// Used to by the entity tracking system to attack additional fields to your // tracking updates. You can change any of the fields in TrackExtra to suit your // needs, but do NOT remove the message definition! message TrackExtra { optional float speed = 1; optional float velocity = 2; optional Vector3 direction = 3; optional string json = 4; } message Health { required int32 health = 1; } message Effect { optional int32 length = 1; optional string name = 2; optional int32 healthDiff = 3; optional int32 damageDiff = 4; optional int32 timePeriod = 5; optional string type = 6; } message EffectList { repeated Effect effect = 1; } message CombatAbility { required string name = 1; required int32 damage = 2; optional int32 hitChance = 3; required int32 range = 4; optional string type = 5; } message Attack { required string attacker = 1; required string target = 2; optional int32 combatAbilityId = 3; } message IsPlayer { optional bool enabled = 1; }