// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Base class for bubble plugins. * */ goog.provide('goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble'); goog.provide('goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.Action'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.editor.BrowserFeature'); goog.require('goog.editor.Command'); goog.require('goog.editor.Link'); goog.require('goog.editor.plugins.AbstractBubblePlugin'); goog.require('goog.editor.range'); goog.require('goog.string'); goog.require('goog.style'); goog.require('goog.ui.editor.messages'); goog.require('goog.uri.utils'); goog.require('goog.window'); /** * Property bubble plugin for links. * @param {...!goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.Action} var_args List of * extra actions supported by the bubble. * @constructor * @extends {goog.editor.plugins.AbstractBubblePlugin} */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble = function(var_args) { goog.base(this); /** * List of extra actions supported by the bubble. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.extraActions_ = goog.array.toArray(arguments); /** * List of spans corresponding to the extra actions. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.actionSpans_ = []; /** * A list of whitelisted URL schemes which are safe to open. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.safeToOpenSchemes_ = ['http', 'https', 'ftp']; }; goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble, goog.editor.plugins.AbstractBubblePlugin); /** * Element id for the link text. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.LINK_TEXT_ID_ = 'tr_link-text'; /** * Element id for the test link span. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.TEST_LINK_SPAN_ID_ = 'tr_test-link-span'; /** * Element id for the test link. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.TEST_LINK_ID_ = 'tr_test-link'; /** * Element id for the change link span. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.CHANGE_LINK_SPAN_ID_ = 'tr_change-link-span'; /** * Element id for the link. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.CHANGE_LINK_ID_ = 'tr_change-link'; /** * Element id for the delete link span. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.DELETE_LINK_SPAN_ID_ = 'tr_delete-link-span'; /** * Element id for the delete link. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.DELETE_LINK_ID_ = 'tr_delete-link'; /** * Element id for the link bubble wrapper div. * type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.LINK_DIV_ID_ = 'tr_link-div'; /** * @desc Text label for link that lets the user click it to see where the link * this bubble is for point to. */ var MSG_LINK_BUBBLE_TEST_LINK = goog.getMsg('Go to link: '); /** * @desc Label that pops up a dialog to change the link. */ var MSG_LINK_BUBBLE_CHANGE = goog.getMsg('Change'); /** * @desc Label that allow the user to remove this link. */ var MSG_LINK_BUBBLE_REMOVE = goog.getMsg('Remove'); /** * Whether to stop leaking the page's url via the referrer header when the * link text link is clicked. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.stopReferrerLeaks_ = false; /** * Whether to block opening links with a non-whitelisted URL scheme. * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.blockOpeningUnsafeSchemes_ = true; /** * Tells the plugin to stop leaking the page's url via the referrer header when * the link text link is clicked. When the user clicks on a link, the * browser makes a request for the link url, passing the url of the current page * in the request headers. If the user wants the current url to be kept secret * (e.g. an unpublished document), the owner of the url that was clicked will * see the secret url in the request headers, and it will no longer be a secret. * Calling this method will not send a referrer header in the request, just as * if the user had opened a blank window and typed the url in themselves. */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.stopReferrerLeaks = function() { // TODO(user): Right now only 2 plugins have this API to stop // referrer leaks. If more plugins need to do this, come up with a way to // enable the functionality in all plugins at once. Same thing for // setBlockOpeningUnsafeSchemes and associated functionality. this.stopReferrerLeaks_ = true; }; /** * Tells the plugin whether to block URLs with schemes not in the whitelist. * If blocking is enabled, this plugin will not linkify the link in the bubble * popup. * @param {boolean} blockOpeningUnsafeSchemes Whether to block non-whitelisted * schemes. */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.setBlockOpeningUnsafeSchemes = function(blockOpeningUnsafeSchemes) { this.blockOpeningUnsafeSchemes_ = blockOpeningUnsafeSchemes; }; /** * Sets a whitelist of allowed URL schemes that are safe to open. * Schemes should all be in lowercase. If the plugin is set to block opening * unsafe schemes, user-entered URLs will be converted to lowercase and checked * against this list. The whitelist has no effect if blocking is not enabled. * @param {Array.} schemes String array of URL schemes to allow (http, * https, etc.). */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.setSafeToOpenSchemes = function(schemes) { this.safeToOpenSchemes_ = schemes; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getTrogClassId = function() { return 'LinkBubble'; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.isSupportedCommand = function(command) { return command == goog.editor.Command.UPDATE_LINK_BUBBLE; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.execCommandInternal = function(command, var_args) { if (command == goog.editor.Command.UPDATE_LINK_BUBBLE) { this.updateLink_(); } }; /** * Updates the href in the link bubble with a new link. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.updateLink_ = function() { var targetEl = this.getTargetElement(); this.closeBubble(); this.createBubble(targetEl); }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getBubbleTargetFromSelection = function(selectedElement) { var bubbleTarget = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(selectedElement, goog.dom.TagName.A); if (!bubbleTarget) { // See if the selection is touching the right side of a link, and if so, // show a bubble for that link. The check for "touching" is very brittle, // and currently only guarantees that it will pop up a bubble at the // position the cursor is placed at after the link dialog is closed. // NOTE(robbyw): This assumes this method is always called with // selected element = range.getContainerElement(). Right now this is true, // but attempts to re-use this method for other purposes could cause issues. // TODO(robbyw): Refactor this method to also take a range, and use that. var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); if (range && range.isCollapsed() && range.getStartOffset() == 0) { var startNode = range.getStartNode(); var previous = startNode.previousSibling; if (previous && previous.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.A) { bubbleTarget = previous; } } } return /** @type {Element} */ (bubbleTarget); }; /** * Set the optional function for getting the "test" link of a url. * @param {function(string) : string} func The function to use. */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.setTestLinkUrlFn = function(func) { this.testLinkUrlFn_ = func; }; /** * Returns the target element url for the bubble. * @return {string} The url href. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getTargetUrl = function() { // Get the href-attribute through getAttribute() rather than the href property // because Google-Toolbar on Firefox with "Send with Gmail" turned on // modifies the href-property of 'mailto:' links but leaves the attribute // untouched. return this.getTargetElement().getAttribute('href') || ''; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getBubbleType = function() { return goog.dom.TagName.A; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getBubbleTitle = function() { return goog.ui.editor.messages.MSG_LINK_CAPTION; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.createBubbleContents = function( bubbleContainer) { var linkObj = this.getLinkToTextObj_(); // Create linkTextSpan, show plain text for e-mail address or truncate the // text to <= 48 characters so that property bubbles don't grow too wide and // create a link if URL. Only linkify valid links. // TODO(robbyw): Repalce this color with a CSS class. var color = linkObj.valid ? 'black' : 'red'; var shouldOpenUrl = this.shouldOpenUrl(linkObj.linkText); var linkTextSpan; if (goog.editor.Link.isLikelyEmailAddress(linkObj.linkText) || !linkObj.valid || !shouldOpenUrl) { linkTextSpan = this.dom_.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.SPAN, { id: goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.LINK_TEXT_ID_, style: 'color:' + color }, this.dom_.createTextNode(linkObj.linkText)); } else { var testMsgSpan = this.dom_.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.SPAN, {id: goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.TEST_LINK_SPAN_ID_}, MSG_LINK_BUBBLE_TEST_LINK); linkTextSpan = this.dom_.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.SPAN, { id: goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.LINK_TEXT_ID_, style: 'color:' + color }, ''); var linkText = goog.string.truncateMiddle(linkObj.linkText, 48); // Actually creates a pseudo-link that can't be right-clicked to open in a // new tab, because that would avoid the logic to stop referrer leaks. this.createLink(goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.TEST_LINK_ID_, this.dom_.createTextNode(linkText).data, this.testLink, linkTextSpan); } var changeLinkSpan = this.createLinkOption( goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.CHANGE_LINK_SPAN_ID_); this.createLink(goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.CHANGE_LINK_ID_, MSG_LINK_BUBBLE_CHANGE, this.showLinkDialog_, changeLinkSpan); // This function is called multiple times - we have to reset the array. this.actionSpans_ = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.extraActions_.length; i++) { var action = this.extraActions_[i]; var actionSpan = this.createLinkOption(action.spanId_); this.actionSpans_.push(actionSpan); this.createLink(action.linkId_, action.message_, function() { action.actionFn_(this.getTargetUrl()); }, actionSpan); } var removeLinkSpan = this.createLinkOption( goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.DELETE_LINK_SPAN_ID_); this.createLink(goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.DELETE_LINK_ID_, MSG_LINK_BUBBLE_REMOVE, this.deleteLink_, removeLinkSpan); this.onShow(); var bubbleContents = this.dom_.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, {id: goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.LINK_DIV_ID_}, testMsgSpan || '', linkTextSpan, changeLinkSpan); for (i = 0; i < this.actionSpans_.length; i++) { bubbleContents.appendChild(this.actionSpans_[i]); } bubbleContents.appendChild(removeLinkSpan); goog.dom.appendChild(bubbleContainer, bubbleContents); }; /** * Tests the link by opening it in a new tab/window. Should be used as the * click event handler for the test pseudo-link. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.testLink = function() { goog.window.open(this.getTestLinkAction_(), { 'target': '_blank', 'noreferrer': this.stopReferrerLeaks_ }, this.getFieldObject().getAppWindow()); }; /** * Returns whether the URL should be considered invalid. This always returns * false in the base class, and should be overridden by subclasses that wish * to impose validity rules on URLs. * @param {string} url The url to check. * @return {boolean} Whether the URL should be considered invalid. */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.isInvalidUrl = goog.functions.FALSE; /** * Gets the text to display for a link, based on the type of link * @return {Object} Returns an object of the form: * {linkText: displayTextForLinkTarget, valid: ifTheLinkIsValid}. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getLinkToTextObj_ = function() { var isError; var targetUrl = this.getTargetUrl(); if (this.isInvalidUrl(targetUrl)) { /** * @desc Message shown in a link bubble when the link is not a valid url. */ var MSG_INVALID_URL_LINK_BUBBLE = goog.getMsg('invalid url'); targetUrl = MSG_INVALID_URL_LINK_BUBBLE; isError = true; } else if (goog.editor.Link.isMailto(targetUrl)) { targetUrl = targetUrl.substring(7); // 7 == "mailto:".length } return {linkText: targetUrl, valid: !isError}; }; /** * Shows the link dialog * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.showLinkDialog_ = function() { this.getFieldObject().execCommand(goog.editor.Command.MODAL_LINK_EDITOR, new goog.editor.Link( /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (this.getTargetElement()), false)); this.closeBubble(); }; /** * Deletes the link associated with the bubble * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.deleteLink_ = function() { this.getFieldObject().dispatchBeforeChange(); var link = this.getTargetElement(); var child = link.lastChild; goog.dom.flattenElement(link); goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(child, false); this.closeBubble(); this.getFieldObject().dispatchChange(); }; /** * Sets the proper state for the action links. * @protected * @override */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.onShow = function() { var linkDiv = this.dom_.getElement( goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.LINK_DIV_ID_); if (linkDiv) { var testLinkSpan = this.dom_.getElement( goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.TEST_LINK_SPAN_ID_); if (testLinkSpan) { var url = this.getTargetUrl(); goog.style.showElement(testLinkSpan, !goog.editor.Link.isMailto(url)); } for (var i = 0; i < this.extraActions_.length; i++) { var action = this.extraActions_[i]; var actionSpan = this.dom_.getElement(action.spanId_); if (actionSpan) { goog.style.showElement(actionSpan, action.toShowFn_( this.getTargetUrl())); } } } }; /** * Gets the url for the bubble test link. The test link is the link in the * bubble the user can click on to make sure the link they entered is correct. * @return {string} The url for the bubble link href. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.getTestLinkAction_ = function() { var targetUrl = this.getTargetUrl(); return this.testLinkUrlFn_ ? this.testLinkUrlFn_(targetUrl) : targetUrl; }; /** * Checks whether the plugin should open the given url in a new window. * @param {string} url The url to check. * @return {boolean} If the plugin should open the given url in a new window. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.shouldOpenUrl = function(url) { return !this.blockOpeningUnsafeSchemes_ || this.isSafeSchemeToOpen_(url); }; /** * Determines whether or not a url has a scheme which is safe to open. * Schemes like javascript are unsafe due to the possibility of XSS. * @param {string} url A url. * @return {boolean} Whether the url has a safe scheme. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.prototype.isSafeSchemeToOpen_ = function(url) { var scheme = goog.uri.utils.getScheme(url) || 'http'; return goog.array.contains(this.safeToOpenSchemes_, scheme.toLowerCase()); }; /** * Constructor for extra actions that can be added to the link bubble. * @param {string} spanId The ID for the span showing the action. * @param {string} linkId The ID for the link showing the action. * @param {string} message The text for the link showing the action. * @param {function(string):boolean} toShowFn Test function to determine whether * to show the action for the given URL. * @param {function(string):void} actionFn Action function to run when the * action is clicked. Takes the current target URL as a parameter. * @constructor */ goog.editor.plugins.LinkBubble.Action = function(spanId, linkId, message, toShowFn, actionFn) { this.spanId_ = spanId; this.linkId_ = linkId; this.message_ = message; this.toShowFn_ = toShowFn; this.actionFn_ = actionFn; };