# Copyright 2012-2013 Crowd Favorite, Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'crowdfavorite/tasks' module CrowdFavorite::Tasks::LocalChanges extend CrowdFavorite::Support::Namespace namespace :cf do def _cset(name, *args, &block) unless exists?(name) set(name, *args, &block) end end _cset(:comparison_target) { current_release rescue File.dirname(release_path) } _cset(:hash_creation) { # Find out what hashing mechanism we can use - shasum, sha1sum, openssl, or just an ls command. # Unfortunate double-call of which handles some systems which output an error message on stdout # when the program cannot be found. creation = capture('((which shasum >/dev/null 2>&1 && which shasum) || (which sha1sum >/dev/null 2>&1 && which sha1sum) || (which openssl >/dev/null 2>&1 && which openssl) || echo "ls -ld")').to_s.strip if creation.match(/openssl$/) "#{creation} sha1 -r" end creation } _cset(:hash_directory) { shared_path } _cset(:hash_suffix) { "_hash" } _cset(:hash_compare_suffix) { "compare" } _cset(:hashes) { capture("ls -xt #{File.join(hash_directory, '*' + hash_suffix)}").split.reverse } _cset(:localchanges_excludes) { { :deleted => [], :created => [], :changed => [], :any => [] } } def _snapshot_exists(path) retcode = (capture("test -f " + Shellwords::escape(path) + "; echo $?").to_s.strip.to_i) return retcode == 0 ? true : false end def _hash_path(release, extra = "") File.join(hash_directory, release + hash_suffix + extra) end namespace :localchanges do task :snapshot_deploy, :except => { :no_release => true } do set(:snapshot_target, latest_release) snapshot unset(:snapshot_target) end desc "Snapshot the current release for later change detection." task :snapshot, :except => { :no_release => true } do target_release = File.basename(fetch(:snapshot_target, comparison_target)) target_path = File.join(releases_path, target_release) default_hash_path = _hash_path(target_release) # File.join(shared_path, target_release + "_hash") hash_path = fetch(:snapshot_hash_path, default_hash_path) snapshot_exists = _snapshot_exists(hash_path) if snapshot_exists and !fetch(:snapshot_force, false) logger.info "A snapshot for release #{target_release} already exists." next end run("find " + Shellwords::escape(target_path) + " -name .git -prune -o -name .svn -prune -o -type f -print0 | xargs -0 #{hash_creation} > " + Shellwords::escape(hash_path)) end desc "Call this before a deploy to continue despite local changes made on the server." task :allow_differences do set(:snapshot_allow_differences, true) end task :forbid_differences do set(:snapshot_allow_differences, false) end def _do_snapshot_compare() if releases.length == 0 logger.info "no current release" return false end release_name = File.basename(current_release) set(:snapshot_target, current_release) default_hash_path = _hash_path(release_name) # File.join(shared_path, release_name + "_hash") snapshot_exists = _snapshot_exists(default_hash_path) if !snapshot_exists logger.info "no previous snapshot to compare against" return false end set(:snapshot_hash_path, _hash_path(release_name, hash_compare_suffix)) # File.join(shared_path, release_name + "_hash_compare")) set(:snapshot_force, true) snapshot # Hand-tooled diff-parsing - handles either shasum-style or ls -ld output # Hashes store filename => [host, host, host] left = {} right = {} changed = {} run("diff " + default_hash_path + " " + snapshot_hash_path + " || true") do |channel, stream, data| data.each_line do |line| line.strip! if line.match(/^\s*[<>]/) parts = line.split(/\s+/) if hash_creation.match(/ls -ld/) # > -rw-rw-r-- 1 example example 41 Sep 19 14:58 index.php parts.slice!(0, 9) else # < 198ed94e9f1e5c69e159e8ba6d4420bb9c039715 index.php parts.slice!(0,2) end bucket = line.match(/^\s* {}, :right => {}, :changed => {}} found_exclusion = false [[left, :deleted], [right, :created], [changed, :changed]].each do |filegroup, excluder| excludes[excluder] ||= [] filegroup.each do |filename, servers| if excludes[excluder].detect {|f| f == filename or File.join(current_release, f) == filename} or excludes[:any].detect {|f| f == filename or File.join(current_release, f) == filename} found_exclusion = true excluded[excluder] ||= {} excluded[excluder][filename] ||= [] excluded[excluder][filename].push(*servers) excluded[excluder][filename].uniq! filegroup.delete(filename) end end end unset(:snapshot_target) unset(:snapshot_hash_path) unset(:snapshot_force) return {:left => left, :right => right, :changed => changed, :excluded => excluded} end def _do_snapshot_diff(results, format = :full) if !results return false end if results[:left].empty? && results[:right].empty? && results[:changed].empty? if results.has_key?(:excluded) logger.important "excluded: " + results[:excluded].inspect end return false end if format == :basic || !(fetch(:strategy).class <= Capistrano::Deploy::Strategy.new(:remote).class) [[:left, 'deleted'], [:right, 'created'], [:changed, 'changed']].each do |resultgroup, verb| if !results[resultgroup].empty? logger.important "#{verb}: " results[resultgroup].each do |thefile, servers| filename = thefile if filename.start_with? current_release filename = thefile.slice(current_release.length..-1) end logger.important "#{File.basename filename} in #{File.dirname filename} (on #{servers.inspect})" end end end if results.has_key?(:excluded) logger.info "excluded: " + results[:excluded].inspect end return true end ## TODO: improve diff handling for remote_cache with .git copy_excluded ## TODO: improve diff handling for remote_cache with .git not copy_excluded ## TODO: improve diff handling for remote_cache with .svn copy_excluded ## TODO: improve diff handling for remote_cache with .svn not copy_excluded logger.important "deleted: " + results[:left].inspect logger.important "created: " + results[:right].inspect logger.important "changed: " + results[:changed].inspect if results.has_key?[:excluded] logger.important "excluded: " + results[:excluded].inspect end return true end desc "Check the current release for changes made on the server; abort if changes are detected." task :compare, :except => { :no_release => true } do results = _do_snapshot_compare() if _do_snapshot_diff(results, :basic) abort("Aborting: local changes detected in current release") unless fetch(:snapshot_allow_differences, false) logger.important "Continuing deploy despite differences!" end end desc "Check the current release for changes made on the server (and return detailed changes, if using a remote-cached git repo). Does not abort on changes." task :diff, :except => { :no_release => true } do results = _do_snapshot_compare() _do_snapshot_diff(results, :full) end task :cleanup, :except => { :no_release => true } do count = fetch(:keep_releases, 5).to_i if count >= hashes.length logger.info "no old hashes to clean up" else logger.info "keeping #{count} of #{hashes.length} release hashes" hashpaths = (hashes - hashes.last(count)).map{ |thehash| File.join(thehash) + " " + File.join(thehash + hash_compare_suffix) }.join(" ") try_sudo "rm -f #{hashpaths}" end end end end end