``` /-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-\ |G|E|M| |W|A|R|R|I|O|R| \-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-/ ``` logo courtesy of [ascii generator](http://www.network-science.de/ascii/) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/gemwarrior.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/gemwarrior) **Gem Warrior** is a text adventure that takes place in the land of **Jool**, where randomized fortune is just as likely as *mayhem*. You take up the mantle of **1.upto(rand(5..10)) {print rand(65..90).chr}**, a gifted young acolyte who has been tasked by the queen herself, **Ruby**, to venture off into the unknown to recapture a **Shiny Thingtm** that holds great power within its crystallized boundaries. Unfortunately, it was stolen recently by a crazed madperson named **Emerald**, bent on using its frightening power for **Evil**. You are **Good**, obviously, and the rightful caretaker of such power, but he will not give it up willingly, and has cursed all the creatures of the land into doing his bidding, which is largely tearing you limb from limb. Start in your poor, super lame cottage, where you live alone, subsisting off the sale of polished rocks you scavenge all day for in the neighboring caves. Once tasked with your quest, travel throughout the land of Jool, eventually reaching the sky tower that Emerald resides in with his stolen goods, laughing to himself, occasionally. As you travel you will discover sights and sounds of the land, all of which are new to you because you don't really get out much. Visit towns with merchants willing to trade coin for wares they bought off of other adventurers who didn't last the previous attempts at thwartion. Sleep in makeshift huts to regain your health and magic points (or the ground, if that's all that's available), which are conveniently located in your peripheral vision (i.e. the console window). Eventually, if you're skilled (and I actually code it in), you'll reach **Emerald's Sky Tower**, part him from his **ShinyThingtm**, and then do what is "right". ## How to Get to Jool 1. `ruby -v` should return `ruby 2.`something; else install [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org) 2. `gem -v` should return `2.`something; else install [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org) 2. `gem install gemwarrior` 3. `gemwarrior` Run the commands above and you'll be whisked away to Jool, ready to start or continue your quest to defeat Emerald and take back the coveted Shiny Thing(tm) that you will bring back to Queen Ruby (or will you...?). ## In Progress, Yanno This is in super-hyper-turbo-edition pre-pre-pre-alpha right now, but a working console prompt, some commands (type `h` for a list), and a few locations exist already. Each time you start the game a new hero will be created with a randomized name, but you can change that with `> change name`. `> c` - character check for visual identity `> i [object]` - check your inventory (or an individual item within) `> ls [entity_type]` - list entities in the game (monsters, items, locations) `> r` - take a load off and replenish hp `> l [object]` - look at current location and its items and monsters `> t [object]` - take an item from a location `> d [object]` - drop an item from your inventory `> e [object]` - equip an item in your inventory as a weapon `> ue [object]` - unequip an item in your inventory `> g [direction]` - go in a direction, if possible `> a [monster]` - attack a monster `> ch [attribute]` - change some things about yourself `> h` - display available commands `> q` - quit this nonsense w/ prompt `> qq` - quit this nonsense w/o prompt To come: * ~~Ability to move between locations!~~ * ~~Monsters!~~ * ~~Ability to fight those monsters!~~ * ~~Monsters to fight back!~~ * ~~Items you can pick up!~~ * Saving! * Loading of said saved state! * More locations to move between! * Quests (maybe)! * Towns (maybe)! * Merchants! * Sound FX! * Music! * Epic Length (whereby "Epic" I mean "maybe 30 minutes"?)!