dup return Path.new(components.dup) end def <=> other @components <=> other.components end def eql? other self.class.eql?(other.class) and @components.eql?(other.components) end def hash @components.hash end def == other return false unless other case other when String then self.to_s == other when Array then self.to_a == other else other.is_a?(self.class) && @components == other.components end end def start_with? other other.components.each_with_index do |part, index| return false if @components[index] != part end return true end def [] index return @components[component_offset(index)] end # Replaces a named component, indexing as per def []= index, value return @components[component_offset(index)] = value end def delete_at(index) @components.delete_at(component_offset(index)) end def first if absolute? @components[1] else @components[0] end end def last if directory? @components[-2] else @components[-1] end end def extension basename(true).extension end private # We adjust the index slightly so that indices reference path components rather than the directory markers at the start and end of the path components array. def component_offset(index) if Range === index Range.new(adjust_index(index.first), adjust_index(index.last), index.exclude_end?) else adjust_index(index) end end def adjust_index(index) if index < 0 index -= 1 if directory? else index += 1 if absolute? end return index end end def self.Path(path) Path.create(path) end end