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Border Editor]The object of type '{0}' and value '{1}' has already been disposed and may no longer be used.GGetOppositeSides() cannot accept a Sides value that contains all sides.CancelCloseErrorOKChange Reference... Description:Name:Owner:Clear ReferenceCreate '{0}' InstanceType:(none)The object '{0}' with key '{1}' cannot be added to the collection '{2}' because the collection already contains an object with the same Key property value.VThe object '{0}' cannot be added to the collection '{1}' if it has an empty Key value.iThe object '{0}' does not inherit from IKeyedLogicalTreeNode and cannot be added to the collection '{1}'.This product can connect to a web service on to determine if a new version of this product is available. No personal information from your system is sent during this transmission.Check for update/This product includes the following components: ComponentsCopy to ClipboardpPlease remember that one license needs to be purchased for EACH developer who uses this product on your project. Error Code License KeyxError: The license key that was entered may not be used in design mode. Please contact Actipro Software for assistance.wError: This {0} license expired on {1:d}. Please purchase the proper number of licenses to continue using the product.QThis {0} is licensed to {1}. {2} developer(s) are permitted to use this product. Unlimited;5This {0} license will expire in {1} day(s), on {2:d}.pError: The licensee or license key that was entered is invalid. Please contact Actipro Software for assistance.nError: The system date has been modified to an invalid value. Please contact Actipro Software for assistance.hError: An exception occurred while loading the license. Please contact Actipro Software for assistance.Error: No licensing information was found in the assembly that calls the component. Check for a valid licenses.licx entry in the calling project.kError: This {0} license expired on {1:d}. Please visit Actipro Software's web site for an updated version.qError: This add-on product is unlicensed. Please visit Actipro Software's web site to purchase a license for it.LicenseLicenseeProduct7Visit our web site for new versions and licensing info: Purchase NowPurchase securely on-line at:If this product release is a Full release and you have obtained the correct number of licenses for your project, you are licensed to distribute the following files royalty free with the distributables of your application/library.Redistributables:RedistributablesReleaseSource>This build {0} is the latest release version, released on {1}.#This is the latest release version. Update CheckThis is version {0}. The latest release version is version {1}, released on {2}. Would you like to download an evaluation version of the new release?No product version information was able to be downloaded. Please visit our web site for the latest product release information. The problem indicated was: {0} {1} {2}nNo product version could be determined. Please visit our web site for the latest product release information. Version {0}, using Shared {0}IThe position must indicate a percentage by falling between 0.0f and 1.0f.;The specified object '{0}' was not found in the collection.>The specified index '{0}' was out of range for the collection. Beta releaseThis beta release is an early preview of most of the product's capabilities upon final release. Its interfaces may still change dramatically before final release. It should be used for testing only and is illegal to be used in production code.Evaluation releaseThis evaluation release is a trial version of the product. It may or may not contain certain limitations such as limited-time use or disabled features. It should be used for testing only and is illegal to be used in production code. Visit our web site to purchase licenses for this product. Full releaseThis full release is the final release version of the product. Please make sure you have the correct number of licenses for your organization. Pre-releaseThis pre-release is an early release of the product. While its interfaces have not yet been completely finalized, they are not expected to change much before final release. It should be used for testing only and is illegal to be used in production code.FThe focus must indicate a percentage by falling between 0.0f and 1.0f.FThe scale must indicate a percentage by falling between 0.0f and 1.0f.TIf a # is specified as the start of a web color, six hexadecimal digits must follow.C)System.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlibsSystem.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089kSystem.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Windows.Forms.ImageListStreamer, System.Windows.Forms, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]System.String, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089PADPUAfD;j6actiproLogoPictureBox.Image*imageList.ImageStream:redistributableInfoLabel.Text TSystem.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.BitmapData PNG  IHDR'IAsRGBgAMA a cHRMz&u0`:pQ<PLTENNNh% 4EEEr' "ẍUUU&KKK5}}}GyyyZZZIII^QQQsܼGGG3ȢݕԚeeeӦaaaۚӂi iiiθٻ쥥ڴrrrԪꁁյC$ڣmmm ю̧ݪJ]]]vvvӼCړF]!GRRӒ|̕P$֕ެX(ܧڍBBB K."׆ԏ???o]΄ѵנݞԚש҄ԹظД(ՏPPPCd IDATXG}\S5)"$FErABMi5TAkc "jTpe ;*Z6ٚڭpνto9@QV+<{~ssr1f >6s>rȁ+OOtőoξ}$7!A.y=w rq7t՝k{~ږ=}i]]X,.lc~sSg :wRtN<^RRRWX?~{fZD=8EݎV7F(+<Ա.Ž겔{2g-CdHWLNk}F(a g}t}RW8#[ZV`q?0hjq|kC~Cѳ>ig3c8>rʠ!C&/hD):a\(=oƘvZ}ǘ~!S8p29N# ir/lСv\G'9-\zn>tɮ7QDAA.q'!& ZWQvhm Y+8йJ R[YO/ޥW2) aa_ :IFج,z.R XHiZdՓ4$4nRR(Rc"hZWjD9`6Q`qXk?^0'fݫ^run`BCѤܘ2hIA%kI\ij(KS`H XT>FtepI;|5Ҧ(sI9 P8nKKv:U$0D :j[p4(\ȫ DA~YFXM6߳H*Xm;)|rod0UݰOk"H0k\&xua)T r QO дl! ˑ fE! 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All rights reserved.,LegalTrademarks l!OriginalFilenameActiproSoftware.Shared.Net11.dll0ProductNameShared8 ProductVersion1.0.91.0< Assembly Version1.0.91.0` 3