* Using the gem $ beaker --log-level debug --hosts sample.cfg --tests test.rb * Using latest git $ bundle exec beaker --log-level debug --hosts sample.cfg --tests test.rb ##Useful options * `-h, --hosts FILE `, the hosts that you are going to be testing with * `--log-level debug`, for providing verbose logging and full stacktraces on failure * `--[no-]provision`, indicates if beaker should provision new boxes upon test execution. If `no` is selected then beaker will attempt to connect to the hosts as defined in `--hosts FILE` without first creating/running them through their hypervisors * `--preserve-hosts [MODE]`, indicates what should be done with the testing boxes after tests are complete. If `always` is selected then the boxes will be preserved and left running post-testing. If `onfail` is selected then the boxes will be preserved only if tests fail, otherwise they will be shut down and destroyed. If `never` is selected then the boxes will be shut down and destroyed no matter the testing results. * `--parse-only`, read and parse all command line options, environment options and file options; report the parsed options and exit. ##The Rest See all options with * Using the gem $ beaker --help * Using latest git $ bundle exec beaker --help