#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' VERSION = "6.0.0" @root_dir = File.expand_path('~') @root_lib_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'Library') @root_developer_dir = File.join(@root_lib_dir, 'Developer') @root_xcode_dir = File.join(@root_developer_dir, 'Xcode') @root_template_dir = File.join(@root_xcode_dir, 'Templates') @root_xcfit_dir = File.join(@root_template_dir, 'XCFit') @root_gherkin_dir = File.join(@root_template_dir, 'Gherkin') # @source_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'XCFit_Templates') # @source_xcfit_dir = File.join(@source_dir, 'XCFit') # @source_gherkin_dir = File.join(@source_dir, 'Gherkin') puts "Welcome to XCFit: Full Stack BDD framework for iOS app" puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" def clone_xcfit # system("cd /tmp") system("cd /tmp && curl -sL https://github.com/Shashikant86/XCFit/archive/#{VERSION}.tar.gz | tar xz") puts "*******======= Downloading XCFit Templates for the Xcode =============***" @src_template_dir = "/tmp/XCFit-#{VERSION}/XCFit_Templates" @xcfit_template_dir = "/tmp/XCFit-#{VERSION}/XCFit_Templates/XCFit" @gherkin_template_dir = "/tmp/XCFit-#{VERSION}/XCFit_Templates/Gherkin" @fastlane_template_dir = "/tmp/XCFit-#{VERSION}/Fastlane" end def clean_xcfit system("rm -rf /tmp/XCFit-#{VERSION}/") end def setup_xcode_templates if File.exist?(@root_xcfit_dir) puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" puts 'There is already XCFit directory in Xcode Templates. Looks like you are trying Fitnesse Templates ' puts 'Templates are being installed at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/XCFit directory' puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" end clone_xcfit puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" puts 'Creating XCode Template for XCFit' puts 'This Template will allow you create Cucumberish and Fitnesse targets' puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" FileUtils.cp_r(@src_template_dir, @root_template_dir) clean_xcfit puts 'Now Your Xcode will have XCFIT iOS and macOS tagets for Cucumberish and Fitnesse' puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" puts 'File -> New -->Target-->XCFit' puts 'You wont need to restart Xcode but do so if nesessary!' puts " ***************** Enjoy XCFit *****************" end def setup_xcfit_podfile puts '=======Creating Template Podfile for the XCFit project' puts '=======You need to replace targets with your project targets and comment unwanted targets ========' system("curl -s -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shashikant86/XCFit/master/Cocoapods/Podfile") puts "Podfile successfully created in the current working directory here at #{Dir.getwd}/Podfile" end def setup_xcfit_fastfile puts '=======Creating Template Podfile for the XCFit project' puts '=======You need to replace schemes and other varibales as required ========' clone_xcfit puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" puts "==================XXXXXXXX===========================" FileUtils.cp_r(@fastlane_template_dir, FileUtils.pwd()) clean_xcfit end def print_usage puts < can be one of setup_xcode_templates generate a Xcode Templates for the XCUI, Fitnesse and Cucumberish setup_xcfit_podfile Creates template Podfile for the XCFit project covering all targets. setup_xcfit_fastfile Creates template Fastfile to run tests with fastlane. version prints the XCFit version help prints more detailed help information. can be -v, --verbose Turns on verbose logging EOF end def print_help puts < can be one of help setup_xcode_templates setup_xcfit_podfile setup_xcfit_fastfile version Commands: help : prints more detailed help information. setup_xcode_templates : Generate a Xcode Target and File Templates for the XCUI, Fitnesse and Cucumberish setup_xcfit_podfile : Creates template Podfile for the XCFit project covering all targets. setup_xcfit_fastfile : Creates template Fastfile to run tests with fastlane. version : prints the XCFit version -v, --verbose Turns on verbose logging EOF end if ARGV.length == 0 print_usage else cmd = ARGV.shift if cmd == 'help' print_help elsif cmd == 'setup_xcode_templates' setup_xcode_templates elsif cmd == 'setup_xcfit_podfile' setup_xcfit_podfile elsif cmd == 'setup_xcfit_fastfile' setup_xcfit_fastfile elsif cmd == 'version' puts "#{VERSION}" else print_usage end end