# The main Smartcloud Grids Git driver module Smartcloud module Grids class Runner < Smartcloud::Base def initialize end def self.up if Smartcloud::Docker.running? # Creating swapfile # self.create_swapfile # Creating images self.create_images # Creating & Starting containers if system("docker image inspect smartcloud/runner", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) && system("docker image inspect smartcloud/buildpacks/rails", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) print "-----> Creating container runner ... " if system("docker create \ --name='runner' \ --env VIRTUAL_PROTO=fastcgi \ --env VIRTUAL_HOST=#{Smartcloud.config.git_domain} \ --env LETSENCRYPT_HOST=#{Smartcloud.config.git_domain} \ --env LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=#{Smartcloud.config.sysadmin_email} \ --env LETSENCRYPT_TEST=#{Smartcloud.config.letsencrypt_test} \ --env GIT_PROJECT_ROOT=#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/repositories \ --env GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL="" \ --expose='9000' \ --volume='#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/config:#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/config' \ --volume='#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner:#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner' \ --volume='/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock' \ --user=#{File.basename(Smartcloud.config.user_home_path)} \ --workdir='#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps' \ --restart='always' \ --network='nginx-network' \ smartcloud/runner \ spawn-fcgi -n -p 9000 /usr/bin/fcgiwrap -f", out: File::NULL) puts "done" print "-----> Starting container runner ... " if system("docker start runner", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end end end end def self.down if Smartcloud::Docker.running? # Stopping & Removing containers - in reverse order if system("docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' 'runner'", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) print "-----> Stopping container runner ... " if system("docker stop 'runner'", out: File::NULL) puts "done" print "-----> Removing container runner ... " if system("docker rm 'runner'", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end else puts "-----> Container 'runner' is currently not running." end # Removing images self.destroy_images # Removing swapfile # self.destroy_swapfile end end def self.create_swapfile # Creating swapfile for bundler to work properly unless system("sudo swapon -s | grep -ci '/swapfile'", out: File::NULL) print "-----> Creating swap swapfile ... " system("sudo install -o root -g root -m 0600 /dev/null /swapfile", out: File::NULL) system("sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1k count=2048k", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) system("sudo mkswap /swapfile", out: File::NULL) system("sudo sh -c 'echo \"/swapfile none swap sw 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab'", out: File::NULL) system("echo 10 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness", out: File::NULL) system("sudo sed -i '/^vm.swappiness = /d' /etc/sysctl.conf", out: File::NULL) system("echo vm.swappiness = 10 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf", out: File::NULL) puts "done" print "-----> Starting swap swapfile ... " if system("sudo swapon /swapfile", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end end def self.destroy_swapfile if system("sudo swapon -s | grep -ci '/swapfile'", out: File::NULL) print "-----> Stopping swap swapfile ... " if system("sudo swapoff /swapfile", out: File::NULL) system("sudo sed -i '/^vm.swappiness = /d' /etc/sysctl.conf", out: File::NULL) system("echo 60 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness", out: File::NULL) puts "done" print "-----> Removing swap swapfile ... " system("sudo sed -i '/^\\/swapfile/d' /etc/fstab", out: File::NULL) if system("sudo rm /swapfile", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end end end def self.create_images unless system("docker image inspect smartcloud/runner", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) print "-----> Creating image smartcloud/runner ... " if system("docker image build -t smartcloud/runner \ --build-arg DOCKER_GID=`getent group docker | cut -d: -f3` \ --build-arg USER_UID=`id -u` \ --build-arg USER_NAME=`id -un` \ #{Smartcloud.config.root_path}/lib/smartcloud/grids/grid-runner", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end unless system("docker image inspect smartcloud/buildpacks/rails", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) print "-----> Creating image smartcloud/buildpacks/rails ... " if system("docker image build -t smartcloud/buildpacks/rails \ --build-arg USER_UID=`id -u` \ --build-arg USER_NAME=`id -un` \ #{Smartcloud.config.root_path}/lib/smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/buildpacks/rails", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end end def self.destroy_images if system("docker image inspect smartcloud/buildpacks/rails", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) print "-----> Removing image smartcloud/buildpacks/rails ... " if system("docker image rm smartcloud/buildpacks/rails", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end if system("docker image inspect smartcloud/runner", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) print "-----> Removing image smartcloud/runner ... " if system("docker image rm smartcloud/runner", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end end # Creating App! # # Example: # >> Apps.create # => Creation Complete # # Arguments: # appname => (String) # username => (String) def self.create_app(appname, username) if Smartcloud::Docker.running? repository_path = "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/repositories/#{appname}.git" container_path = "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/containers/#{appname}" print "-----> Creating Application ... " # Checking if app with given name already exists if Dir.exist?(repository_path) puts "failed. App with name '#{appname}' already exists." exit end # Creating Directories FileUtils.mkdir_p(repository_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(container_path) # Initializing bare repo and pre-receive Dir.chdir(repository_path) do %x[git init --bare] %x[chmod +x #{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/pre-receive] %x[ln -s #{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/pre-receive #{repository_path}/hooks/pre-receive] puts "done" end # Creating Environment File if File.exist?("#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/config/environment.rb") require "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/config/environment" end unless File.exist? "#{container_path}/env" print "-----> Creating App Environment ... " page = <<~HEREDOC ## System USERNAME=#{username} KEEP_RELEASES=3 ## Docker VIRTUAL_HOST=#{appname}.#{Smartcloud.config.apps_domain} LETSENCRYPT_HOST=#{appname}.#{Smartcloud.config.apps_domain} LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=#{Smartcloud.config.sysadmin_email} LETSENCRYPT_TEST=false HEREDOC puts "done" if system("echo '#{page}' > #{container_path}/env") end end end def self.destroy_app(appname) if Smartcloud::Docker.running? # Stopping & Removing old container self.stop_app(appname) # Destroying Directories print "-----> Deleting App #{appname} ... " repository_path = "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/repositories/#{appname}.git" container_path = "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/containers/#{appname}" FileUtils.rm_r(repository_path) FileUtils.rm_r(container_path) puts "done" end end def self.prereceive_app(appname, username, oldrev, newrev, refname) logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, message| severity_text = { "DEBUG" => "\u{1f527} #{severity}:", "INFO" => " \u{276f}", "WARN" => "\u{2757} #{severity}:", "ERROR" => "\u{274c} #{severity}:", "FATAL" => "\u{2b55} #{severity}:", "UNKNOWN" => "\u{2753} #{severity}:" } "\t\t\t\t#{severity_text[severity]} #{message}\n" end # Load vars and environment container_path = "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/containers/#{appname}" return unless self.load_container_env_vars(container_path) # Verify the user and ensure the user is correct and has access to this repository unless ENV['USERNAME'] == username logger.error "Unauthorized." return end # Only run this script for the master branch. You can remove this # if block if you wish to run it for others as well. if refname == "refs/heads/master" logger.info "Loading Application ..." # Note: There should be no space between + and " in version. # Note: date will be UTC date until timezone has been changed. version = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`.chomp! container_path_with_version = "#{container_path}/releases/#{version}" unless Dir.exist? container_path_with_version FileUtils.mkdir_p(container_path_with_version) if system("git archive #{newrev} | tar -x -C #{container_path_with_version}") # Start App self.start_app(appname) else logger.fatal "Could not extract new app version ... Failed." return end else logger.fatal "This version name already exists ... Failed." return end end logger.formatter = nil end def self.start_app(appname, app_version = 0) if Smartcloud::Docker.running? container_path = "#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps/containers/#{appname}" Dir.chdir("#{container_path}/releases") do # Getting App Version if app_version == 0 app_versions = Dir.glob('*').select { |f| File.directory? f }.sort app_version = app_versions.last end container_path_with_version = "#{container_path}/releases/#{app_version}" # Launching Application logger.info "Launching Application ..." if File.exist? "#{container_path_with_version}/bin/rails" # Starting Rails App self.start_app_rails(appname, container_path, container_path_with_version) end end end end def self.stop_app(appname) self.stop_container(appname) end def self.start_app_rails(appname, container_path, container_path_with_version) logger.info "Ruby on Rails application detected." # Setup rails env env_path = "#{container_path}/env" system("grep -q '^## Rails' #{env_path} || echo '## Rails' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_ENV=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_ENV=production' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RACK_ENV=' #{env_path} || echo 'RACK_ENV=production' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=enabled' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=enabled' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^LANG=' #{env_path} || echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_MASTER_KEY=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_MASTER_KEY=yourmasterkey' >> #{env_path}") logger.warn "Please set your RAILS_MASTER_KEY env var for this rails app." if system("grep -q '^RAILS_MASTER_KEY=yourmasterkey' #{env_path}") # Setup app folders. If this is not created then docker will create it while running the container, # but the folder will have root user assigned instead of the current user. FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/vendor/bundle") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/public") # Setup Godfile unless File.exist? "#{container_path_with_version}/Godfile" logger.warn "Godfile not detected. Adding a default Godfile. It is recommended to add your own Godfile." page = <<~"HEREDOC" God.watch do |w| w.name = "web" w.start = "bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb" w.behavior(:clean_pid_file) w.keepalive end HEREDOC system("echo '#{page}' > #{container_path_with_version}/Godfile") end # Creating & Starting container self.stop_app("#{appname}_new") if system("docker create \ --name='#{appname}_new' \ --env-file='#{container_path}/env' \ --expose='5000' \ --volume='#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/config:#{Smartcloud.config.user_home_path}/.smartcloud/config' \ --volume='#{container_path_with_version}:/app' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/vendor/bundle:/app/vendor/bundle' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/public:/app/public' \ --workdir='/app' \ --restart='always' \ --network='nginx-network' \ smartcloud/buildpacks/rails", out: File::NULL) system("docker network connect solr-network #{appname}_new") system("docker network connect mysql-network #{appname}_new") if system("docker start --attach #{appname}_new") # Runs only if #{appname}_new has been started successfully and is reachable. self.hot_reloaded_app(appname) self.clean_up(container_path) else # Runs only if #{appname}_new starting has failed. self.stop_app("#{appname}_new") end end end def self.clean_up(container_path) logger.info "Cleaning up ..." # Clean up very old versions Dir.chdir("#{container_path}/releases") do app_versions = Dir.glob('*').select { |f| File.directory? f }.sort destroy_count = app_versions.count - ENV['KEEP_RELEASES'].to_i if destroy_count > 0 logger.debug "Deleting older application releases ..." destroy_count.times do FileUtils.rm_r(File.join(Dir.pwd, app_versions.shift)) end end end end # Hot reloading app containers and removing old app container def self.hot_reloaded_app(appname) logger.debug "Hot reloading '#{appname}' containers ..." container_id = `docker ps -a -q --filter='name=^#{appname}$'`.chomp unless container_id.empty? if system("docker container rename #{appname} #{appname}_old", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) logger.debug "Container renamed from #{appname} #{appname}_old" if system("docker container rename #{appname}_new #{appname}", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) logger.debug "Container renamed from #{appname}_new #{appname}" self.stop_app("#{appname}_old") end end else if system("docker container rename #{appname}_new #{appname}", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) logger.debug "Container renamed from #{appname}_new #{appname}" end end end def self.load_container_env_vars(container_path) unless File.exist? "#{container_path}/env" logger.fatal "Environment could not be loaded ... Failed." return false end File.open("#{container_path}/env").each_line do |line| line.chomp! next if line.empty? || line.start_with?('#') key, value = line.split "=" ENV[key] = value end true end def self.stop_container(container_name) if Smartcloud::Docker.running? container_id = `docker ps -a -q --filter='name=^#{container_name}$'`.chomp unless container_id.empty? logger.debug "Stopping & Removing container #{container_name} ..." if system("docker stop #{container_name} && docker rm #{container_name}", out: File::NULL) logger.debug "Stopped & Removed container #{container_name} ..." end else logger.debug "Container '#{container_name}' does not exist to stop." end end end end end end