"use strict"; const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper"); const HTMLElementImpl = require("./HTMLElement-impl").implementation; const { HTML_NS } = require("../helpers/namespaces"); const { domSymbolTree } = require("../helpers/internal-constants"); const { firstChildWithLocalName, childrenByLocalName } = require("../helpers/traversal"); const HTMLCollection = require("../generated/HTMLCollection"); const NODE_TYPE = require("../node-type"); function tHeadInsertionPoint(table) { const iterator = domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(table); for (const child of iterator) { if (child.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } if (child._namespaceURI !== HTML_NS || (child._localName !== "caption" && child._localName !== "colgroup")) { return child; } } return null; } class HTMLTableElementImpl extends HTMLElementImpl { get caption() { return firstChildWithLocalName(this, "caption"); } set caption(value) { const currentCaption = this.caption; if (currentCaption !== null) { this.removeChild(currentCaption); } if (value !== null) { const insertionPoint = this.firstChild; this.insertBefore(value, insertionPoint); } } get tHead() { return firstChildWithLocalName(this, "thead"); } set tHead(value) { if (value !== null && value._localName !== "thead") { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ "Cannot set a non-thead element as a table header", "HierarchyRequestError" ]); } const currentHead = this.tHead; if (currentHead !== null) { this.removeChild(currentHead); } if (value !== null) { const insertionPoint = tHeadInsertionPoint(this); this.insertBefore(value, insertionPoint); } } get tFoot() { return firstChildWithLocalName(this, "tfoot"); } set tFoot(value) { if (value !== null && value._localName !== "tfoot") { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ "Cannot set a non-tfoot element as a table footer", "HierarchyRequestError" ]); } const currentFoot = this.tFoot; if (currentFoot !== null) { this.removeChild(currentFoot); } if (value !== null) { this.appendChild(value); } } get rows() { if (!this._rows) { this._rows = HTMLCollection.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { element: this, query: () => { const headerRows = []; const bodyRows = []; const footerRows = []; const iterator = domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(this); for (const child of iterator) { if (child.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE || child._namespaceURI !== HTML_NS) { continue; } if (child._localName === "thead") { headerRows.push(...childrenByLocalName(child, "tr")); } else if (child._localName === "tbody") { bodyRows.push(...childrenByLocalName(child, "tr")); } else if (child._localName === "tfoot") { footerRows.push(...childrenByLocalName(child, "tr")); } else if (child._localName === "tr") { bodyRows.push(child); } } return [...headerRows, ...bodyRows, ...footerRows]; } }); } return this._rows; } get tBodies() { if (!this._tBodies) { this._tBodies = HTMLCollection.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { element: this, query: () => childrenByLocalName(this, "tbody") }); } return this._tBodies; } createTBody() { const el = this._ownerDocument.createElement("TBODY"); const tbodies = childrenByLocalName(this, "tbody"); const insertionPoint = tbodies[tbodies.length - 1]; if (insertionPoint) { this.insertBefore(el, insertionPoint.nextSibling); } else { this.appendChild(el); } return el; } createTHead() { let el = this.tHead; if (!el) { el = this.tHead = this._ownerDocument.createElement("THEAD"); } return el; } deleteTHead() { this.tHead = null; } createTFoot() { let el = this.tFoot; if (!el) { el = this.tFoot = this._ownerDocument.createElement("TFOOT"); } return el; } deleteTFoot() { this.tFoot = null; } createCaption() { let el = this.caption; if (!el) { el = this.caption = this._ownerDocument.createElement("CAPTION"); } return el; } deleteCaption() { const c = this.caption; if (c) { c.parentNode.removeChild(c); } } insertRow(index) { if (index < -1 || index > this.rows.length) { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ "Cannot insert a row at an index that is less than -1 or greater than the number of existing rows", "IndexSizeError" ]); } const tr = this._ownerDocument.createElement("tr"); if (this.rows.length === 0 && this.tBodies.length === 0) { const tBody = this._ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"); tBody.appendChild(tr); this.appendChild(tBody); } else if (this.rows.length === 0) { const tBody = this.tBodies.item(this.tBodies.length - 1); tBody.appendChild(tr); } else if (index === -1 || index === this.rows.length) { const tSection = this.rows.item(this.rows.length - 1).parentNode; tSection.appendChild(tr); } else { const beforeTR = this.rows.item(index); const tSection = beforeTR.parentNode; tSection.insertBefore(tr, beforeTR); } return tr; } deleteRow(index) { const rowLength = this.rows.length; if (index < -1 || index >= rowLength) { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ `Cannot delete a row at index ${index}, where no row exists`, "IndexSizeError" ]); } if (index === -1) { if (rowLength === 0) { return; } index = rowLength - 1; } const tr = this.rows.item(index); tr.parentNode.removeChild(tr); } } module.exports = { implementation: HTMLTableElementImpl };