# # As of Aug 15 2009, Amazon API calls will require a secret key from Amazon. # If you are unable to get such an account/key, this service can still be used # for certain functions by setting 'make_aws_call' to false, and configuring # 'service_types' to only include one or more of: ["search_inside", # "highlighted_link", "excerpts"] # Other services, such as enhance_referent and cover_image require api access. # # More about registering for and finding your AWS access key and secret key # can be found here: # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/AWSCredentials.html # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/ViewingCredentials.html # # # services.yml params: # api_key: required. AWS "access key". # secret_key: required unless make_aws_call==false. AWS "secret access key". # associate_tag: required unless make_aws_call==false. Now required by Amazon API. # sign up for an associates_id at: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/ # it's the same thing as your 'associate id'. # service_types: Optional. Array of strings of service type values to be # loaded, to over-ride defaults. # make_aws_call: default true. If false, then either uses an ASIN stored # in referent from previous service, or tries assuming # that an ISBN, if present, is the ASIN. # of services ran an amazon service adaptor # Can be used to split amazon into # two waves, since highlighted_link and cover_image # calls require _another_ HTTP request to amazon # and screen scrape. Or can be used if you don't # have access to Amazon API. # # See example of two-wave amazon in config/umlaut_distribution/services.yml-dist. # class Amazon < Service require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' require 'isbn' include MetadataHelper include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper required_config_params :url, :api_key, :associate_tag attr_reader :url def initialize(config) # defaults @url = 'http://webservices.amazon.com/onca/xml' @reader_base_url = 'http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/' # Old version non-lightboxed, whcih doesn't work very well anymore. # @reader_base_url = 'http://www.amazon.com/gp/sitbv3/reader/' @display_name = "Amazon.com" @display_text = "Amazon's page" @service_types = ["abstract", "highlighted_link", "cover_image", "search_inside", "referent_enhance", "excerpts"] @make_aws_call = true @http_timeout = 5 @credits = { "Amazon" => "http://www.amazon.com/" } super(config) # Need the secret_key after 15 aug 09. unless (@secret_key || ! @make_aws_call) if ( Time.now < Time.gm(2009, 8, 15)) Rails.logger.warn("Amazon service will require a secret_key after 15 August 2009 to make Amazon API calls.") else raise Exception.new("Amazon API now requires a secret_key. The Amazon service can only be used with make_aws_call=false unless you have an Amazon secret key configured.") end end # Only a few service types can get by without an aws call if (! @make_aws_call && @service_types.find {|type| ! ["search_inside", "highlighted_link", "excerpts"].include?(type) } ) raise Exception.new("You can only set make_aws_call == false on the definition of an Amazon service adaptor when the adaptor is also set to generate no service responses other than highlighted_link, search_inside, and excerpts") end end def service_types_generated types = Array.new @service_types.each do |type| types.push( ServiceTypeValue[type]) end return types end def handle(request) isbn = request.referent.metadata['isbn'] isbn = isbn.gsub(/[^0-9X]/,'') if isbn # does it look like a good ISBN? return request.dispatched(self, true) if isbn.blank? || ! [10,13].include?(isbn.length) # Make sure it's REALLY a good ISBN, and # Convert 13 to 10 if neccesary, cause we're using it as an ASIN. # An ISBN-13 is never an ASIN. isbn = ISBN.ten( isbn ) begin selected_aws_vals = {} if ( @make_aws_call ) aws_response = make_aws_request( isbn ) return request.dispatched(self, true) if aws_response.blank? # Add service responses based on AWS response selected_aws_vals = self.add_aws_service_responses(request, aws_response) end if ( selected_aws_vals == nil) # no aws found. return request.dispatched(self, true) end # Add service responses based on ASIN--may be run in a # later service wave. Look up asin in db if we don't have # it from current service exec. asin = selected_aws_vals[:asin] || get_identifier(:urn, "asin", request.referent) self.add_asin_service_responses(request, asin, selected_aws_vals[:item_url]) rescue TimeoutError # Try again later if we timeout; temporary error condition. return request.dispatched(self, DispatchedService::FailedTemporary) rescue Exception => e # Unexpected error, fatal error condition. return request.dispatched(self, DispatchedService::FailedFatal, e) end return request.dispatched(self, true) end def make_aws_request(isbn) # We're assuming the ISBN is the ASIN Amazon ID. Not neccesarily valid # assumption, but works enough of the time and there's no easy # alternative. query_params = { "Service"=>"AWSECommerceService", "AWSAccessKeyId"=>@api_key, "AssociateTag"=>@associate_tag, "Operation"=>"ItemLookup", "ResponseGroup"=>"Large", "ItemId"=>isbn } # has to be signed query = nil if ( @secret_key ) aws = AwsProductSign.new(:access_key => @api_key, :secret_key => @secret_key ) query = aws.query_with_signature( query_params ) else query = query_params.collect {|key, value| CGI.escape(key) + '=' + CGI.escape(value)}.join("&") end uri = URI.parse(self.url+'?'+query) # send the request http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, 80) http.open_timeout = @http_timeout http.read_timeout = @http_timeout http_response = http.send_request('GET', uri.path + '?' + uri.query) return http_response end def add_aws_service_responses(request, aws_response) return_hash = Hash.new aws = Nokogiri::XML(aws_response.body) # extract and collect info from the xml # if we get an error from Amazon, return now. err = (aws.at("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Request/Errors/Error")) err = (aws.at("ItemLookupErrorResponse")) if err.blank? unless (err.blank?) if (err.at('Code').text == 'AWS.InvalidParameterValue') # Indicates an ISBN that Amazon doesn't know about, or that # was mal-formed. We can't tell the difference, so either # way let's silently ignore. return else raise Exception.new("Error from Amazon web service: " + err.to_s) end end asin = (aws.at("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/ASIN")).inner_text # Store the asin in the referent as non-metadata private data, so # a future background service can use it. Store as a urn identifier. request.referent.add_identifier("urn:asin:#{asin}") unless asin.blank? return_hash[:asin] = asin if ( @service_types.include?("cover_image") ) # collect cover art urls ["small","medium","large"].each do | size | if (img = aws.at("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/"+size.capitalize+"Image/URL")) request.add_service_response( :service=>self, :display_text => 'Cover Image', :key=>size, :url => img.inner_text, :asin => asin, :size => size, :service_type_value => :cover_image) end end end item_url = (aws.at("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/DetailPageURL")).inner_text # Store to return to caller return_hash[:item_url] = item_url # get description if ( @service_types.include?("abstract") && desc = (aws.at("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/EditorialReviews/EditorialReview/Content"))) desc_text = desc.inner_text unless ( desc_text.blank? ) request.add_service_response( :service=>self, :display_text => "Description from Amazon.com", :url => item_url, :key=>'abstract', :value_string=>asin, :content=> sanitize(desc_text) , :content_html_safe => true, :service_type_value => 'abstract') end end if ( @service_types.include?("similar_item")) # Get Amazon's 'similar products' to help recommend other useful items (aws.search("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/SimilarProducts/SimilarProduct")).each do |similar| request.add_service_response( :service=>self, :key=>'book', :value_string=>(similar.at("ASIN")).inner_text, :value_alt_string=>(similar.at("Title")).inner_text, :service_type_value => 'similar_item') end end if ( @service_types.include?("referent_enhance")) item_attributes = aws.at("ItemLookupResponse/Items/Item/ItemAttributes") request.referent.enhance_referent('format', 'book', false) unless request.referent.format == 'book' metadata = request.referent.metadata unless (metadata['btitle'] || metadata['title']) if title = (item_attributes.at("Title")) request.referent.enhance_referent('btitle', normalize_aws_title(title.inner_text)) end end # Enhance with full author name string even if aulast is already present, because full string may be useful for worldcat identities. unless (metadata['au'] ) if author = (item_attributes.at("Author")) request.referent.enhance_referent('au', author.inner_text) end end unless metadata['pub'] if pub = (item_attributes.at("Publisher")) request.referent.enhance_referent('pub', pub.inner_text) end end unless metadata['tpages'] if tpages = (item_attributes.at("NumberOfPages")) request.referent.enhance_referent('tpages', tpages.inner_text) end end end return return_hash end def add_asin_service_responses(request, asin, item_url) # we want to highlight Amazon to link to 'search in this book', etc. if asin # Search or Look inside the book offered? We only know by trying and # then screen-scraping. search_inside = false look_inside = false # Check for search_inside or look_inside if we're configured # to supply highlighted_link or search_inside, that's what we # need it for. if ( @service_types.include?("highlighted_link") || @service_types.include?("search_inside")) inside_base = @reader_base_url + asin # lame screen-scrape for search inside availability. We need to # distinguish between no results, "look inside", and "search inside". response = open(inside_base).read # This regexp only suitable for screen-scraping the old-style "sitbv3" # reader page screen if (response.include?("