#!/usr/bin/env ruby # AUTHOR: Mahmut Bulut #$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) #require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/librbdiscrete.rb' #require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require 'librbdiscrete' require 'fixnumexpand' require 'commander' require 'help' puts "===RubMat=== Copyright (C) <2011> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'help'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `certain' for details." puts "" begin command = ask(">=> ") #command = commn.chomp! # Read arguments and defines commands # Will handle command line whitespaces if (command == 'help') puts help() end if (command == 'certain') puts "To see certain conditions please visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html#SEC3" end if (command == 'factorial') n = ask("Enter N value: ", Integer) puts factorial(n) end if (command == 'binsearch') begin binary = ask("Enter array name with [ & ] suffix: ") size = ask("Enter size of search range: ", Integer) search_key = ask("Enter search delimiter key", Integer) low = ask("Lower limit: ", Integer) middle = ask("Medium limit: ", Integer) high = ask("High limit: ", Integer) puts binary_search(binary, size, search_key, low, middle, high) rescue => error puts error end end if (command == 'birdseye') n = ask("Enter workspace mass number: ", Integer) k = ask("Enter selection mass number: ", Integer) puts birds_eye(n, k) end if (command == 'combinatorial') glb = ask("Enter global set objects number: ", Integer) ksb = ask("Enter k-subset objects number: ", Integer) puts combinatorial(glb, ksb) end if (command == 'distpres') presnum = ask("Present number: ", Integer) puts dist_pres(presnum) end if (command == 'eagleview') m = ask("Enter m value: ", Integer) t = ask("Enter t value: ", Integer) puts eagle_view(m, t) end if (command == 'fermatlittle') p = ans("Enter power number: ", Integer) a = ans("Enter base number:", Integer) puts fermat_little(p, a) end if (command == 'fib') n = ans("Enter the last incremental number: ", Integer) puts fib(n) end if (command == 'isprime') raise RuntimeError.new("Have some critical issues closed to next minor version") # nb = ask("Control number: ", Integer) # puts is_prime(nb) end if (command == 'iterativefact') begin itrtnum = ask("Enter the factorial input: ", Integer) throw :ball if (itrtnum >= MAX_INTEGER) puts iterative_fact(itrtnum) end catch(:ball) do raise ArgumentError.new("iterative factorial couldn't take this value's load. Terminated.") end end if (command == 'sigma') inta = ask("Enter a value: ", Integer) intx = ask("Enter x value: ", Integer) intb = ask("Enter b value: ", Integer) pw = ask("Enter power value: ", Integer) puts sigma(inta, intx, intb, pw) end if (command == 'stirling') begin strln = ask("Enter stirling procedure value: ", Integer) throw :glass if (strln >= MAX_INTEGER) puts stirling(strln) end catch(:glass) do raise ArgumentError.new("stirling couldn't take this value's load. Terminated.") end end if (command == 'subset') gen = ask("Enter mass objects number: ", Integer) zerosbst = agree("Include zero subset?") puts subset(gen, zerosbst) end if (command == 'fibsum') n = ask("Enter n value: ", Integer) puts sum_of_fib(n) end if (command == 'twinprdx') mass = ask("Enter mass number: ", Integer) puts twin_prdx(mass) end if (command == 'uipow') base = ask("Enter base value: ", Integer) exp = ask("Enter power value: ", Integer) puts ui_pow(base, exp) end end until(command == 'exit')