require 'sinatra' require 'haml' require 'kaminari/sinatra' require 'json' helpers do def protected! unless authorized? response['WWW-Authenticate'] = %(Basic realm="Restricted Area") throw(:halt, [401, "Not authorized\n"]) end end def authorized? @auth ||= @auth.provided? && @auth.basic? && @auth.credentials && @auth.credentials == [SesProxy::Conf.get[:smtp_auth][:user], SesProxy::Conf.get[:smtp_auth][:password]] end end helpers Kaminari::Helpers::SinatraHelpers module Kaminari::Helpers module SinatraHelpers class ActionViewTemplateProxy def render(*args) base = do |a| a.view_paths << File.expand_path('../views', __FILE__) end base.render(*args) end end end end configure :development do Sinatra::Application.reset! end get '/' do protected! @menu_item = "mails" @chart_url = "/mails.json" @per = params[:per] || 20 mails = mails_query @mails =[:page]).per(@per) haml :mails end get '/mails.json' do protected! mails = mails_query d_array = (string_to_date(@s)..string_to_date(@e)).to_a data = get_data_json "Mails", mails, "created_at", d_array content_type :json data.to_json end get '/bounces' do protected! @menu_item = "bounces" @chart_url = "/bounces.json" @per = params[:per] || 20 bounces = bounces_query @bounces =[:page]).per(@per) haml :bounces end get '/bounces.json' do protected! bounces = bounces_query d_array = (string_to_date(@s)..string_to_date(@e)).to_a data = get_data_json "Bounced", bounces, "created_at", d_array content_type :json data.to_json end private def get_data_json(name, collection, method, d_array) data = {} grouped_collection = {} if d_array.size <= 30 #days key_format = "%d/%m/%Y" elsif d_array.size > 30 and d_array.size <= 210 #weeks key_format = "%W/%Y" elsif d_array.size > 210 #months key_format = "%B/%Y" end data[:x] ={|d| d.to_date.strftime(key_format)}.uniq data[:y] ||= [] data[:x].each do |d| grouped_collection[d] = collection.collect{|b| b if b.send(method).strftime(key_format).eql? d}.compact.size end data[:y] << {:name=>name,:data=>grouped_collection.values} data end def mails_query @q = params[:q] @s = params[:s]||("%d-%m-%Y") @e = params[:e]||"%d-%m-%Y") if @q.nil? or @q.eql?"" if valid_date(@s) and valid_date(@e) mails = SesProxy::Email.where(:created_at=>{'$gte' => string_to_date(@s),'$lt' => string_to_date(@e)}) else mails = SesProxy::Email.all end else if valid_date(@s) and valid_date(@e) mails = SesProxy::Email.where(:created_at=>{'$gte' => string_to_date(@s),'$lt' => string_to_date(@e)}).any_of({:recipients => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{:sender => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{:system => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{:subject => /.*#{@q}.*/i }) else mails = SesProxy::Email.any_of({:recipients => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{:sender => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{:system => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{:subject => /.*#{@q}.*/i }).page(params[:page]).per(20) end end end def bounces_query @q = params[:q] @s = params[:s]||("%d-%m-%Y") @e = params[:e]||"%d-%m-%Y") if @q.nil? or @q.eql?"" if valid_date(@s) and valid_date(@e) bounces = SesProxy::Bounce.where(:created_at=>{'$gte' => string_to_date(@s),'$lte' => string_to_date(@e)}) else bounces = SesProxy::Bounce.all end else if valid_date(@s) and valid_date(@e) bounces = SesProxy::Bounce.where(:created_at=>{'$gte' => string_to_date(@s),'$lte' => string_to_date(@e)}).any_of({:email => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{ :type => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{ :desc => /.*#{@q}.*/i }) else bounces = SesProxy::Bounce.any_of({:email => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{ :type => /.*#{@q}.*/i },{ :desc => /.*#{@q}.*/i }) end end bounces end def valid_date(d) begin d and not d.eql?"" and string_to_date(d) rescue Exception=>e false end end def string_to_date(d) Date.strptime(d, '%d-%m-%Y') end