include('list.js'); uki.view.table = {}; /** * Table * * Uses uki.view.List to render data. Wraps it into scroll pane and ads a header * @author voloko * @name uki.view.Table * @class * @extends uki.view.Container * * @lends uki.view.List#rowHeight as rowHeight * @lends uki.view.List#data as data * @lends uki.view.List#packSize as packSize * @lends uki.view.List#visibleRectExt as visibleRectExt * @lends uki.view.List#render as render * @lends uki.view.List#selectedIndex as selectedIndex * @lends uki.view.List#selectedIndexes as selectedIndexes * @lends uki.view.List#selectedRow as selectedRow * @lends uki.view.List#selectedRows as selectedRows * @lends uki.view.List#lastClickIndex as lastClickIndex * @lends uki.view.List#textSelectable as textSelectable * @lends uki.view.List#multiselect as multiselect * @lends uki.view.List#redrawRow as redrawRow * @lends uki.view.List#addRow as addRow * @lends uki.view.List#removeRow as removeRow * @lends uki.view.List#focusable as lastClickIndex * @lends uki.view.List#focus as focus * @lends uki.view.List#blur as blur * @lends uki.view.List#hasFocus as hasFocus * */ uki.view.declare('uki.view.Table', uki.view.Container, function(Base) { var propertiesToDelegate = 'rowHeight data packSize visibleRectExt render selectedIndex selectedIndexes selectedRows selectedRow focus blur hasFocus lastClickIndex focusable textSelectable multiselect'.split(' '); this._rowHeight = 17; this._headerHeight = 17; this._listImpl = 'uki.view.List'; uki.each(propertiesToDelegate, function(i, name) { uki.delegateProp(this, name, '_list'); }, this); this._setup = function() {; this._columns = []; this.defaultCss += 'overflow:hidden;'; }; this._style = function(name, value) {, value); return, name, value); }; /** * @function * @return {uki.view.List} * @name uki.view.Table#list */ this.list = function() { return this._list; }; /** * @function * @return {uki.view.table.Header} * @name uki.view.Table#header */ this.header = function() { return this._header; }; /** * @function * @param {Array.} c * @name uki.view.Table#columns */ this.columns = uki.newProp('_columns', function(c) { for (var i = 0; i < this._columns.length; i++) { this._columns[i].unbind(); } this._columns =; this._totalWidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < this._columns.length; i++) { this._columns[i].position(i); this._columns[i].bind('beforeResize', uki.proxy(function() { this._updateTotalWidth(); this._scrollPane.layout(); }, this)); }; this._updateTotalWidth(); this._header.columns(this._columns); }); /** * @function * @param {Number} row * @param {Number} col * @name uki.view.Table#redrawCell */ this.redrawCell = function(row, col) { var item = this._list._itemAt(row); if (item) { var cell, container = doc.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = this.columns()[col].render([row], new Rect(0, row*this.rowHeight(), this.list().width(), this.rowHeight()), row ); cell = container.firstChild; item.replaceChild(cell, item.childNodes[col]); } return this; }; uki.each(['redrawRow', 'addRow', 'removeRow'], function(i, name) { this[name] = function() { this.list()[name].apply(this.list(), arguments); return this; }; }, this); /** * @function * @param {Number} col * @name uki.view.Table#redrawColumn */ this.redrawColumn = function(col) { var from = this._list._packs[0].itemFrom, to = this._list._packs[1].itemTo; for (var i=from; i < to; i++) { this.redrawCell(i, col); }; return this; }; this._updateTotalWidth = function() { this._totalWidth = 0; for (var i=0; i < this._columns.length; i++) { this._columns[i].position(i); this._totalWidth += this._columns[i].width(); }; this._list.minSize(new Size(this._totalWidth, this._list.minSize().height)); // this._list.rect(new Rect(this._totalWidth, this._list.height())); this._header.minSize(new Size(this._totalWidth, 0)); }; this._createDom = function() {; this._initClassName(); var scrollPaneRect = new Rect(0, this._headerHeight, this.rect().width, this.rect().height - this._headerHeight), listRect = scrollPaneRect.clone().normalize(), headerRect = new Rect(0, 0, this.rect().width, this._headerHeight), listML = { view: this._listImpl, rect: listRect, anchors: 'left top bottom right', render: new uki.view.table.Render(this), className: 'table-list' }, paneML = { view: 'ScrollPane', rect: scrollPaneRect, anchors: 'left top right bottom', scrollableH: true, childViews: [listML], className: 'table-scroll-pane'}, headerML = { view: 'table.Header', rect: headerRect, anchors: 'top left right', className: 'table-header' }; uki.each(propertiesToDelegate, function(i, name) { if (this['_' + name] !== undefined) listML[name] = this['_' + name]; }, this); this._scrollPane =[0]; this._list = this._scrollPane.childViews()[0]; this._header =[0]; this._scrollPane.resizeToContents(); this.appendChild(this._header); this.appendChild(this._scrollPane); this._scrollPane.bind('scroll', uki.proxy(function() { // this is kinda wrong but faster than calling rect() + layout() this._header.dom().style.left = -this._scrollPane.scrollLeft() + 'px'; }, this)); }; }); uki.Collection.addAttrs(['columns']); include('table/render.js'); include('table/column.js'); include('table/header.js');