// Navbar site logo // make sure we don't style any other instance so nest with .nav-brand .nav-brand .site__logo--group .site__logo--curve, .site__logo--legvert, .site__logo--leg45, .site__logo--g, .site__logo--a, .site__logo__i, .site__logo--t, .site__logo--Q fill: $env-primary // on mobile and within the clinician env we hide the other submenus and show the gaitq env .nav-group-link .pwp-group, .gaitq-group display: none @media screen and ( min-width: 768px ) .pwp-group-link, .clinician-group-link display: flex .nav-group-content background-color: $env-primary border-top: 1px solid rgb(118, 133, 164) .clinician-group display: flex align-items: center width: 100vw height: 15vh left: 0 flex-direction: row .nav-group-content .nav-link font-weight: 400 color: $env-primary text-transform: uppercase padding: 0 3rem &:hover text-decoration: underline