Feature Catalog for Digital Map of State Boundaries of India, 2001 Sex ratio; Literacy; Population; Statistics; Administrative and political divisions 2013 eng; US ML InfoMap (Firm) STATE2001 Administrative Unit false FID Internal feature number. Esri Esri OID Shape Feature geometry. Esri Esri Geometry TOT_NM_HH Total number of household Census of India Census of India Double T_MRG_CULT Total Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_MFHH Total rural Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double F_POP Female population Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_NM_H Total urban number of household Census of India Census of India Double R_F_MRG_AG Rural female Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double U_TOT_AGLB Total urban agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_CULT Rural female Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_M_CULT Urban male Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_M_NNW Urban male Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double F_NNW Female Non-workers Census of India Census of India Integer U_T_MRG_CU Total?urban Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_M_MRG_AG Rural male Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double TOT_POP Total population Census of India Census of India Double TOT_MRW Total Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_AGLB Total rural agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double TOT_MFHH Total Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double STATE_ID Unique identification number ML Infomap ML Infomap Double U_TOT_MRW Total urban Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double R_M_W Rural male workers Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_ILLT Total urban Illiterates Census of India Census of India Double TOT_AGLB Total Agricultural Labourers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_L6 Rural Female population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_LIT Total urban literates Census of India Census of India Double F_AGLB Female Agricultural Labourers Census of India Census of India Integer F_MFHH Female Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_OTH_W Rural female other workers Census of India Census of India Double M_L6 Male population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_ST Total urban scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MFHH Urban male Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double R_M_AGLB Rural male agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double M_SC Male scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer R_T_MRG_OT Total?rural Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_POP Urban male population Census of India Census of India Double R_T_MRG_CU Total? rural Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MNW Urban female main workers Census of India Census of India Double M_MNW Male Main Workers Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_CULT Total urban Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MRG_OT Urban male Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_T_MRG_OT Total?urban Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MRG_HH Urban female Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MRG_HH Urban male Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double TOT_OTH_W Total other workers Census of India Census of India Double M_ILLT Male Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer U_F_NNW Urban female Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MRG_OT Urban female Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MRG_CU Urban female Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MRG_AG Urban male Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double U_T_MRG_AG Total?urban Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_CULT Total rural Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MRW Urban female Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MFHH Urban female Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double F_MRW Female Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_TOT_MNW Total rural main workers Census of India Census of India Double F_CULT Female Cultivators Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_MRW Rural male Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double M_NNW Male Non-workers Census of India Census of India Integer F_W Female Total Workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_LIT Rural female literates Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_MRG_CU Rural male Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_F_POP Rural female population Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_MRG_CU Rural female Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_M_LIT Rural male literates Census of India Census of India Integer U_M_W Urban male workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_ST Rural male scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_W Total urban workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_ILLT Rural female Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_CULT Rural male Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_L6 Total rural population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer U_F_SC Urban female scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer TOT_W Total Workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_MNW Rural female main workers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_ST Rural female scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer M_OTH_W Male other workers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_W Rural female workers Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_SC Total urban scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Double TOT_CULT Total Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double F_ST Female scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_NNW Total urban Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_AGLB Rural female agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_W Total rural workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_MRG_HH Rural male Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_MRG_AG Urban female Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double M_W Male Total Workers Census of India Census of India Integer NAME Name of administrative state or union territory Census of India Census of India String State or Union Territory Name of administrative state or union territory Census of India Census of India TOT_ST Total scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer R_TOT_MRW Total rural Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double F_MRG_CULT Female Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double U_F_W Urban female workers Census of India Census of India Integer F_LIT Female literates Census of India Census of India Integer C_CODE01 Census code of state in 2001 Census of India Census of India String Census code Census code of state Census of India Census of India M_MRG_CULT Male Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double T_MRG_HH Total Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_POP Urban female population Census of India Census of India Integer U_F_ILLT Urban female Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_MFHH Total urban Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double M_AGLB Male Agricultural Labourers Census of India Census of India Integer F_OTH_W Female other workers Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_SC Rural male scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer F_MRG_OTH Female Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double M_MRG_HH Male Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double U_TOT_POP Total urban population Census of India Census of India Double T_MRG_OTH TotalMarginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double M_CULT Male Cultivators Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_MFHH Rural male Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double F_SC Female scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer TOT_MNW Total Main Workers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_NNW Rural female Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_ST Total rural scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Double M_ST Male scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_SC Rural female scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer F_L6 Female population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer TOT_LIT Total literates Census of India Census of India Integer T_MRG_AGLB Total Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MNW Urban male main workers Census of India Census of India Double R_T_MRG_AG Total?rural Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_ST Urban male scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer TOT_SC Total scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer U_TOT_OTH_ Total urban other workers Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_SC Total rural scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Double R_M_POP Rural male population Census of India Census of India Double R_M_MNW Rural male main workers Census of India Census of India Double F_MRG_AGLB Female Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double M_MRW Male Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Integer M_POP Male population Census of India Census of India Integer R_TOT_ILLT Total rural Illiterates Census of India Census of India Double R_M_OTH_W Rural male other workers Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_NNW Total rural Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_OTH_W Urban female other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_OTH_W Urban male other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_CULT Urban female Cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_T_MRG_HH Total rural Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double TOT_ILLT Total Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer R_TOT_NM_H Total rural number of household Census of India Census of India Double U_M_AGLB Urban male agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double TOT_NNW Total Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double R_M_L6 Rural Male population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer M_MRG_AGLB Male Marginal workers as agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_MRG_HH Rural female Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double M_MFHH Male Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Integer U_M_ILLT Urban male Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_MRW Rural female Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MRW Urban male Marginal workers other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_SC Urban male scheduled caste Census of India Census of India Integer U_M_LIT Urban male literates Census of India Census of India Integer M_MRG_OTH Male Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_T_MRG_HH Total urban Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_MRG_CU Urban male Marginal workers as cultivators Census of India Census of India Double R_TOT_OTH_ Total rural other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_M_L6 Urban male population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer F_MNW Female Main Workers Census of India Census of India Integer F_MRG_HH Female Marginal workers household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double R_M_NNW Rural male Non-workers Census of India Census of India Double F_ILLT Female Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer M_LIT Male literates Census of India Census of India Integer R_M_MRG_OT Rural male Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double R_M_ILLT Rural male Illiterates Census of India Census of India Integer R_TOT_POP Total rural population Census of India Census of India Double U_F_ST Urban female scheduled tribe Census of India Census of India Integer U_F_L6 Urban female population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer R_F_MFHH Rural female Household industry workers Census of India Census of India Double R_F_MRG_OT Rural female Marginal workers as other workers Census of India Census of India Double U_TOT_MNW Total urban main workers Census of India Census of India Double U_F_LIT Urban female literates Census of India Census of India Integer R_TOT_LIT Total rural literates Census of India Census of India Double U_TOT_L6 Total urban population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer TOT_L6 Total population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Integer U_F_AGLB Urban female agricultural labourers Census of India Census of India Double