module GitHelpers # more infos on branches module GitBranchInfos def ahead_behind(br1, br2) with_dir do out=run_simple("git rev-list --left-right --count #{br1.shellescape}...#{br2.shellescape}", error: :quiet) out.match(/(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) do |m| return m[1].to_i, m[2].to_i #br1 is ahead by m[1], behind by m[2] from br2 end return 0, 0 end end def branch_infos(*branches, local: false, remote: false, tags: false, merged: nil, no_merged: nil) query = [] query << "--merged=#{merged.shellescape}" if merged query << "--no_merged=#{no_merged.shellescape}" if no_merged query += {|b| name_branch(b)} query << 'refs/heads' if local query << 'refs/remotes' if remote query << 'refs/tags' if tags r={} format=%w(refname refname:short objecttype objectsize objectname upstream upstream:short upstream:track upstream:remotename upstream:remoteref push push:short push:track push:remotename push:remoteref HEAD symref) #Note push:remoteref is buggy (empty if no push refspec specified) #and push:track is upstream:track (cf my patch to the git mailing #list to correct that) out=run_simple("git for-each-ref --format '#{ {|f| "%(#{f})"}.join(';')}' #{query.shelljoin}", chomp: :lines) out.each do |l| infos=l.split(';') full_name=infos[0] infos=Hash[] infos[:name]=infos["refname:short"] infos[:head]=!(infos["HEAD"].empty? or infos["HEAD"]==" ") type=if full_name.start_with?("refs/heads/") :local elsif full_name.start_with?("refs/remotes/") :remote elsif full_name.start_with?("refs/tags/") :tags end name = case type when :local full_name.delete_prefix("refs/heads/") when :remote full_name.delete_prefix("refs/remotes/") when :tags full_name.delete_prefix("refs/tags/") end infos[:type]=type infos[:name]=name infos[:upstream_ahead]=0 infos[:upstream_behind]=0 infos[:push_ahead]=0 infos[:push_behind]=0 track=infos["upstream:track"] track.match(/ahead (\d+)/) do |m| infos[:upstream_ahead]=m[1].to_i end track.match(/behind (\d+)/) do |m| infos[:upstream_behind]=m[1].to_i end ## git has a bug for push:track # ptrack=infos["push:track"] # ptrack.match(/ahead (\d+)/) do |m| # infos[:push_ahead]=m[1].to_i # end # ptrack.match(/behind (\d+)/) do |m| # infos[:push_behind]=m[1].to_i # end unless infos["push"].empty? ahead, behind=ahead_behind(infos["refname"], infos["push"]) infos[:push_ahead]=ahead infos[:push_behind]=behind end origin = infos["upstream:remotename"] unless origin.empty? upstream_short=infos["upstream:short"] infos["upstream:name"]=upstream_short.delete_prefix(origin+"/") end pushorigin = infos["push:remotename"] unless pushorigin.empty? push_short=infos["push:short"] if push_short.empty? infos["push:name"]=infos["refname:short"] else infos["push:name"]= push_short.delete_prefix(pushorigin+"/") end end r[full_name]=infos end r end def format_branch_infos(infos, compare: nil, merged: nil, cherry: false, log: false) # warning, here we pass the info values, ie infos should be a list infos.each do |i| name=i["refname:short"] upstream=i["upstream:short"] push=i["push:short"] color=:magenta if merged color=:red #not merged [*merged].each do |br| ahead, _behind=ahead_behind(i["refname"], br) if ahead==0 color=:magenta break end end end r="#{i["HEAD"]}#{name.color(color)}" if compare ahead, behind=ahead_behind(i["refname"], compare) r << "↑#{ahead}" unless ahead==0 r << "↓#{behind}" unless behind==0 end unless upstream.empty? r << " @{u}" r << "=@{push}" if push==upstream r << "=#{upstream.color(:yellow)}" r << "↑#{i[:upstream_ahead]}" unless i[:upstream_ahead]==0 r << "↓#{i[:upstream_behind]}" unless i[:upstream_behind]==0 end unless push.empty? or push == upstream r << " @{push}=#{push.color(:yellow)}" r << "↑#{i[:push_ahead]}" unless i[:push_ahead]==0 r << "↓#{i[:push_behind]}" unless i[:push_behind]==0 end if log log_options=case log when Hash {|k,v| "--#{k}=#{v.shellescape}"}.join(' ') when String log else "" end r << " → "+run_simple("git -c color.ui=always log --date=human --oneline --no-walk #{log_options} #{name}") end puts r if cherry #todo: add push cherry? if upstream and i[:upstream_ahead] != 0 || i[:upstream_behind] != 0 ch=run_simple("git -c color.ui=always log --left-right --topo-order --oneline #{name}...#{upstream}") ch.each_line do |l| puts " #{l}" end end end end end def name_branch(branch='HEAD',**args) self.branch(branch).full_name(**args) end def name(branch='HEAD',**args) self.branch(branch).name(**args) end #return all local upstreams of branches, recursively def recursive_upstream(*branches, local: true) require 'tsort' each_node=lambda do |&b| branches.each(&b) end each_child=lambda do |br, &b| upstream=branch(br).upstream(short: false) upstreams=[] upstreams << upstream.to_s unless upstream.nil? or local && upstream.to_s.start_with?("refs/remotes/") upstreams.each(&b) end TSort.tsort(each_node, each_child) end end end