# Firstjob This gem was made to connect to the Firstjob api found in https://developers.firstjob.com ## Getting started Firstjob works with Rails 3.2 onwards. You can add it to your Gemfile with: ```ruby gem 'firstjob' ``` ...or can fetch the latest developer version with: ```ruby gem 'firstjob', :git => 'git@github.com:rfernand/firstjob.git', :branch => 'master' ``` ### Configuration After you finished the gem installation, you need to configure it with your Firstjob user information. You can do it filling a file like config/initializers/firstjob.rb with: ```ruby Firstjob.setup do |config| config.username = "" # Firstjob client username config.password = "" # Firstjob client password config.base_uri "" # You need to provide the URL for the endpoint of the Firstjob API end ``` ## How to use And more that don't need an ID. All return a json object, and raise an error (401, 404, 500) if there was one: ### Create and publish a publication ```ruby publication = Firstjob::Publication.new(title: "Publicacion de prueba", description: "Test", looking_for_id: 1, career_status_id: 1, excel_level_id: 2, english_level_id: 2, universities_ids: [1,2], careers_ids: [1, 6]) publication.publish() ``` Returns Firstjob::Publication object with the publication.id and publication.slug issued by Firstjob. ### Get postulants of a publication ```ruby publication = Firstjob::Publication.new publication.id = 800 # ID of an existing publication publication.postulants ``` Returns hash with postulants data. Example: ```ruby => [{"id"=>nil, "email"=>"postulant@gmail.com", "university_id"=>8, "principal_career_id"=>1057, "career_status"=>3, "english_level"=>2, "years_experience"=>1}, ...}] ``` ### Unpublish a publication ```ruby publication = Firstjob::Publication.new publication.id = 800 # ID of an existing publication publication.destroy ``` If succeded, returns the body of Firstjob response: ```ruby => "{\"mensaje\":\"Trabajo dado de baja\"}" ``` ### Development & Testing You can start the gem in a standalone ruby console with: ``` $ rake console ``` And you can manually configure the gem in: ``` spec/firstjob_initializer_helper.rb ```