0.0.12 - add support for multiple endpoints, with failover on service unavailable / socket connect timeout. (only relevant to customers who must use static ip addresses to access our API) 0.0.11 - add support for creating notes on users 0.0.10 - allow settings dates to nil 0.0.9 - add support for settings/updating url attribute for message_threads 0.0.8 - add support for updating last request time for user through either last_request_at or last_impression_at 0.0.7 - add support for deleting user 0.0.6 - drop rest-client, use pure net/http instead 0.0.5 - added Intercom::User.find_by_email, Intercom::User.find_by_user_id - add support for Intercom::User.all.each, Intercom::User.all.map, Intercom::User.all.count 0.0.4 - allow to directly set custom_data hash on Intercom::User user.custom_data = {...} 0.0.3 - renamed Intercom.secret_key to Intercom.api_key for consistency throughout our app and docs 0.0.2 - updates to reflect changes to resources served by the api 0.0.1 - experimental version