We are accountable for our actions and will act ethically and honestly in all our interactions.

Within the classroom, that means you do your own work! This is especially true when it comes to programming, as it is easy to copy another’s code. Copying code is cheating and lacks integrity. Such violations of cheating or plagiarism will result in zero to a full negative grade on the assignment and reporting to the appropriate university resources. Further infractions will result in an F given in the course.

CMU provides some nice examples to follow:

For personal assistance, here are some of the things that are appropriate:

Here are some things that are inappropriate:

If you do any of these, your should also acknowledge it in what you turn in; but expect to have a conversation with an instructor about it and, at least, suffer some penalty in the grade. If we discover you have done this and not acknowledged it, the penalty will be much more severe. In other words, dishonesty is much worse than stupidity.

Here are some gray areas:

These, too, should be acknowledged.

A few resources