$(window).load(function() {
pickyClient = new PickyClient({
// A full query displays the rendered results.
full: '/search/full',
// fullResults: 100, // Optional. Amount of ids to search for, default 20.
// A live query just updates the count.
live: '/search/live',
// liveResults: 0, // Optional. Amount of ids to search for, default 0.
// showResultsLimit: 100, // Optional. Default is 10.
// Wrap each li group (like author-title, or title-isbn etc.) of results
// in this element.
// Optional. Default is '
// wrapResults: '',
// before: function(query, params) { }, // Optional. Before Picky sends any data. Return modified query.
// success: function(data, query) { }, // Optional. Just after Picky receives data. (Get a PickyData object)
// after: function(data, query) { }, // Optional. After Picky has handled the data and updated the view.
// This is used to generate the correct query strings, localized. E.g. "subject:war".
// Optional. If you don't give these, the field identifier given in the Picky server is used.
qualifiers: {
subjects: 'subject'
// Use this to group the choices (those are used when Picky needs more feedback).
// If a category is missing, it is appended in a virtual group at the end.
// Optional. Default is [].
groups: [['author', 'title', 'subjects']],
// This is used for formatting inside the choice groups.
// Use %n$s, where n is the position of the category in the key.
// Optional. Default is {}.
choices: {
'title': {
format: "Called %1$s",
filter: function(text) { return text.toUpperCase(); },
ignoreSingle: true
'author': 'Written by %1$s',
'subjects': 'Being about %1$s',
'publisher': 'Published by %1$s',
'author,title': 'Called %2$s, written by %1$s',
'title,author': 'Called %1$s, written by %2$s',
'title,subjects': 'Called %1$s, about %2$s',
'author,subjects': '%1$s who wrote about %2$s'
// This is used to explain the preceding word in the suggestion text (if it
// has not yet been defined by the choices above), localized. E.g. "Peter (author)".
// Optional. Default are the field identifiers from the Picky server.
explanations: {
title: 'titled',
author: 'written by',
year: 'published in',
publisher: 'published by',
subjects: 'with subjects'