require 'spec_helper' require 'db_helper' def codes_and_values_for property Hash[IB::VALUES[property].map { |code, value| [[code, value], value] }] end def numeric_assigns {1313 => 1313, [:foo, 'BAR'] => /is not a number/, nil => /is not a number/} end def numeric_or_nil_assigns numeric_assigns.merge(nil => nil) end def to_i_assigns {[1313, '1313'] => 1313, ['foo', 'BAR', nil, '', 0] => 0, } # Symbols NOT coerced! They DO have int equivalent end def float_assigns {13.13 => 13.13, 13 => 13.0, nil => /is not a number/, [:foo, 'BAR'] => /is not a number/} end def to_f_assigns {13.13 => 13.13, 13 => 13.0, [:foo, 'BAR', '', nil, 0] => 0.0} end def float_or_nil_assigns float_assigns.merge(nil => nil) end def boolean_assigns {[1, true, 't'] => true, [0, false, 'f'] => false} end def string_assigns {[:Bar, 'Bar'] => 'Bar', [:foo, 'foo'] => 'foo'} end def string_upcase_assigns {[:cboe, :Cboe, 'cboE', 'CBOE'] => 'CBOE', [:bar, 'Bar'] => 'BAR', [:foo, 'foo'] => 'FOO'} end def open_close_assigns {['SAME', 'same', 'S', 's', :same, 0, '0'] => :same, ['OPEN', 'open', 'O', 'o', :open, 1, '1'] => :open, ['CLOSE', 'close', 'C', 'c', :close, 2, '2'] => :close, ['UNKNOWN', 'unknown', 'U', 'u', :unknown, 3, '3'] => :unknown, [42, nil, 'Foo', :bar] => /should be} end def buy_sell_assigns {['BOT', 'BUY', 'Buy', 'buy', :BUY, :BOT, :Buy, :buy, 'B', :b] => :buy, ['SELL', 'SLD', 'Sel', 'sell', :SELL, :SLD, :Sell, :sell, 'S', :S] => :sell, [1, nil, 'ASK', :foo] => /should be buy.sell/ } end def buy_sell_short_assigns buy_sell_assigns.merge( ['SSHORT', 'Short', 'short', :SHORT, :short, 'T', :T] => :short, ['SSHORTX', 'Shortextemt', 'shortx', :short_exempt, 'X', :X] => :short_exempt, [1, nil, 'ASK', :foo] => /should be buy.sell.short/) end def test_assigns cases, prop, name # For all test cases given as an Array [res1, res2] or Hash {val => res} ... (cases.is_a?(Array) ? { |e| [e, e] } : cases).each do |values, result| #p prop, cases # For all values in this test case ... [values].flatten.each do |value| #p prop, name, value, result # Assigning this value to a property results in ... case result when Exception # ... Exception expect { subject.send "#{prop}=", value }. to raise_error result when Regexp # ... Non-exceptional error, making model invalid expect { subject.send "#{prop}=", value }.to_not raise_error subject.valid? # just triggers validation #pp subject.errors.messages subject.errors.messages.should have_key name subject.should be_invalid msg = subject.errors.messages[name].find { |msg| msg =~ result } msg.should =~ result else # ... correct uniform assignment to result was_valid = subject.valid? expect { subject.send "#{prop}=", value }.to_not raise_error subject.send("#{prop}").should == result if was_valid # Assignment keeps validity subject.errors.messages.should_not have_key name subject.should be_valid end if name != prop # additional asserts for aliases # Assignment to alias changes property as well subject.send("#{name}").should == result # Unsetting alias unsets property as well subject.send "#{prop}=", nil # unset alias subject.send("#{prop}").should be_blank #== nil subject.send("#{name}").should be_blank #== nil # Assignment to original property changes alias as well subject.send "#{name}=", value subject.send("#{prop}").should == result end end end end end shared_examples_for 'Model' do context 'instantiation without properties' do subject { } it_behaves_like 'Model instantiated empty' end context 'instantiation with properties' do subject { props } it_behaves_like 'Model instantiated with properties' it 'has correct human-readeable format' do case human when Regexp subject.to_human.should =~ human else subject.to_human.should == human end end end end shared_examples_for 'Self-equal Model' do subject { } it 'is self-equal ' do should == subject end it 'is equal to Model with the same properties' do should == end end shared_examples_for 'Model instantiated empty' do it { should_not be_nil } it 'sets all properties to defaults' do subject.default_attributes.each do |name, value| #p name, value case value when Time subject.send(name).should be_a Time else subject.send(name).should == value end end end it_behaves_like 'Model properties' it_behaves_like 'Invalid Model' end shared_examples_for 'Model instantiated with properties' do it 'auto-assigns all properties given to initializer' do props.each do |name, value| subject.send(name).should == value end end it_behaves_like 'Model properties' it_behaves_like 'Valid Model' end shared_examples_for 'Model properties' do it 'allows setting properties' do expect { props.each do |name, value| subject.send("#{name}=", value) subject.send(name).should == value end }.to_not raise_error end it 'sets values to properties as directed by its setters' do defined?(assigns) && assigns.each do |props, cases| # For each given property ... [props].flatten.each { |prop| test_assigns cases, prop, prop } end end it 'sets values to to aliased properties as well' do defined?(aliases) && aliases.each do |alinames, cases| name, aliases = *alinames # For each original property or alias... [name, aliases].flatten.each { |prop| test_assigns cases, prop, name } end end end shared_examples_for 'Valid Model' do it 'validates' do subject.should be_valid subject.errors.should be_empty end it_behaves_like 'Valid DB-backed Model' end shared_examples_for 'Invalid Model' do it 'does not validate' do subject.should_not be_valid subject.should be_invalid subject.errors.should_not be_empty subject.errors.messages.should == errors if defined? errors end it_behaves_like 'Invalid DB-backed Model' end shared_examples_for 'Contract' do it 'becomes invalid if assigned wrong :sec_type property' do subject.sec_type = 'FOO' subject.should be_invalid subject.errors.messages[:sec_type].should include "should be valid security type" end it 'becomes invalid if assigned wrong :right property' do subject.right = 'BAR' subject.should be_invalid subject.errors.messages[:right].should include "should be put, call or none" end it 'becomes invalid if assigned wrong :expiry property' do subject.expiry = 'BAR' subject.should be_invalid subject.errors.messages[:expiry].should include "should be YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD" end it 'becomes invalid if primary_exchange is set to SMART' do subject.primary_exchange = 'SMART' subject.should be_invalid subject.errors.messages[:primary_exchange].should include "should not be SMART" end end