module AdminData::Helpers def total_records_info(klass) '(Total ' + pluralize(klass.count, 'record') + ' )' end def search_result_title(total_num_of_children, records) output = [] if params[:base] label = params[:base].camelize + ' ID ' + params[:model_id] output << link_to(label, admin_data_on_k_path(:klass => params[:base], :id => params[:model_id])) output << 'has' output << pluralize(total_num_of_children, params[:klass]) elsif !params[:query].blank? || params[:adv_search] output << 'Search result:' output << pluralize(records.total_entries, 'record') output << 'found' else output << 'All ' output << params[:klass].camelize output << 'records' end output.join(' ').html_safe end def admin_data_column_native(klass, column) klass.send(:columns).select {|r| r.instance_variable_get('@name') == column}.first end def admin_data_invalid_record_link(klassu, id, error) record = klassu.camelize.constantize.send(:find, id) tmp = admin_data_on_k_path(:klass => klassu, :id => record) a = [] a << link_to(klassu.camelize, tmp, :target => '_blank') a << id a << error a.join(' | ') end def admin_data_has_one(model, klass) tmp = AdminData::Util.has_one_what(klass) tmp.inject('') do |output, ho| begin label = ho if model.send(ho) has_one_klass_name = AdminData::Util.get_class_name_for_has_one_association(model, ho).name.underscore output << link_to(label, admin_data_on_k_path(:klass => ho.underscore, :id => model.send(ho))) else output << label end rescue => e Rails.logger.debug AdminData::Util.exception_info(e) end output end end def admin_data_has_many_data(model, klass) array = AdminData::Util.has_many_what(klass).inject([]) do |output, hm| begin label = hm + '(' + AdminData::Util.has_many_count(model,hm).to_s + ')' if AdminData::Util.has_many_count(model,hm) > 0 has_many_klass_name = AdminData::Util.get_class_name_for_has_many_association(model,hm).name.underscore output << link_to(label, admin_data_search_path( :klass => has_many_klass_name, :children => hm, :base =>, :model_id => else output << label end rescue => e Rails.logger.debug AdminData::Util.exception_info(e) end output end array.join(', ') end def admin_data_belongs_to_data(model, klass) array = AdminData::Util.belongs_to_what(klass).inject([]) do |output, bt| begin t = AdminData::Util.get_class_name_for_belongs_to_class(model, bt) klass_name = t[:polymorphic] ? 'Polymorphic' : t[:klass_name] belongs_to_record = model.send(bt) if belongs_to_record && t[:polymorphic] output << link_to(, admin_data_on_k_path(:klass =>, :id => belongs_to_record)) elsif belongs_to_record output << link_to(bt, admin_data_on_k_path(:klass => klass_name.underscore, :id => model.send(bt))) else output << bt end rescue => e AdminData::Util.exception_info(e) end output end array.join(', ') end def admin_data_breadcrum(&block) render(:partial => '/admin_data/shared/breadcrum', :locals => {:data => capture(&block)}) end def admin_data_form_field(klass, model, col, f) html = [] column_value = model.send( if klass.serialized_attributes.has_key?( return AdminData::Util.get_serialized_value(html,column_value) end if col.primary html << model.new_record? ? '(auto)' : elsif get_reflection_for_column(klass, col) && AdminData::Config.setting[:drop_down_for_associations] admin_data_form_field_for_association_records(klass, col, f, html) else admin_data_handle_column_type(col, html, model, column_value, f) end end def admin_data_form_field_for_association_records(klass, col, f, html) begin reflection = get_reflection_for_column(klass, col) # in some edge cases following code throws exception. investigating .. options = reflection.options if options.keys.include?(:polymorphic) && options.fetch(:polymorphic) build_text_field(html, f, col) else ref_klass = reflection.klass association_name ='name') ? :name : ref_klass.primary_key all_for_dropdown = ref_klass.all(:order => "#{association_name} asc") html << f.collection_select(, all_for_dropdown, :id, association_name, :include_blank => true) end html.join rescue Exception => e AdminData::Util.exception_info(e) 'could not retrieve' # returning nil end end def admin_data_handle_column_type(col, html, model, column_value, f) case col.type when :text html << f.text_area(, :rows => 6, :cols => 70) when :datetime if ['created_at', 'updated_at'].include?( html << '(auto)' else value = params[:action] == 'new' ? : column_value year_value = value.year if value datetime_selects = f.datetime_select(, :include_blank => true) html << datetime_selects.gsub('type="hidden"', 'type="text" size="4" class="nice-field"') end when :date value = params[:action] == 'new' ? : column_value year_value = value.year if value date_selects = f.date_select(, :discard_year => true, :include_blank => true) html << date_selects.gsub('type="hidden"', 'type="text" size="4" class="nice-field"') when :time # time_select method of rails is buggy and is causing problem # 1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes # # will try again this method with Rails 3 #html << f.time_select(, :include_blank => true, :include_seconds => true) when :boolean html <<, [['True', true], ['False', false]], :include_blank => true) else build_text_field(html, f, col) end html.join end def build_text_field(html, f, col) options = {:class => 'nice-field'} if AdminData::Config.setting[:ignore_column_limit] options[:size] = 60 options[:maxlength] = 255 else options[:size] = (col && col.limit && col.limit < 60) ? col.limit : 60 options[:maxlength] = col.limit if col.limit end html << f.text_field(, options) html.join end # uses truncate method # options supports :limit which is applied if the column type is string or text. # calls the inspect method to convert to a string if the column is serialized. def admin_data_get_value_for_column(column, model, options = {}) options.reverse_merge!(:limit => 400) value = AdminData::Util.custom_value_for_column(column, model) if column.type == :datetime value.strftime('%d-%B-%Y %H:%M:%S %p') unless value.blank? elsif column.type == :string || column.type == :text value = value.inspect if model.class.serialized_attributes.keys.include?( return value if options[:limit].blank? begin truncate(value,:length => options[:limit]) rescue # truncate method failed '' end else value end end def get_reflection_for_column(klass, col) klass.reflections.values.detect { |reflection| reflection.primary_key_name.to_sym == } end end