var z = 500; checkExternalClick = function(event) { if (jQuery('.activedropdown').length === 0) { jQuery('.activedropdown').removeClass('activedropdown'); jQuery('.options').hide(); } }; function InitCustomSelects() { jQuery(document).mousedown(checkExternalClick); jQuery('select.customize').each(function() { if(!jQuery(this).parent().hasClass('enhanced') && !jQuery(this).parent().hasClass('dataTables_length')) { var targetselect = jQuery(this); // set our target as the parent and mark as such var target = targetselect.parent(); targetselect.hide(); var val = targetselect.val(); // prep the target for our new markup targetselect.before( "
    " ); target.addClass('enhanced').find('.dropdown').css('zIndex',z); z--; // parse all options within the select and set indices var indexId = 0, optgroupId = 0; targetselect.find('option').each(function() { /* Webpulser modifications for optgroups */ var option = jQuery(this); var optGroup = option.parents('optgroup:first'); //if this option is in an optgroup if(optGroup.length > 0){ if("drew")!=1){ //add the optgroup label in the first target .options ul and add an id on optgroup target.find('.options ul:eq(0)').append( "
  • \ " + jQuery(optGroup).attr('label') + "\ \
  • " ); //add an ul li in this optgroup by its id jQuery(optGroup).children('option').each(function(){ var group = jQuery(this);"drew", 1); target.find('.options ul #optgroup_content-'+optgroupId+'').append('
  • ' + group.text() + '
  • '); if (':selected')) { targetselect.parents('dl').find('a.dropdown_toggle'). append(''+group.text()+''); } indexId++; }); optgroupId++; } } else { /* Eo Modifications for optgroups*/ // add the option target.find('.options ul:eq(0)').append( "
  • \ " + option.text() + "" + indexId + "\
  • " ); // check to see if this is what the default should be if (':selected')) { targetselect.siblings('dl').find('a.dropdown_toggle'). append(''+option.text()+''); } indexId++; } }); } }); // let's hook our links, ya? jQuery('a.dropdown_toggle').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var theseOptions = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('.options'); if(theseOptions.css('display')=='block') { jQuery('.activedropdown').removeClass('activedropdown'); theseOptions.hide(); } else {'activedropdown'); } return false; }); // bind to clicking a new option value jQuery('.options .option a').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var option = jQuery(this); jQuery('.options').hide(); var enhanced = option.parents('.enhanced'); var realselect = enhanced.find('select:first'); // set the proper index realselect.selectedIndex = option.find('span.index').text(); realselect.find('option').attr('selected', false); realselect.find('option:eq('+option.find('span.index').text()+')').attr('selected', true); /* Begin of Webpulser code */ realselect.trigger('change'); enhanced.find('.dropdown').addClass(realselect.val()); /* End of Webpulser code */ // update the pseudo selected element enhanced.find('.dropdown_toggle'). html(''+option.find('span.value').text()+''); return false; }); // No clicks on optgroup label jQuery('.options .optgroup a').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }); }