module ZK module Client # Wraps calls to zookeeper so that the requests are made asynchronously, # but still provides a blocking API # # @private class ContinuationProxy include ZK::Logging attr_accessor :zookeeper_cnx # @private def self.call_with_continuation(*syms) syms.each do |sym| class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__+1) def #{sym}(opts) logger.debug { "_call_continue(#{sym.inspect}, \#{opts.inspect})" } _call_continue(#{sym.inspect}, opts) end EOS end end call_with_continuation :get, :set, :stat, :children, :delete, :get_acl, :set_acl def initialize(zookeeper_cnx=nil) @zookeeper_cnx = zookeeper_cnx @mutex = @dropboxen = [] end # create is "special" because the return hash doesn't have a :path, it has a :string def create(opts) logger.debug { "_call_continue(create, #{opts.inspect})" } _call_continue(:create, opts).tap do |rval| rval[:path] = rval.delete(:string) end end # called by the multiplxed client to wake up threads that are waiting for # results (with an exception) # @private def connection_closed! _oh_noes(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::NotConnected, 'connection closed') end # called by the multiplxed client to wake up threads that are waiting for # results (with an exception) # @private def expired_session! _oh_noes(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::SessionExpired, 'session expired') end private def method_missing(m, *a, &b) @zookeeper_cnx.respond_to?(m) ? @zookeeper_cnx.__send__(m, *a, &b) : super end def _oh_noes(exception, message) @mutex.synchronize do @dropboxen.each do |db| db.oh_noes!(exception, message) end end end # not really callcc, but close enough # opts should be an options hash as passed through to the Zookeeper # layer def _call_continue(meth, opts) _assert_not_async!(meth, opts) opts = opts.dup _with_drop_box do |db| cb = lambda do |hash| # logger.debug { "#{self.class}##{__method__} block pushing: #{hash.inspect}" } db.push(hash) end opts[:callback] = cb @zookeeper_cnx.__send__(meth, opts) # db.pop.tap do |obj| # logger.debug { "#{self.class}##{__method__} popped and returning: #{obj.inspect}" } # end db.pop end end def _with_drop_box db = DropBox.current @mutex.synchronize { @dropboxen << db } yield db ensure @mutex.synchronize { @dropboxen.delete(db) } db.clear end def _assert_not_async!(meth, opts) return unless opts.has_key?(:callback) raise ArgumentError, "you cannot use async callbacks with a Multiplexed client! meth: #{meth.inspect}, opts: #{opts.inspect}" end end # ContinuationProxy end end