== 2.0.2 released 2009-08-22 * Define methods during method_missing instead of during initialization. Allows for modification on the fly. == 2.0.0 released 2009-08-22 * Less magic, instead of automatically defining a Settings constant, you should define your own constant. See the readme for an example. == 1.0.3 released 2009-04-23 * Fix Settings initialized with a Hash to work with both symbol and string hash keys. == 1.0.2 released 2009-04-09 * Call key? off of the self in the class level name method. == 1.0.1 released 2009-04-02 * Inherit from hash. == 1.0.0 released 2008-12-05 * Only define methods if we have settings. == 0.9.0 released 2008-10-30 * Initial release