/* ***********************************************************************
UploadMgr - provides an API for uploading one or multiple files
with progress feedback (on modern browsers), does not block the user
interface during uploads, supports cancelling uploads.
2011 Zenesis Limited, http://www.zenesis.com
LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
This software is provided under the same licensing terms as Qooxdoo,
please see the LICENSE file in the Qooxdoo project's top-level directory
for details.
* John Spackman (john.spackman@zenesis.com)
/* ************************************************************************
************************************************************************ */
* This is the main application class of your custom application "com.zenesis.qx.upload"
qx.Class.define("uploadmgr.demo.Application", {
extend : qx.application.Standalone,
* ****************************************************************************
* ****************************************************************************
members : {
* This method contains the initial application code and gets called
* during startup of the application
* @lint ignoreDeprecated(alert)
main : function() {
// Call super class
// Enable logging in debug variant
if (qx.core.Environment.get("qx.debug")) {
// support native logging capabilities, e.g. Firebug for Firefox
// support additional cross-browser console. Press F7 to toggle
// visibility
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Below is your actual application code...
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Document is the application root
var doc = this.getRoot();
var btn = new com.zenesis.qx.upload.UploadButton("Add File(s)", "com/zenesis/qx/upload/test.png");
var lst = new qx.ui.form.List();
var uploadCount = 0;
// Uploader controls the upload process; btn is the widget that will have the input[type=file]
// attached, and "/demoupload" is the path files will be uploaded to (i.e. it's the value used
// for the form's action attribute)
var uploader = new com.zenesis.qx.upload.UploadMgr(btn, "http://www.zenesis.com/demoupload"); //"http://my.grasshopperwebsites.com:8080/demoupload"
// Parameter tp be added to all uploads (can be overridden by individual files)
uploader.setParam("myGlobalParam", "global123");
// Optionally restrict the max number of simultaneous uploads (default is 5)
uploader.addListener("addFile", function(evt) {
var file = evt.getData(),
item = new qx.ui.form.ListItem(file.getFilename() + " (queued for upload)", null, file);
// Set a parameter - each uploaded file has their own set, which can override those set
// globally against the upload manager
file.setParam("myParam_" + uploadCount, "test");
if (uploadCount % 2 == 0)
file.setParam("myGlobalParam", "overridden-global-value");
// On modern browsers (ie not IE) we will get progress updates
var progressListenerId = file.addListener("changeProgress", function(evt) {
this.debug("Upload " + file.getFilename() + ": " + evt.getData() + " / " + file.getSize() + " - " +
Math.round(evt.getData() / file.getSize() * 100) + "%");
item.setLabel(file.getFilename() + ": " + evt.getData() + " / " + file.getSize() + " - " +
Math.round(evt.getData() / file.getSize() * 100) + "%");
}, this);
// All browsers can at least get changes in state (ie "uploading", "cancelled", and "uploaded")
var stateListenerId = file.addListener("changeState", function(evt) {
var state = evt.getData();
this.debug(file.getFilename() + ": state=" + state + ", file size=" + file.getSize() + ", progress=" + file.getProgress());
if (state == "uploading")
item.setLabel(file.getFilename() + " (Uploading...)");
else if (state == "uploaded")
item.setLabel(file.getFilename() + " (Complete)");
else if (state == "cancelled")
item.setLabel(file.getFilename() + " (Cancelled)");
if (state == "uploaded" || state == "cancelled") {
}, this);
this.debug("Added file " + file.getFilename());
}, this);
doc.add(btn, { left: 50, top: 115 });
// Create a button to cancel the upload selected in the list
var btnCancel = new qx.ui.form.Button("Cancel upload", "qx/icon/Oxygen/22/actions/process-stop.png");
btnCancel.set({ enabled: false });
lst.addListener("changeSelection", function(evt) {
var sel = evt.getData(),
item = sel.length ? sel[0] : null,
file = item ? item.getModel() : null;
btnCancel.setEnabled(file != null && (file.getState() == "uploading" || file.getState() == "not-started"));
}, this);
btnCancel.addListener("execute", function(evt) {
var sel = lst.getSelection(),
item = sel[0],
file = item.getModel();
if (file.getState() == "uploading" || file.getState() == "not-started")
}, this);
// Auto upload? (default=true)
var cbx = new qx.ui.form.CheckBox("Automatically Upload");
cbx.addListener("changeValue", function(evt) {
}, this);
// add them to the UI
lst.set({ width: 500 });
doc.add(cbx, { left: 170, top: 115 });
doc.add(lst, { left: 170, top: 130 });
doc.add(btnCancel, { left: 690, top: 115 });
// Header
var comp = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox());
comp.add(new qx.ui.basic.Image("com/zenesis/qx/upload/banner.png").set({ padding: [ 0, 30 ] }));
comp.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("UploadMgr Contrib Demo").set({ font: new qx.bom.Font(28, ["Arial"]), padding: [22, 20], textColor: "white", allowGrowX: true }), { flex: 1 });
comp.add(new qx.ui.basic.Image("com/zenesis/qx/upload/logo.gif"));
doc.add(comp, { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 });
comp.setDecorator(new qx.ui.decoration.Background().set({
backgroundImage: "com/zenesis/qx/upload/banner-bg.png",
backgroundPositionX: 0}));
doc.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("http://www.zenesis.com").set({ rich: true, font: new qx.bom.Font(13, ["Arial","Lucida Grande"]) }), { left: 95, top: 85 });
// Descriptions
var lbl = new qx.ui.basic.Label("This is a demo for the Qooxdoo UploadMgr contrib which can be found at http://qooxdoo.org/contrib/project/uploadmgr; " +
"UploadMgr supports background uploads with progress feedback for modern browsers with fallback for older browsers (eg IE6-IE8).")
.set({ rich: true, width: 700 });
doc.add(lbl, { left: 100, top: 340 });
var lbl = new qx.ui.basic.Label("You can upload anything you like to test this (or as many as you like); the files will be deleted after the upload completes.")
.set({ rich: true, width: 700 });
doc.add(lbl, { left: 100, top: 390 });
var lbl = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Update:: You can now have multiple upload buttons per UploadMgr instance - below are a few extra upload buttons for testing.")
.set({ rich: true, width: 700 });
doc.add(lbl, { left: 100, top: 420 });
btn = new com.zenesis.qx.upload.UploadButton("Add File(s)", "com/zenesis/qx/upload/test.png");
doc.add(btn, { left: 100, top: 460 });
btn = new com.zenesis.qx.upload.UploadButton("Add File(s)", "com/zenesis/qx/upload/test.png");
doc.add(btn, { left: 250, top: 460 });
btn = new com.zenesis.qx.upload.UploadButton("Add File(s)", "com/zenesis/qx/upload/test.png");
doc.add(btn, { left: 400, top: 460 });
var tb = new qx.ui.toolbar.ToolBar();
doc.add(tb, { left: 100, top: 510 });
var part = new qx.ui.toolbar.Part();
btn = new qx.ui.toolbar.Button("Do Nothing 1");
btn.addListener("execute", function(evt) {
alert("Do Nothing 1 pressed");
btn = new com.zenesis.qx.upload.UploadToolbarButton("Add File(s)", "com/zenesis/qx/upload/test.png");
btn = new qx.ui.toolbar.Button("Do Nothing 2");
btn.addListener("execute", function(evt) {
alert("Do Nothing 2 pressed");
// Create an atom
var atom = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("qx.ui.basic.Atom upload button").set({ rich: true });
doc.add(atom, { left: 100, top: 575 });