Sha256: 872078e95662add1fcbc07cfbc61618882e5d55fc6dc997b129d8712547d249c

Contents?: true

Size: 1.42 KB

Versions: 4


Stored size: 1.42 KB


3.1.10 (Brainy Betty)
@options{o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode:@silenti:@value[I"z/* Change the box model for Mozilla, Webkit, IE8 and the future
 * @param $bs
 *   [ content-box | border-box ] */;F;	i;[:
o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;T;	i
;[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode;	i;[:
:@keywords{;	i:
@args[o:Sass::Script::Variable	;	i:@underscored_nameI"bs;T:
;I"unquote;T;
o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;{;	i;[;[
o:Sass::Script::String	;I"box-sizing;T;	i:
o;	;	i;I"bs;T;I"bs;T;
o;	;I"	-moz;T;	i;;;
o;	;I"-webkit;T;	i;;;
o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation	:
@operando;	;I"-o;T;	i;;;
:@operator:not;	i;
o;	;I"-ms;T;	i;;;
o; 	;!o;	;I"-khtml;T;	i;;;
;";#;	i;
o;	;I"
official;T;	i;;;
;I"@import "shared";

// Change the box model for Mozilla, Webkit, IE8 and the future
// @param $bs
//   [ content-box | border-box ]

@mixin box-sizing($bs) {
  $bs: unquote($bs);
  @include experimental(box-sizing, $bs,
    -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, official
;	i

Version data entries

4 entries across 4 versions & 1 rubygems

Version Path
radiant-1.1.0.alpha tmp/sass-cache/088a868650a833c4a9c969defbf479bfdf7ebab9/_box-sizing.scssc
radiant-1.0.0 tmp/sass-cache/088a868650a833c4a9c969defbf479bfdf7ebab9/_box-sizing.scssc
radiant-1.0.0.rc5 tmp/sass-cache/088a868650a833c4a9c969defbf479bfdf7ebab9/_box-sizing.scssc
radiant-1.0.0.rc4 tmp/sass-cache/088a868650a833c4a9c969defbf479bfdf7ebab9/_box-sizing.scssc