# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: errors: messages: inclusion: "is not included in the list" assignable_values: song: genre: pop: 'Pop music' rock: 'Rock music' multi_genres: pop: 'Pop music' rock: 'Rock music' virtual_multi_genres: pop: 'Pop music' rock: 'Rock music' virtual_sub_genre: pop: 'Pop music' rock: 'Rock music' year: '1977': 'The year a new hope was born' '1980': 'The year the Empire struck back' '1983': 'The year the Jedi returned' song/serious_representation: year: '1977': 'year 1977' '1980': 'year 1980' '1983': 'year 1983' recording/vinyl: year: '1977': 'The year a new hope was born' '1980': 'The year the Empire struck back' '1983': 'The year the Jedi returned'