## Version 0.0.19 * Fix caching error in Api.get\_register\_data ## Version 0.0.18 * Term's end attribute is now finish * Event's end attribute is now finish * Evening's evening\_id attribute is now id * DueBadge's totals attribute is now a method (totals are calculated each time rather than during initialization) * Added exception ArgumentIsInvalid (raised when argument.valid? is false when updating through the API) * The following models now use active\_attr: * Activity, Activity::File, Activity::Badge and Activity::Version * ApiAccess * DueBadges * Evening and Evening::Activity * Event * Grouping * Member * RegisterData * RegisterField * Role * Section and Section::FlexiRecord * Term ## Version 0.0.17 * Fix try method is undefined * Since 1/1/1970 is the epoch used by the OSM API, this date will be treated as nil (except member's date of birth) * DueBadges now calculates the totals in the initialize method (no need to pass it in anymore) ## Version 0.0.16 * -2 is a valid grouping\_id value (corrected in Grouping) ## Version 0.0.15 * Add :debug option to Api.configure * -2 is a valid grouping\_id value * Fix check of :section\_id in Member.initalize (apparently 0 is allowd in the API return data) * Fix role's section not being set from API data ## Version 0.0.14 * Fix Api.get_register\_data\ returning wrong object * Fix check of :num\_scouts in Section.initalize ## Version 0.0.13 * Fix bug - invalid grouping\_leader in member incorrectly risen for -1 ## Version 0.0.12 * EveningActivity class renamed to Evening::Activity * Change of method return types * Activity.badges now returns an array of Osm::Activity::Badge objects * Activity.files now returns an array of Osm::Activity::File objects * Activity.versions now returns an array of Osm::Activity::Version objects * Section.flexi_records now returns an array of Osm::Section::FlexiRecord objects * Api.get\_register\_structure now returns an array of RegisterField objects * Api.get\_register becomes Api.get\_register\_data and now returns an array of RegisterData objects * Attribute name changes: * Activity::Badge.section becomes section\_type * Activity::File.file\_id becomes id * Section.extra\_records becomes flexi\_records * Member.joined\_in\_years attribute becomes joining\_in\_years * from\_api method added to: * Activity and sub classes * ApiAccess * DueBadges * Evening and Evening::Activity * Event * Grouping * Member * RegisterData * RegisterField * Role * Section * Term ## Version 0.0.11 * Fix undefined variable in id\_for\_term ## Version 0.0.10 * Fix handling an empty array being returned from OSM for fields (presumably if not allowed to view) * Fix undefined variable in id\_for\_term ## Version 0.0.9 * Allow passing of Osm::Term objects as well as term IDs * Allow passing of Osm::Section objects as well as section IDs * Allow configuration of text prepended to keys used in the cache (:cache\_prepend\_to\_key option to configure method) * Require setting of cache class to use caching (:cache option to configure method) ## version 0.0.8 * Fix unknown variable when updating evening ## version 0.0.7 * Work on documentation: * Clarify use of 'mystery' attributes * Rename ProgrammeItem to Evening (and move ProgrammeActivity to Evening->EveningActivity) ## Version 0.0.6 * Usage changes: * When calling an api.get\_\* method api_data is now passed as an additional paramter not as part of the options * Work on documentation: * Tidy up params * Tidy up returns * Add class attributes * Update README file: * Improve installation instructions * Add use section * Add versioning section ## Version 0.0.5 * Bug fix ## Version 0.0.4 * Bug fix ## Version 0.0.3 * Retrieve grouping points from OSM * Respond to OSM chaninging how it returns member's groupings ## Version 0.0.2 * Bug fixes ## Version 0.0.1 * Initial release.