module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # The Mercury gateway integration by default requires that the Mercury # account being used has tokenization turned. This enables the use of # capture/refund/void without having to pass the credit card back in each # time. Only the "OneTime" tokenization is used; there is no use of # "Recurring" tokenization. # # If you don't wish to enable Mercury tokenization, you can pass # <code>:tokenization => false</code> as an option when creating the # gateway. If you do so, then passing a +:credit_card+ option to +capture+ # and +refund+ will become mandatory. class MercuryGateway < Gateway URLS = { test: '', live: '' } self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Mercury' self.supported_countries = %w[US CA] self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover diners_club jcb] self.default_currency = 'USD' STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING = { '100204' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_number], '100205' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_expiry_date], '000000' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:card_declined] } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @use_tokenization = (!options.has_key?(:tokenization) || options[:tokenization]) super end def purchase(money, credit_card, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id) request = build_non_authorized_request('Sale', money, credit_card, options) commit('Sale', request) end def credit(money, credit_card, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id) request = build_non_authorized_request('Return', money, credit_card, options) commit('Return', request) end def authorize(money, credit_card, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id) request = build_non_authorized_request('PreAuth', money, credit_card, options.merge(authorized: money)) commit('PreAuth', request) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) requires!(options, :credit_card) unless @use_tokenization request = build_authorized_request('PreAuthCapture', money, authorization, options[:credit_card], options.merge(authorized: money)) commit('PreAuthCapture', request) end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) requires!(options, :credit_card) unless @use_tokenization request = build_authorized_request('Return', money, authorization, options[:credit_card], options) commit('Return', request) end def void(authorization, options = {}) requires!(options, :credit_card) unless @use_tokenization request = build_authorized_request('VoidSale', nil, authorization, options[:credit_card], options) commit('VoidSale', request) end def store(credit_card, options = {}) request = build_card_lookup_request(credit_card, options) commit('CardLookup', request) end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r(<), '<'). gsub(%r(>), '>'). gsub(%r((<pw>).*(</pw>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<AcctNo>)(\d|x)*(</AcctNo>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\3'). gsub(%r((<CVVData>)\d*(</CVVData>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private def build_non_authorized_request(action, money, credit_card, options) xml = xml.tag! 'TStream' do xml.tag! 'Transaction' do xml.tag! 'TranType', 'Credit' xml.tag! 'TranCode', action xml.tag! 'PartialAuth', 'Allow' if options[:allow_partial_auth] && %w[PreAuth Sale].include?(action) add_invoice(xml, options[:order_id], nil, options) add_reference(xml, 'RecordNumberRequested') add_customer_data(xml, options) add_amount(xml, money, options) add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, action) add_address(xml, options) unless credit_card.track_data.present? end end xml =! end def build_authorized_request(action, money, authorization, credit_card, options) xml = invoice_no, ref_no, auth_code, acq_ref_data, process_data, record_no, amount = split_authorization(authorization) ref_no = '1' if ref_no.blank? xml.tag! 'TStream' do xml.tag! 'Transaction' do xml.tag! 'TranType', 'Credit' xml.tag! 'PartialAuth', 'Allow' if options[:allow_partial_auth] && (action == 'PreAuthCapture') xml.tag! 'TranCode', (@use_tokenization ? (action + 'ByRecordNo') : action) add_invoice(xml, invoice_no, ref_no, options) add_reference(xml, record_no) add_customer_data(xml, options) add_amount(xml, (money || amount.to_i), options) add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, action) if credit_card add_address(xml, options) xml.tag! 'TranInfo' do xml.tag! 'AuthCode', auth_code xml.tag! 'AcqRefData', acq_ref_data xml.tag! 'ProcessData', process_data end end end xml =! end def build_card_lookup_request(credit_card, options) xml = xml.tag! 'TStream' do xml.tag! 'Transaction' do xml.tag! 'TranType', 'CardLookup' xml.tag! 'RecordNo', 'RecordNumberRequested' xml.tag! 'Frequency', 'OneTime' xml.tag! 'Memo', options[:description] add_customer_data(xml, options) add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, options) end end! end def add_invoice(xml, invoice_no, ref_no, options) xml.tag! 'InvoiceNo', invoice_no xml.tag! 'RefNo', (ref_no || invoice_no) xml.tag! 'OperatorID', options[:merchant] if options[:merchant] xml.tag! 'Memo', options[:description] if options[:description] end def add_reference(xml, record_no) if @use_tokenization xml.tag! 'Frequency', 'OneTime' xml.tag! 'RecordNo', record_no end end def add_customer_data(xml, options) xml.tag! 'IpAddress', options[:ip] if options[:ip] if options[:customer] xml.tag! 'TranInfo' do xml.tag! 'CustomerCode', options[:customer] end end xml.tag! 'MerchantID', @options[:login] end def add_amount(xml, money, options = {}) xml.tag! 'Amount' do xml.tag! 'Purchase', amount(money) xml.tag! 'Tax', options[:tax] if options[:tax] xml.tag! 'Authorize', amount(options[:authorized]) if options[:authorized] xml.tag! 'Gratuity', amount(options[:tip]) if options[:tip] end end CARD_CODES = { 'visa' => 'VISA', 'master' => 'M/C', 'american_express' => 'AMEX', 'discover' => 'DCVR', 'diners_club' => 'DCLB', 'jcb' => 'JCB' } def add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, action) xml.tag! 'Account' do if credit_card.track_data.present? # Track 1 has a start sentinel (STX) of '%' and track 2 is ';' # Track 1 and 2 have identical end sentinels (ETX) of '?' # Tracks may or may not have checksum (LRC) after the ETX # If the track has no STX or is corrupt, we send it as track 1, to let Mercury # handle with the validation error as it sees fit. # Track 2 requires having the STX and ETX stripped. Track 1 does not. # Max-length track 1s require having the STX and ETX stripped. Max is 79 bytes including LRC. is_track2 = credit_card.track_data[0] == ';' etx_index = credit_card.track_data.rindex('?') || credit_card.track_data.length is_max_track1 = etx_index >= 77 if is_track2 xml.tag! 'Track2', credit_card.track_data[1...etx_index] elsif is_max_track1 xml.tag! 'Track1', credit_card.track_data[1...etx_index] else xml.tag! 'Track1', credit_card.track_data end else xml.tag! 'AcctNo', credit_card.number xml.tag! 'ExpDate', expdate(credit_card) end end xml.tag! 'CardType', CARD_CODES[credit_card.brand] if credit_card.brand include_cvv = !%w(Return PreAuthCapture).include?(action) && !credit_card.track_data.present? xml.tag! 'CVVData', credit_card.verification_value if include_cvv && credit_card.verification_value end def add_address(xml, options) if billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] xml.tag! 'AVS' do xml.tag! 'Address', billing_address[:address1] xml.tag! 'Zip', billing_address[:zip] end end end def parse(action, body) response = {} hashify_xml!(unescape_xml(body), response) response end def hashify_xml!(xml, response) xml = xml.elements.each('//CmdResponse/*') do |node| response[] = node.text end xml.elements.each('//TranResponse/*') do |node| if == 'Amount' node.elements.each do |amt| response[] = amt.text end else response[] = node.text end end end def endpoint_url URLS[test? ? :test : :live] end def build_soap_request(body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'soap:Envelope', ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'soap:Body' do xml.tag! 'CreditTransaction', 'xmlns' => homepage_url do xml.tag! 'tran' do xml << escape_xml(body) end xml.tag! 'pw', @options[:password] end end end! end def build_header { 'SOAPAction' => '', 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' } end SUCCESS_CODES = %w[Approved Success] def commit(action, request) response = parse(action, ssl_post(endpoint_url, build_soap_request(request), build_header)) success = SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:cmd_status]) message = success ? 'Success' : message_from(response) success, message, response, test: test?, authorization: authorization_from(response), avs_result: { code: response[:avs_result] }, cvv_result: response[:cvv_result], error_code: success ? nil : STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING[response[:dsix_return_code]] ) end def message_from(response) response[:text_response] end def authorization_from(response) dollars, cents = (response[:purchase] || '').split('.').collect(&:to_i) dollars ||= 0 cents ||= 0 [ response[:invoice_no], response[:ref_no], response[:auth_code], response[:acq_ref_data], response[:process_data], response[:record_no], ((dollars * 100) + cents).to_s ].join(';') end def split_authorization(authorization) invoice_no, ref_no, auth_code, acq_ref_data, process_data, record_no, amount = authorization.split(';') [invoice_no, ref_no, auth_code, acq_ref_data, process_data, record_no, amount] end ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:soap' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '' } def escape_xml(xml) "\n<![CDATA[\n#{xml}\n]]>\n" end def unescape_xml(escaped_xml) escaped_xml.gsub(/\>/, '>').gsub(/\</, '<') end end end end