require 'rspec' require 'nokogiri' require "fracture/fracture" require "fracture/matchers/matcher" describe Fracture do context "form" do context "when no form exists" do before { @page = "<p>not a form</p>" } it("should not have a form") { @page.should_not have_a_form } it("should have a form") { expect { @page.should have_a_form }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find a form on the page/) } end context "when form exists" do before { @page = "<form method='post' action='/companies'>" } it("should have a form") { @page.should have_a_form } it("should not have a form") { expect { @page.should_not have_a_form }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find a form on the page/) } context "that_is_new" do it("should be a new form") { @page.should have_a_form.that_is_new } it("should not be an edit") { expect { @page.should have_a_form.that_is_edit }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /Form is not an edit/) } end context "that_is_edit" do before { @page += "<input type='hidden' name='_method' value='put'>" } it "should not be a new form" do expect { @page.should have_a_form.that_is_new }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /Form is an edit/) end it("should be an edit form") { @page.should have_a_form.that_is_edit } it("should have a form") { @page.should have_a_form } end context "with_path_of" do it "should match path" do @page.should have_a_form.with_path_of("/companies") end it "should not match path" do expect { @page.should have_a_form.with_path_of("/fred") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, "Expected to find forms action of '//fred' but found '//companies'") end end end context "not support should_not when chained" do it "should raise error if that_is_edit" do expect { @page.should_not have_a_form.that_is_edit }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Cannot use should_not chained with .is_for, .that_is_edit or .with_path_of ") end it "should raise error if that_is_new" do expect { @page.should_not have_a_form.that_is_new }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Cannot use should_not chained with .is_for, .that_is_edit or .with_path_of ") end it "should raise error if with_path_of" do expect { @page.should_not have_a_form.with_path_of("/abc") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Cannot use should_not chained with .is_for, .that_is_edit or .with_path_of ") end end end context "Fracture" do it "non existent fracture label" do expect { @page.should have_fracture(:dont_exist) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Fracture with Label of 'dont_exist' was not found") end before do Fracture.clear @page = <<sample <h1>Opening</h1> <table> <tr> <th>abc</th> <th>def</th> </tr> <tr> <td class='left'>123</td> <td id='second'>456</td> </tr> </table> <p class='big'>Title 1</p> The Main Body sample Fracture.define_text(:text_1, "Title 1") Fracture.define_text(:text_2, "Main", "Opening") end let(:nsel_1) { Fracture.define_selector(:nsel_1, "table > td") } let(:ntext_1) { Fracture.define_text(:ntext_1, "sex") } let(:b11) { Fracture.define_text(:b11, "please") } let(:bb1) { Fracture.define_text(:bb1, "Main", "sex") } let(:bb2) { Fracture.define_text(:bb2, "Sex", "Main") } let(:bb3) { Fracture.define_text(:bb3, "Sex", "please") } context "when selector" do describe "Fracture" do before do Fracture.define_selector(:sel_1, "tr>td:contains('123')") Fracture.define_selector(:sel_2, "tr>th:contains('abc')", "tr>td:contains('456')") end it "should find sel_1" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :sel_1).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it 'should find sel_2' do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :sel_2).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "should not have sel_1 present" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, :sel_1).should == {passed: false, should: [], should_not: [{fracture_label: :sel_1, label: "tr>td:contains('123')"}]} end it "cant find nsel_1 on page" do nsel_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :nsel_1).should == {passed: false, should: [{fracture_label: :nsel_1, :label => "table > td"}], should_not: []} end it "should not find nsel_1 on page" do nsel_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, :nsel_1).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end end context "have_fracture" do it "should find fracture of :class_1" do Fracture.define_selector(:class_1, "td.left") @page.should have_fracture :class_1 end it "should find fracture of :id_1" do Fracture.define_selector(:id_1, "td#second") @page.should have_fracture :id_1 end it "should not find missing fracture" do Fracture.define_selector(:id_2, "th#second") @page.should_not have_fracture :id_2 end it "should fail to find a fracture" do Fracture.define_selector(:id_3, "th#second") expect { @page.should have_fracture(:id_3) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find 'th#second'/) end end end context "when text" do describe "Fracture" do context "when passing only one fracture list" do context "should" do context "when 1 fracture" do it "1 found" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :text_1).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "2 found" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :text_2).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "1 not found" do ntext_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :ntext_1).should == {passed: false, should: [{fracture_label: :ntext_1, label: "sex"}], should_not: []} end it "2 not found" do bb3 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :bb3).should == {passed: false, should: [{fracture_label: :bb3, label: "Sex"}, {fracture_label: :bb3, label: "please"}], should_not: []} end it "1 not found and 1 found" do bb1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, :bb1).should == {passed: false, should: [{fracture_label: :bb1, label: "sex"}], should_not: []} end end context "when list of 2 fractures" do it "3 found" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, [:text_1, :text_2]).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "2 not found" do ntext_1 b11 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, [:ntext_1, :b11]).should == {passed: false, should: [{:fracture_label => :ntext_1, :label => "sex"}, {:fracture_label => :b11, :label => "please"}], should_not: []} end end end context "should_not" do context "when 1 fracture" do it "1 found (not)" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, :text_1).should == {passed: false, should_not: [{fracture_label: :text_1, label: "Title 1"}], should: []} end it "not found" do ntext_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, :ntext_1).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "not found multi" do bb3 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, :bb3).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end end context "when list of 2 fractures" do it "3 found" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, [:text_1, :text_2]).should == {passed: false, should_not: [{:fracture_label => :text_1, :label => "Title 1"}, {:fracture_label => :text_2, :label => "Main"}, {:fracture_label => :text_2, :label => "Opening"}], should: []} end it "2 not found" do ntext_1 b11 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, [:ntext_1, :b11]).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end end end end context "when passing 2 fracture lists (should find and should not find)" do context "should" do it "exist 1 found and not exist 1 not found" do ntext_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, [:text_1], [:ntext_1]).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "should not find text_2" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, [:text_1], [:text_2]).should == {passed: false, should: [], should_not: [{:fracture_label => :text_2, :label => "Main"}, {:fracture_label => :text_2, :label => "Opening"}]} end it "should not find text_1" do ntext_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, false, [:ntext_1], [:text_1]).should == {passed: false, should: [{:fracture_label => :ntext_1, :label => "sex"}], should_not: [{fracture_label: :text_1, label: "Title 1"}]} end end context "when should_not" do it "should not find ntext_1 and should find text_1 " do ntext_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, [:ntext_1], [:text_1]).should == {passed: true, should: [], should_not: []} end it "exist 1 found and not exist 1 not found" do ntext_1 Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, [:text_1], [:ntext_1]).should == {passed: false, should: [{:fracture_label => :ntext_1, :label => "sex"}], should_not: [{fracture_label: :text_1, label: "Title 1"}]} end it "text_1 should_not appear on the page and text_2 should" do Fracture.test_fractures(@page, true, [:text_1], [:text_2]).should == {passed: false, should_not: [{fracture_label: :text_1, label: "Title 1"}], should: []} end end end context "have_fracture" do context "should" do it "match single" do @page.should have_fracture(:text_1) end it "should match multiple" do @page.should have_fracture(:text_2) end it "should not match multiple when 2nd fracture item does not match" do bb1 expect { @page.should have_fracture(:bb1) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find 'sex'/) end it "should match with multiple arguments" do @page.should have_fracture(:text_2, :text_1) end it "should not match with multiple argument when last item does not match" do ntext_1 expect { @page.should have_fracture(:text_2, :text_1, :ntext_1) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find 'sex'/) end it "should fail with missing element" do ntext_1 expect { @page.should have_fracture(:ntext_1) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find 'sex'/) end end context "should not" do it "fails not match single" do expect { @page.should_not have_fracture(:text_1) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Title 1'/) end it "should not match multiple when 2nd fracture item does exist" do bb2 expect { @page.should_not have_fracture(:bb2) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Main'/) end it "should fail when last fracture has items that exist on pag" do bb2 bb3 expect { @page.should_not have_fracture(:bb3, :bb2) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Main'/) end it "should fail when first fracture has items that exist on pag" do bb2 bb3 expect { @page.should_not have_fracture([:bb2, :bb3]) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Main'/) end it "should pass when no items exist" do bb3 @page.should_not have_fracture(:bb3) end end end end end describe "have_all_fractures" do it "all" do @page.should have_all_fractures end it "not have :ntext_1" do ntext_1 expect { @page.should have_all_fractures }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find 'sex'/) end it "not have any fractures" do Fracture.clear bb3 @page.should_not have_all_fractures end end describe "have_all_fractures_except" do it "should have all except ntext_1" do ntext_1 @page.should have_all_fractures_except :ntext_1 end it "fails when find text_2 on page" do expect { @page.should have_all_fractures_except :text_2 }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Main, Opening'/) end it "fails when should_not finds text_1 on the page" do expect { @page.should_not have_all_fractures_except :text_2 }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Title 1'/) end it "none" do Fracture.clear Fracture.define_text(:text_1, "Title 1") @page.should_not have_all_fractures_except :text_1 end end describe "have_only_fractures" do it "should have only text_1 and text_2" do @page.should have_only_fractures :text_1, :text_2 end it "should have only text_1 and text_2 and ignore ntext_1" do ntext_1 @page.should have_only_fractures :text_1, :text_2 end it "should raise error when one exists" do expect { @page.should have_only_fractures :text_2 }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected not to find 'Title 1'/) end it "should raise error when expected item to exist" do ntext_1 expect { @page.should have_only_fractures :text_1, :text_2, :ntext_1 }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected to find 'sex'/) end end end end