--- title: FileHandler inMenu: true template: /plugin.template plugin: Core/FileHandler --- h2(#description). Description The FileHandler plugin is one of the two main workhorses, the other being the {plugin: Core/TagProcessor}. When running webgen the FileHandler is responsible for traversing the source directory and creating the internal representation of all handled files as well as writing the output files by using the individual file handler plugins. These file handler plugins reside in the {plugin: File} namespace. Also, the FileHandler is responsible for managing the "meta information backing file":#metainfo-file. There are many different file handler plugins available, ranging from very simple ones, like copying a file verbatim from the source to the output directory, to complicated ones, like creating HTML files from page files or creating whole image galleries from a simple gallery defintion file! The following sections give an overview of how the "file handling":#filehandling is done by webgen, how "path patterns":#pathpattern work and how to specify and use "meta information":#metainfo. h2(#filehandling). Handling of files in the source directory Following is the list of rules how files in the source directory are handled by webgen: # All file/directory names in the source directory are fetched (actually, only those file/directory names without a leading dot) # Those files which match an {param: Core/FileHandler:ignorePaths} pattern are excluded # The path patterns for each file handler plugin are matched against the remaining files and all matching files are then handled by the file handler plugin As you might have deduced from the processing list above, it is possible that one file/directory is handled by multiple file handler plugins. This can be used, for example, to render an XML file as HTML and copy it verbatim. Internally a tree structure is created reflecting the source directory hierarchy and each file that will be created by webgen is represented by a node in the tree, as displayed in the following in image. p=. The source directory layout is shown on the left side and the internal tree structure/output layout on the right. As you can see, some files are copied verbatim (e.g. the images), others are copied not all (e.g. @default.template@) and still others have multiple output files (e.g. @project/documentation.page@). h2(#pathpattern). Path Patterns Each file handler plugin specifies path patterns which are used to locate the files that the plugin can handle. Normally these patterns are used to match file extensions, however, they are much more powerful. For detailed information have a look at "Dir.glob":http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Dir.html#M002375 . The path patterns that are handled by a particular file handler plugin are stated on its documentation page and cannot be changed for most plugins, eg. the {plugin: File/PageHandler} will always handle @.page@ files. However, the information about how these path patterns work are useful for the usage of webgen because of two reasons: * so that the user knows which files will be processed by a specific file handler plugin * so that the user can specify path patterns for some special file handler plugins that support additional path patterns, like the {plugin: File/CopyHandler}. Here are some example path patterns:
Path Pattern | Result |
*/*.html |
All files with the extension @html@ in the subdirectories of the source directory |
**/*.html |
All files with the extension @html@ in all directories |
**/{foo,bar}* |
All files in all directories which start with @foo@ or @bar@ |
**/??? |
All files in all directories whose file name is exactly three characters long |
index.page: inMenu: true orderInfo: 2 images: indexFile: ~ \--- index.page: inMenu: false wiki.html: title: Link to wiki url: http://myhost.com/path/to/my/wiki inMenu: true orderInfo: 5 api.html: title: API Reference url: http://myhost.com/api virtdir/: indexFile: index.html virtdir/index.html: title: A virtual index file inMenu: true url: /index.page virtdir/other.html: inMenu: true url: /otherdir/linked.de.pageThe above sample meta information backing file consists of both sections: the mandatory source section and the optional output section. As you can see each section is described using a hash of hashes, i.e. the keys are paths and the values are the meta information hashes. The source section specifies additional meta information for the @index.page@ file and for the @images@ directory: the @index.page@ gets the @inMenu@ and @orderInfo@ meta information set and it is specified that the @images@ directory has no @indexFile@. The output section is more interesting than the source section: * The first entry references an existing file, therefore the meta information for that file (@index.page@) is set appropriately. * The second entry specifies that under the @root@ directory a virtual node with the path @wiki.html@ should be created (the node will be virtual as the path references no existing file). It should have the specified title and should be in the menu with the specified order. Furthermore, a special @*url*@ key is used. This key can only be used for virtual file nodes (not directory nodes) in the output section and it specifies the link target for the node. So, whenever a reference to @wiki.html@ is requested the resolved @url@ is returned. This @url@ can be a link to an outside page or it can refer to another node, as described below. The @url@ is assumed to be relative to the directory the virutal node is in. * The third entry also specifies a virtual node linking to an external page, but one which will not appear in a menu. Such nodes are normally inserted into the output section so that the {plugin: Tag/Relocatable} can be used. * The last three entries add virtual entries to the menu to show how one page can appear in more than one directory: the @virtdir/index.html@ links to the top level @index.page@ and @virtdir/other.html@ links to a page in another subdirectory, namely @/otherdir/linked.de.page@. h3(#metainfo-processing). Processing order There is clearly defined order in which meta information is applied to a node for a file: # The default meta information for a node is specified via a directive in the plugin file handler that creates the node (this means that it is possible that no default meta information is specified). If such a default meta information is set for a plugin file handler it is shown on its plugin documentation page. # Overridden by values that are set for the plugin file handler for the node in the {param: Core/FileHandler:defaultMetaInfo} parameter. # Overridden by the meta information specified for the file in the source backing section of the meta information backing file. # Now the node is created by the file handler plugin with this meta information. During the node creation, it is possible that the meta information is overridden by meta information extracted from the file by the file handler plugin (e.g. the {plugin: File/PageHandler} parses the file name to extract meta information like the title of the node and uses the meta information specified in the file itself). # After all nodes are created, meta information specified in the output backing section of the meta file backing file is applied.