module Osm class ProgrammeItem attr_accessor :evening_id, :section_id, :title, :notes_for_parents, :games, :pre_notes, :post_notes, :leaders, :meeting_date, :activities, :google_calendar attr_reader :start_time, :end_time # @!attribute [rw] evening_id # @return [FixNum] the id of the evening # @!attribute [rw] sectionid # @return [FixNum] the section the evening belongs to # @!attribute [rw] title # @return [String] the title of the evening # @!attribute [rw] notes_for_parents # @return [String] notes to be shared with parents # @!attribute [rw] games # @return [String] games to be played during the evening # @!attribute [rw] pre_notes # @return [String] notes for the start of the evening # @!attribute [rw] post_notes # @return [String] notes for the end of the evening # @!attribute [rw] leaders # @return [String] the leaders present at the evening # @!attribute [rw] meeting_date # @return [Date] the date of the evening # @!attribute [rw] activities # @return [Array] tlist of activities being done during the evening # @!attribute [rw] google_calendar # @return [String] ? # @!attribute [rw] start_time # @return [String] the start time (hh:mm) # @!attribute [rw] end_time # @return [String] the end time (hh:mm) # Initialize a new ProgrammeItem using the hash returned by the API call # @param data the hash of data for the object returned by the API # @param activities an array of hashes to generate the list of ProgrammeActivity objects def initialize(data, activities) @evening_id = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['eveningid']) @section_id = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['sectionid']) @title = data['title'] || 'Unnamed meeting' @notes_for_parents = data['notesforparents'] || '' @games = data['games'] || '' @pre_notes = data['prenotes'] || '' @post_notes = data['postnotes'] || '' @leaders = data['leaders'] || '' @start_time = data['starttime'].nil? ? nil : data['starttime'][0..4] @end_time = data['endtime'].nil? ? nil : data['endtime'][0..4] @meeting_date = Osm::parse_date(data['meetingdate']) @google_calendar = data['googlecalendar'] @activities = unless activities.nil? activities.each do |item| @activities.push end end end # Custom setters for times [:start, :end].each do |attribute| define_method "#{attribute}_time=" do |value| unless value.nil? value = value.strftime('%H:%M') unless value.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, 'invalid time' unless /\A(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]\Z/.match(value) end instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}_time", value) end end # Get the JSON for the activitied to pass to the OSM API # @return [String] def activities_for_saving to_save = @activities.each do |activity| this_activity = { 'activityid' => activity.activity_id, 'notes' => activity.notes, } to_save.push this_activity end return ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(to_save) end end end