# frozen_string_literal: true
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cartesian toplevel interface
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module RGeo
module Cartesian
class << self
# Creates and returns a cartesian factory of the preferred
# Cartesian implementation.
# The actual implementation returned depends on which ruby
# interpreter is running and what libraries are available.
# RGeo will try to provide a fully-functional and performant
# implementation if possible. If not, the simple Cartesian
# implementation will be returned.
# In practice, this means it returns a Geos implementation if
# available; otherwise it falls back to the simple implementation.
# The given options are passed to the factory's constructor.
# What options are available depends on the particular
# implementation. See RGeo::Geos.factory and
# RGeo::Cartesian.simple_factory for details. Unsupported options
# are ignored.
def preferred_factory(opts = {})
if RGeo::Geos.supported?
alias factory preferred_factory
# Returns a factory for the simple Cartesian implementation. This
# implementation provides all SFS 1.1 types, and also allows Z and
# M coordinates. It does not depend on external libraries, and is
# thus always available, but it does not implement many of the more
# advanced geometric operations. These limitations are:
# * Relational operators such as Feature::Geometry#intersects? are
# not implemented for most types.
# * Relational constructors such as Feature::Geometry#union are
# not implemented for most types.
# * Buffer and convex hull calculations are not implemented for most
# types. Boundaries are available except for GeometryCollection.
# * Length calculations are available, but areas are not. Distances
# are available only between points.
# * Equality and simplicity evaluation are implemented for some but
# not all types.
# * Assertions for polygons and multipolygons are not implemented.
# Unimplemented operations may raise Error::UnsupportedOperation
# if invoked.
# Options include:
# [:srid]
# Set the SRID returned by geometries created by this factory.
# Default is 0.
# [:proj4]
# The coordinate system in Proj4 format, either as a
# CoordSys::Proj4 object or as a string or hash representing the
# proj4 format. Optional.
# [:coord_sys]
# The coordinate system in OGC form, either as a subclass of
# CoordSys::CS::CoordinateSystem, or as a string in WKT format.
# Optional.
# [:srs_database]
# Optional. If provided, the value should be an implementation of
# CoordSys::SRSDatabase::Interface. If both this and an SRID are
# provided, they are used to look up the proj4 and coord_sys
# objects from a spatial reference system database.
# [:has_z_coordinate]
# Support a Z coordinate. Default is false.
# [:has_m_coordinate]
# Support an M coordinate. Default is false.
# [:uses_lenient_assertions]
# If set to true, assertion checking is disabled. This includes
# simplicity checking on LinearRing, and validity checks on
# Polygon and MultiPolygon. This may speed up creation of certain
# objects, at the expense of not doing the proper checking for
# OGC compliance. Default is false.
# [:wkt_parser]
# Configure the parser for WKT. The value is a hash of
# configuration parameters for WKRep::WKTParser.new. Default is
# the empty hash, indicating the default configuration for
# WKRep::WKTParser.
# [:wkb_parser]
# Configure the parser for WKB. The value is a hash of
# configuration parameters for WKRep::WKBParser.new. Default is
# the empty hash, indicating the default configuration for
# WKRep::WKBParser.
# [:wkt_generator]
# Configure the generator for WKT. The value is a hash of
# configuration parameters for WKRep::WKTGenerator.new.
# Default is {:convert_case => :upper}.
# [:wkb_generator]
# Configure the generator for WKT. The value is a hash of
# configuration parameters for WKRep::WKTGenerator.new.
# Default is the empty hash, indicating the default configuration
# for WKRep::WKBGenerator.
def simple_factory(opts = {})
# Returns a Feature::FactoryGenerator that creates preferred
# factories. The given options are used as the default options.
# A common case for this is to provide the :srs_database
# as a default. Then, the factory generator need only be passed
# an SRID and it will automatically fetch the appropriate Proj4
# and CoordSys objects.
def preferred_factory_generator(defaults = {})
proc { |c| preferred_factory(defaults.merge(c)) }
alias factory_generator preferred_factory_generator
# Returns a Feature::FactoryGenerator that creates simple factories.
# The given options are used as the default options.
# A common case for this is to provide the :srs_database
# as a default. Then, the factory generator need only be passed
# an SRID and it will automatically fetch the appropriate Proj4
# and CoordSys objects.
def simple_factory_generator(defaults = {})
proc { |c| simple_factory(defaults.merge(c)) }