NAME ledis SYNOPSIS a K.I.S.S auto-rotating redis logger for ruby/rails Ruby redis = logger = Ledis.logger redis logger = logger = do |config| config.redis = config.list = 'teh_foo:log' config.cap = 2 ** 16 end Rails ### file: config/environments/development.rb config.logger = Ledis.logger do |logger| logger.list = "teh_rails_app:#{ Rails.env }:log" end DESCRIPTION ledis logs yo shiznit to redis. it's got built in logic to auto-truncate logs when they get to big logger.truncate(2 **16) and to grab the most recent ones puts logger.tail(1024) it's list/line oriented, just like a log file and makes no attempt to annotated log lines or add fancy data structures to them INSTALL gem 'ledis'