module Gridify class GridColumn attr_accessor :name, # attribute name (required) :label, :ar_column, # active_record column :value_type, # active_record data type :string, :text, :integer, :float, :boolean, + :currency :key, # true if this is the key (only :id) # column formatting :width, # initial width (150) :fixed_width, # true = not resized when recalc fit to width :formatter, # see jqGrid doc (based on value_type) :format_options, # hash, see jqGrid doc (based on value_type) :align, # 'left', 'right', 'center' (left for strings, right for numerics) #:classes, # optional classes to add to column # column actions :resizable, # t/f (true) :sortable, # t/f (true) or jqGrid sorttype: :integer, :float, :currency, :date, :text (true) :searchable, # true/false (true) or text or select #:search_options, :editable, # true/false (false), :edit_type, # text, textarea, select, checkbox, password, button, image and file (based on value_type) :edit_options, # html input field options, depends on editable type (eg {"size" => 10, "maxlength" => 15}) see :validations, # jqGrid editrules (TODO derive from AR model validations) see # "required" "integer" "email" "url" etc :form_options, # jqGrid formoptions for formatting input forms # select types #:select_url, # url to dynamically get select options # visiblity #:always_hidden, # (false) :sort_type, :summary_type, :summary_tpl, :hidden # initial hide state (false) def initialize(options) update options end def update(options) options.each { |atr, val| send("#{atr}=", val) } end def to_json properties.to_json #_with_js end def properties jqgrid_properties end def resizable if @resizable==false false else # true or nil true end end def fixed_width if @fixed_width==false false elsif @fixed_width.nil? !resizable else @fixed_width end end # ---------------- private def jqgrid_type return sortable unless sortable==true case value_type when :string : 'text' when :text : 'text' when :integer : 'integer' when :float : 'float' when :boolean : 'boolean' when :datetime : 'date' end end # note, we dont vals[:foo] = foo because dont want to bother generating key if its same as jqGrid default def jqgrid_properties vals = { :name => name.gsub(".", "__"), :index => name } #xmlmap not required when same as :name # vals[:xmlmap] = name if data_type == :xml # vals[:jsonmap] = name if data_type == :json vals[:label] = label || name.titleize vals[:resizable] = false if resizable==false vals[:fixed] = fixed_width unless fixed_width==false vals[:sortable] = false if sortable==false vals[:sort_type] = jqgrid_type if sortable vals[:search] = false if searchable==false vals[:editable] = true if editable vals[:align] = align if align #vals[:align] = 'right' if [:integer, :float, :currency].include?(value_type) case value_type when :datetime vals[:formatter] = 'date' vals[:formatoptions] = {:srcformat => 'UniversalSortableDateTime', :newformat => 'FullDateTime'} end vals[:hidden] = true if hidden vals[:width] = width if width vals[:formatter] = formatter if formatter vals[:formatoptions] = format_options if format_options vals[:edittype] = edit_type if editable && edit_type vals[:formoptions] = form_options if editable && form_options vals[:editoptions] = edit_options if editable && edit_options vals[:editrules] = validations if editable && validations vals[:sort_type] = sort_type if sort_type vals[:summaryType] = summary_type if summary_type vals[:summaryTpl] = summary_tpl if summary_tpl # and more... vals end end end #