require 'zlib' require 'yaml' module ActsAsRevisionable class RevisionRecord < ActiveRecord::Base before_create :set_revision_number attr_reader :data_encoding set_table_name :revision_records class << self # Find a specific revision record. def find_revision(klass, id, revision) find(:first, :conditions => {:revisionable_type => klass.base_class.to_s, :revisionable_id => id, :revision => revision}) end # Find the last revision record for a class. def last_revision(klass, id, revision = nil) find(:first, :conditions => {:revisionable_type => klass.base_class.to_s, :revisionable_id => id}, :order => "revision DESC") end # Truncate the revisions for a record. Available options are :limit and :max_age. def truncate_revisions(revisionable_type, revisionable_id, options) return unless options[:limit] || options[:minimum_age] conditions = ['revisionable_type = ? AND revisionable_id = ?', revisionable_type.base_class.to_s, revisionable_id] if options[:minimum_age] conditions.first << ' AND created_at <= ?' conditions << options[:minimum_age].ago end start_deleting_revision = find(:first, :conditions => conditions, :order => 'revision DESC', :offset => options[:limit]) if start_deleting_revision delete_all(['revisionable_type = ? AND revisionable_id = ? AND revision <= ?', revisionable_type.base_class.to_s, revisionable_id, start_deleting_revision.revision]) end end # Empty the trash by deleting records older than the specified maximum age in seconds. # The +revisionable_type+ argument specifies the class to delete revision records for. def empty_trash(revisionable_type, max_age) sql = "revisionable_id IN (SELECT revisionable_id from #{table_name} WHERE created_at <= ? AND revisionable_type = ? AND trash = ?) AND revisionable_type = ?" args = [max_age.ago,, true,] delete_all([sql] + args) end # Create the table to store revision records. def create_table connection.create_table :revision_records do |t| t.string :revisionable_type, :null => false, :limit => 100 t.integer :revisionable_id, :null => false t.integer :revision, :null => false t.binary :data, :limit => (connection.adapter_name.match(/mysql/i) ? 5.megabytes : nil) t.timestamp :created_at, :null => false t.boolean :trash, :default => false t.string :label, :limit => 255, :null => true end connection.add_index :revision_records, :revisionable_id, :name => "revision_record_id" connection.add_index :revision_records, [:revisionable_type, :created_at, :trash], :name => "revisionable_type_and_created_at" end # Update a version 1.0.x table to the latest version. This method only needs to be called # from a migration if you originally created the table with a version 1.0.x version of the gem. def update_version_1_table # Added in version 1.1.0 connection.add_column(:revision_records, :trash, :boolean, :default => false) connection.add_column(:revision_records, :label, :string, :limit => 255, :null => true) connection.add_index :revision_records, :revisionable_id, :name => "revision_record_id" connection.add_index :revision_records, [:revisionable_type, :created_at, :trash], :name => "revisionable_type_and_created_at" # Removed in 1.1.0 connection.remove_index(:revision_records, :name => "revisionable") end end # Create a revision record based on a record passed in. The attributes of the original record will # be serialized. If it uses the acts_as_revisionable behavior, associations will be revisioned as well. def initialize(record, encoding = :ruby) super({}) @data_encoding = encoding self.revisionable_type = self.revisionable_id = associations = record.class.revisionable_associations if record.class.respond_to?(:revisionable_associations) = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(serialize_hash(serialize_attributes(record, associations))) end # Returns the attributes that are saved in the revision. def revision_attributes return nil unless uncompressed = Zlib::Inflate.inflate( deserialize_hash(uncompressed) end # Restore the revision to the original record. If any errors are encountered restoring attributes, they # will be added to the errors object of the restored record. def restore restore_class = self.revisionable_type.constantize # Check if we have a type field, if yes, assume single table inheritance and restore the actual class instead of the stored base class sti_type = self.revision_attributes[restore_class.inheritance_column] if sti_type begin if !restore_class.store_full_sti_class && !sti_type.start_with?("::") sti_type = "#{}::#{sti_type}" end restore_class = sti_type.constantize rescue NameError => e raise e # Seems our assumption was wrong and we have no STI end end record = restore_record(record, revision_attributes) return record end # Mark this revision as being trash. When trash records are restored, all # their revision history is restored as well. def trash! update_attribute(:trash, true) end private def serialize_hash(hash) encoding = data_encoding.blank? ? :ruby : data_encoding case encoding.to_sym when :yaml return YAML.dump(hash) when :xml return hash.to_xml(:root => 'revision') else return Marshal.dump(hash) end end def deserialize_hash(data) if data.starts_with?('---') return YAML.load(data) elsif data.starts_with?(' {:revisionable_type => self.revisionable_type, :revisionable_id => self.revisionable_id}) || 0 self.revision = last_revision + 1 end def serialize_attributes(record, revisionable_associations, already_serialized = {}) return if already_serialized["#{record.class}.#{}"] attrs = record.attributes.dup already_serialized["#{record.class}.#{}"] = true if revisionable_associations.kind_of?(Hash) record.class.reflections.values.each do |association| if revisionable_associations[] assoc_name = if association.macro == :has_many attrs[assoc_name] = record.send({|r| serialize_attributes(r, revisionable_associations[], already_serialized)} elsif association.macro == :has_one associated = record.send( unless associated.nil? attrs[assoc_name] = serialize_attributes(associated, revisionable_associations[], already_serialized) else attrs[assoc_name] = nil end elsif association.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many attrs[assoc_name] = record.send("#{}_ids") end end end end return attrs end def attributes_and_associations(klass, hash) attrs = {} association_attrs = {} if hash hash.each_pair do |key, value| if klass.reflections.include?(key.to_sym) association_attrs[key] = value else attrs[key] = value end end end return [attrs, association_attrs] end def restore_association(record, association, association_attributes) association = association.to_sym reflection = record.class.reflections[association] associated_record = nil begin if reflection.macro == :has_many if association_attributes.kind_of?(Array) record.send("#{association}=", []) association_attributes.each do |attrs| restore_association(record, association, attrs) end else associated_record = record.send(association).build restore_record(associated_record, association_attributes) end elsif reflection.macro == :has_one associated_record = restore_record(associated_record, association_attributes) record.send("#{association}=", associated_record) elsif reflection.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many record.send("#{association.to_s.singularize}_ids=", association_attributes) end rescue => e record.errors.add(association, "could not be restored from the revision: #{e.message}") end if associated_record && !associated_record.errors.empty? record.errors.add(association, 'could not be restored from the revision') end end # Restore a record and all its associations. def restore_record(record, attributes) primary_key = record.class.primary_key primary_key = [primary_key] unless primary_key.is_a?(Array) primary_key.each do |key| record.send("#{key.to_s}=", attributes[key.to_s]) end attrs, association_attrs = attributes_and_associations(record.class, attributes) attrs.each_pair do |key, value| begin record.send("#{key}=", value) rescue record.errors.add(key.to_sym, "could not be restored to #{value.inspect}") end end association_attrs.each_pair do |key, values| restore_association(record, key, values) if values end # Check if the record already exists in the database and restore its state. # This must be done last because otherwise associations on an existing record # can be deleted when a revision is restored to memory. exists = record.class.find(record.send(record.class.primary_key)) rescue nil if exists record.instance_variable_set(:@new_record, nil) if record.instance_variable_defined?(:@new_record) # ActiveRecord 3.0.2 and 3.0.3 used @persisted instead of @new_record record.instance_variable_set(:@persisted, true) if record.instance_variable_defined?(:@persisted) end end end end