require 'rake' require 'benchmark' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../sim_helper' # Prepares the database schema for the performance tests. def prepare_schema session = [:left, :right].each do |database| c = session.send(database) [:big_scan, :big_rep, :big_rep_backup].each do |table| c.drop_table table rescue nil c.create_table table c.add_column table, :diff_type, :string (1..4).each {|i| c.add_column table, "text#{i}", :string} c.add_column table, :text5, :text c.add_column table, :text6, :binary (1..3).each {|i| c.add_column table, "number#{i}", :integer} c.add_column table, :number4, :float end end end BIG_SCAN_RECORD_NUMBER = 5000 # number of records to create for simulation BIG_SCAN_SEED = 123 # random number seed to make simulation repeatable # Percentage values for same, modified, left_only and right_only records in simulation BIG_SCAN_SAME = 95 BIG_SCAN_MODIFIED = BIG_SCAN_SAME + 3 BIG_SCAN_LEFT_ONLY = BIG_SCAN_MODIFIED + 1 # difference to 100% will be right_only records def big_scan_columns @@big_scan_columns ||= nil unless @@big_scan_columns session = @@big_scan_columns = session.left.column_names('big_scan') end @@big_scan_columns end def text_columns @@text_columns ||= {|column_name| column_name =~ /^text/} end def number_columns @@number_columns ||= {|column_name| column_name =~ /^number/} end def random_attributes attributes = {} text_columns.each {|column_name| attributes[column_name] = "text#{rand(1000)}"} number_columns.each {|column_name| attributes[column_name] = rand(1000)} attributes end # Populates the big_scan tables with sample data. def populate_scan_data() session = [:left, :right].each {|database| session.send(database).execute "delete from big_scan"} srand BIG_SCAN_SEED puts "\nGenerating #{BIG_SCAN_RECORD_NUMBER} records in big_scan" progress_bar = BIG_SCAN_RECORD_NUMBER (1..BIG_SCAN_RECORD_NUMBER).each do |i| # Updating progress bar progress_bar.step attributes = random_attributes attributes['id'] = i case rand(100) when 0...BIG_SCAN_SAME attributes['diff_type'] = 'same' [:left, :right].each {|database| session.send(database).insert_record 'big_scan', attributes} when BIG_SCAN_SAME...BIG_SCAN_MODIFIED attributes['diff_type'] = 'conflict' session.left.insert_record 'big_scan', attributes attribute_name = text_columns[rand(text_columns.size)] attributes[attribute_name] = attributes[attribute_name] + 'modified' attribute_name = number_columns[rand(number_columns.size)] attributes[attribute_name] = attributes[attribute_name] + 10000 session.right.insert_record 'big_scan', attributes when BIG_SCAN_MODIFIED...BIG_SCAN_LEFT_ONLY attributes['diff_type'] = 'left' session.left.insert_record 'big_scan', attributes else attributes['diff_type'] = 'right' session.right.insert_record 'big_scan', attributes end end end BIG_REP_CHANGE_NUMBER = 5000 # number of records to create for simulation BIG_REP_SEED = 456 # random number seed to make simulation repeatable # Percentage values for inserts, updates and deletes in simulation BIG_REP_INSERT = 45 BIG_REP_UPDATE = BIG_REP_INSERT + 30 # different to 100% will be deletes # Populates the big_rep tables with sample data and changes. def populate_rep_data session = initializer = session # step 1: clear change log; ensure trigger, initialize big_rep table from data in big_scan [:left, :right].each do |database| initializer.drop_trigger(database, 'big_rep') rescue nil session.send(database).execute "delete from big_rep" session.send(database).execute "insert into big_rep select * from big_scan where diff_type = 'same'" session.send(database).execute "delete from rr_pending_changes" initializer.create_trigger(database, 'big_rep') end # step 2: generate changes srand BIG_REP_SEED # Keep tracks of the record ids in each database all_ids = {} all_ids[:left] = session.left.select_all("select id from big_rep").map {|row| row['id']} all_ids[:right] = all_ids[:left].clone # Next available id value next_id = session.left.select_one("select max(id) + 1 as id from big_rep")['id'].to_i puts "\nGenerating #{BIG_REP_CHANGE_NUMBER} changes in big_rep" progress_bar = BIG_REP_CHANGE_NUMBER (1..BIG_REP_CHANGE_NUMBER).each do # Updating progress bar progress_bar.step database = [:left, :right][rand(2)] case rand(100) when 0...BIG_REP_INSERT attributes = random_attributes attributes['diff_type'] = 'insert' attributes['id'] = next_id all_ids[database] << next_id next_id += 1 session.send(database).insert_record 'big_rep', attributes when BIG_REP_INSERT...BIG_REP_UPDATE id = all_ids[database][rand(all_ids[database].size)] attributes = session.send(database).select_one("select * from big_rep where id = '#{id}'") column = number_columns[rand(number_columns.size)] attributes[column] = rand(1000) session.send(database).update_record 'big_rep', attributes else i = rand(all_ids[database].size) id = all_ids[database].delete_at(i) session.send(database).delete_record 'big_rep', 'id' => id end end # step 3: move data into backup tables [:left, :right].each do |database| session.send(database).execute "delete from big_rep_backup" session.send(database).execute "insert into big_rep_backup select * from big_rep" session.send(database).drop_table "big_rep_pending_changes" rescue nil session.send(database).execute "create table big_rep_pending_changes as select * from rr_pending_changes" initializer.drop_trigger database, 'big_rep' session.send(database).execute "delete from big_rep" session.send(database).execute "delete from rr_pending_changes" end end # Generates the sample data def populate_data populate_scan_data populate_rep_data end # Prepares the database for the performance simulations def prepare prepare_schema puts "time required: " + Benchmark.measure {populate_data}.to_s end namespace :sims do namespace :performance do desc "Prepare database" task :prepare do prepare end desc "Runs the big_scan simulation" task :scan do Spec::Runner::OptionParser.parse( ['--options', "spec/spec.opts", "./sims/performance/big_scan_spec.rb"], $stdout, $stderr)) end desc "Runs the big_sync simulation" task :sync do Spec::Runner::OptionParser.parse( ['--options', "spec/spec.opts", "./sims/performance/big_sync_spec.rb"], $stdout, $stderr)) end desc "Runs the big_rep simulation" task :rep do Spec::Runner::OptionParser.parse( ['--options', "spec/spec.opts", "./sims/performance/big_rep_spec.rb"], $stdout, $stderr)) end begin require 'ruby-prof/task' do |t| t.test_files = FileList["./sims/performance/*_spec.rb"] t.output_dir = 'profile' t.printer = :flat t.min_percent = 1 end rescue LoadError end end end