# Ruby lib for working with the Hoptoad API's XML interface. # The first thing you need to set is the account name. This is the same # as the web address for your account. # # Hoptoad.account = 'myaccount' # # Then, you should set the authentication token. # # Hoptoad.token = 'abcdefg' # # If no token or authentication info is given, a HoptoadError exception will be raised. # # For more details, check out the hoptoad docs at http://hoptoadapp.com/pages/api. # # Find errors # # Errors are paginated. You get 25 at a time. # errors = Hoptoad::Error.find(:all) # # with pagination: # Hoptoad::Error.find(:all, :params => { :page => 2 }) # # find individual error by ID # Hoptoad::Error.find(44) module Hoptoad class Error include HTTParty format :xml @@collection_path = '/errors.xml' @@individual_collection_path = '/errors/' def self.collection_path @@collection_path end def self.find(*args) base_uri Hoptoad.account default_params :auth_token => Hoptoad.auth_token check_configuration results = case args.first when Fixnum find_individual(args) when :all find_all(args) else raise HoptoadError.new('Invalid argument') end raise HoptoadError.new('No results found.') if results.nil? raise HoptoadError.new(results.errors.error) if results.errors results.group || results.groups end def self.update(error, options) check_configuration self.class.put("#{@collection_path}", options) end private def self.check_configuration raise HoptoadError.new('API Token cannot be nil') if default_options.nil? || default_options[:default_params].nil? || !default_options[:default_params].has_key?(:auth_token) raise HoptoadError.new('Account cannot be nil') unless default_options.has_key?(:base_uri) end def self.find_all(args) options = args.extract_options! Hashie::Mash.new(get("#{@@collection_path}", { :query => options })) end def self.find_individual(args) id = args.shift options = args.extract_options! hash = Hashie::Mash.new(response = get("#{@@individual_collection_path}#{id}.xml", { :query => options })) raise HoptoadError.new('SSL should be enabled - use Hoptoad.secure = true in configuration') if response.code == 403 hash end end end