# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- vraw = File.open(File.expand_path("../VERSION", __FILE__)).read.chomp vbits = vraw.split('.').map &:to_i vplus = { 0 => 90, 1 => 100 } # can remove and hardcode after 1.0 vminor = vplus[ vbits[0] ] + vbits[1] version = [1, vminor, vbits[2]].compact.map(&:to_s).join "." # Because card was already at 1.21 when wagn was renamed to decko and decko's # versioning went back to 0.X, card's versioning is now a little funny. # For now decko 0.X.Y will map to card 1.(90+X).Y, and decko 1.X.Y will map to # card 1.(100+X).Y. Things will get much simpler after 2.0, when decko X.Y.Z # will map to card X.Y.Z. Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "card" s.version = version s.authors = ["Ethan McCutchen", "Lewis Hoffman", "Gerry Gleason", "Philipp Kühl"] s.email = ["info@decko.org"] s.summary = "a simple engine for emergent data structures" s.description = "Cards are wiki-inspired data atoms." \ '"Carditects" use links, nests, types, patterned names, queries, views, ' \ "events, and rules to create rich structures." s.homepage = "http://decko.org" s.licenses = ["GPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0"] s.files = `git ls-files`.split $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR # add submodule files (seed data) morepaths = `git submodule --quiet foreach pwd`.split $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR morepaths.each do |submod_path| gem_root = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) relative_submod_path = submod_path.gsub "#{gem_root}/", "" Dir.chdir(submod_path) do morefiles = `git ls-files`.split $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR s.files += morefiles.map do |filename| "#{relative_submod_path}/#{filename}" end end end s.test_files = s.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.0" [ ["smartname", "0.5.1"], ["uuid", "~> 2.3"], ["carrierwave", "1.1.0"], ["htmlentities", "~> 4.3"], ["mini_magick", "~> 4.2"], # recaptcha 0.4.0 is last version that doesn't require ruby 2.0 ["recaptcha", "~> 0.4.0"], ["coderay", "~> 1.1"], ["sass", "~> 3.4"], ["coffee-script", "~> 2.4"], ["uglifier", "~> 3.2"], ["nokogiri", "1.6.8"], # 1.7 needs ruby 2.1 ["haml", "~> 5.0"], ["kaminari", "~> 0.16"], # 1.0 needs rails 5 ["bootstrap-kaminari-views", "~> 0"], ["diff-lcs", "~> 1.3"], # mime-types can be removed if we drop support for ruby 1.9.3 # mime-types 3.0 uses mime-types-data which isn't compatible with 1.9.3 ["mime-types", "2.99.1"], ["twitter", "6.1.0"], ["colorize", "0.8"] ].each do |dep| s.add_runtime_dependency(*dep) end end