#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/http/handler' require 'puppet/network/authorization' require 'puppet/network/authentication' class HttpHandled include Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler end describe Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler do before do @handler = HttpHandled.new end it "should include the v1 REST API" do Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Network::HTTP::API::V1) end it "should include the Rest Authorization system" do Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Network::Authorization) end it "should have a method for initializing" do @handler.should respond_to(:initialize_for_puppet) end describe "when initializing" do it "should fail when no server type has been provided" do lambda { @handler.initialize_for_puppet }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set server type" do @handler.initialize_for_puppet("foo") @handler.server.should == "foo" end end it "should be able to process requests" do @handler.should respond_to(:process) end describe "when processing a request" do before do @request = stub('http request') @request.stubs(:[]).returns "foo" @response = stub('http response') @model_class = stub('indirected model class') @indirection = stub('indirection') @model_class.stubs(:indirection).returns(@indirection) @result = stub 'result', :render => "mytext" @handler.stubs(:check_authorization) @handler.stubs(:warn_if_near_expiration) stub_server_interface end # Stub out the interface we require our including classes to # implement. def stub_server_interface @handler.stubs(:accept_header ).returns "format_one,format_two" @handler.stubs(:content_type_header).returns "text/yaml" @handler.stubs(:set_content_type ).returns "my_result" @handler.stubs(:set_response ).returns "my_result" @handler.stubs(:path ).returns "/my_handler/my_result" @handler.stubs(:http_method ).returns("GET") @handler.stubs(:params ).returns({}) @handler.stubs(:content_type ).returns("text/plain") @handler.stubs(:client_cert ).returns(nil) end it "should check the client certificate for upcoming expiration" do cert = mock 'cert' @handler.stubs(:uri2indirection).returns(["facts", :mymethod, "key", {:node => "name"}]) @handler.expects(:client_cert).returns(cert).with(@request) @handler.expects(:warn_if_near_expiration).with(cert) @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should create an indirection request from the path, parameters, and http method" do @handler.expects(:path).with(@request).returns "mypath" @handler.expects(:http_method).with(@request).returns "mymethod" @handler.expects(:params).with(@request).returns "myparams" @handler.expects(:uri2indirection).with("mymethod", "mypath", "myparams").returns stub("request", :method => :find) @handler.stubs(:do_find) @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should call the 'do' method and delegate authorization to the authorization layer" do @handler.expects(:uri2indirection).returns(["facts", :mymethod, "key", {:node => "name"}]) @handler.expects(:do_mymethod).with("facts", "key", {:node => "name"}, @request, @response) @handler.expects(:check_authorization).with("facts", :mymethod, "key", {:node => "name"}) @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should return 403 if the request is not authorized" do @handler.expects(:uri2indirection).returns(["facts", :mymethod, "key", {:node => "name"}]) @handler.expects(:do_mymethod).never @handler.expects(:check_authorization).with("facts", :mymethod, "key", {:node => "name"}).raises(Puppet::Network::AuthorizationError.new("forbidden")) @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status == 403 } @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should serialize a controller exception when an exception is thrown while finding the model instance" do @handler.expects(:uri2indirection).returns(["facts", :find, "key", {:node => "name"}]) @handler.expects(:do_find).raises(ArgumentError, "The exception") @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| body == "The exception" and status == 400 } @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should set the format to text/plain when serializing an exception" do @handler.expects(:set_content_type).with(@response, "text/plain") @handler.do_exception(@response, "A test", 404) end it "should raise an error if the request is formatted in an unknown format" do @handler.stubs(:content_type_header).returns "unknown format" lambda { @handler.request_format(@request) }.should raise_error end it "should still find the correct format if content type contains charset information" do @handler.stubs(:content_type_header).returns "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" @handler.request_format(@request).should == "s" end describe "when finding a model instance" do before do @indirection.stubs(:find).returns @result Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.expects(:instance).with(:my_handler).returns( stub "indirection", :model => @model_class ) @format = stub 'format', :suitable? => true, :mime => "text/format", :name => "format" Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:format).returns @format @oneformat = stub 'one', :suitable? => true, :mime => "text/one", :name => "one" Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:format).with("one").returns @oneformat end it "should use the indirection request to find the model class" do @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use the escaped request key" do @indirection.expects(:find).with do |key, args| key == "my_result" end.returns @result @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use a common method for determining the request parameters" do @indirection.expects(:find).with do |key, args| args[:foo] == :baz and args[:bar] == :xyzzy end.returns @result @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {:foo => :baz, :bar => :xyzzy}, @request, @response) end it "should set the content type to the first format specified in the accept header" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "one,two" @handler.expects(:set_content_type).with(@response, @oneformat) @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should fail if no accept header is provided" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns nil lambda { @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if the accept header does not contain a valid format" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "" lambda { @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should not use an unsuitable format" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "foo,bar" foo = mock 'foo', :suitable? => false bar = mock 'bar', :suitable? => true Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.expects(:format).with("foo").returns foo Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.expects(:format).with("bar").returns bar @handler.expects(:set_content_type).with(@response, bar) # the suitable one @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should render the result using the first format specified in the accept header" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "one,two" @result.expects(:render).with(@oneformat) @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should pass the result through without rendering it if the result is a string" do @indirection.stubs(:find).returns "foo" @handler.expects(:set_response).with(@response, "foo") @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use the default status when a model find call succeeds" do @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status.nil? } @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return a serialized object when a model find call succeeds" do @model_instance = stub('model instance') @model_instance.expects(:render).returns "my_rendered_object" @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| body == "my_rendered_object" } @indirection.stubs(:find).returns(@model_instance) @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return a 404 when no model instance can be found" do @model_class.stubs(:name).returns "my name" @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status == 404 } @indirection.stubs(:find).returns(nil) @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should write a log message when no model instance can be found" do @model_class.stubs(:name).returns "my name" @indirection.stubs(:find).returns(nil) Puppet.expects(:info).with("Could not find my_handler for 'my_result'") @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should serialize the result in with the appropriate format" do @model_instance = stub('model instance') @handler.expects(:format_to_use).returns(@oneformat) @model_instance.expects(:render).with(@oneformat).returns "my_rendered_object" @indirection.stubs(:find).returns(@model_instance) @handler.do_find("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end end describe "when performing head operation" do before do @handler.stubs(:model).with("my_handler").returns(stub 'model', :indirection => @model_class) @handler.stubs(:http_method).with(@request).returns("HEAD") @handler.stubs(:path).with(@request).returns("/production/my_handler/my_result") @handler.stubs(:params).with(@request).returns({}) @model_class.stubs(:head).returns true end it "should use the escaped request key" do @model_class.expects(:head).with do |key, args| key == "my_result" end.returns true @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should not generate a response when a model head call succeeds" do @handler.expects(:set_response).never @handler.process(@request, @response) end it "should return a 404 when the model head call returns false" do @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status == 404 } @model_class.stubs(:head).returns(false) @handler.process(@request, @response) end end describe "when searching for model instances" do before do Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.expects(:instance).with(:my_handler).returns( stub "indirection", :model => @model_class ) @result1 = mock 'result1' @result2 = mock 'results' @result = [@result1, @result2] @model_class.stubs(:render_multiple).returns "my rendered instances" @indirection.stubs(:search).returns(@result) @format = stub 'format', :suitable? => true, :mime => "text/format", :name => "format" Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:format).returns @format @oneformat = stub 'one', :suitable? => true, :mime => "text/one", :name => "one" Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:format).with("one").returns @oneformat end it "should use the indirection request to find the model" do @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use a common method for determining the request parameters" do @indirection.expects(:search).with do |key, args| args[:foo] == :baz and args[:bar] == :xyzzy end.returns @result @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {:foo => :baz, :bar => :xyzzy}, @request, @response) end it "should use the default status when a model search call succeeds" do @indirection.stubs(:search).returns(@result) @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should set the content type to the first format returned by the accept header" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "one,two" @handler.expects(:set_content_type).with(@response, @oneformat) @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return a list of serialized objects when a model search call succeeds" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "one,two" @indirection.stubs(:search).returns(@result) @model_class.expects(:render_multiple).with(@oneformat, @result).returns "my rendered instances" @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, data| data == "my rendered instances" } @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return [] when searching returns an empty array" do @handler.expects(:accept_header).with(@request).returns "one,two" @indirection.stubs(:search).returns([]) @model_class.expects(:render_multiple).with(@oneformat, []).returns "[]" @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, data| data == "[]" } @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return a 404 when searching returns nil" do @model_class.stubs(:name).returns "my name" @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status == 404 } @indirection.stubs(:search).returns(nil) @handler.do_search("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end end describe "when destroying a model instance" do before do Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.expects(:instance).with(:my_handler).returns( stub "indirection", :model => @model_class ) @result = stub 'result', :render => "the result" @indirection.stubs(:destroy).returns @result end it "should use the indirection request to find the model" do @handler.do_destroy("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use the escaped request key to destroy the instance in the model" do @indirection.expects(:destroy).with do |key, args| key == "foo bar" end @handler.do_destroy("my_handler", "foo bar", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use a common method for determining the request parameters" do @indirection.expects(:destroy).with do |key, args| args[:foo] == :baz and args[:bar] == :xyzzy end @handler.do_destroy("my_handler", "my_result", {:foo => :baz, :bar => :xyzzy}, @request, @response) end it "should use the default status code a model destroy call succeeds" do @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status.nil? } @handler.do_destroy("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return a yaml-encoded result when a model destroy call succeeds" do @result = stub 'result', :to_yaml => "the result" @indirection.expects(:destroy).returns(@result) @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| body == "the result" } @handler.do_destroy("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end end describe "when saving a model instance" do before do Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.stubs(:instance).with(:my_handler).returns( stub "indirection", :model => @model_class ) @handler.stubs(:body).returns('my stuff') @handler.stubs(:content_type_header).returns("text/yaml") @result = stub 'result', :render => "the result" @model_instance = stub('indirected model instance') @model_class.stubs(:convert_from).returns(@model_instance) @indirection.stubs(:save) @format = stub 'format', :suitable? => true, :name => "format", :mime => "text/format" Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:format).returns @format @yamlformat = stub 'yaml', :suitable? => true, :name => "yaml", :mime => "text/yaml" Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:format).with("yaml").returns @yamlformat end it "should use the indirection request to find the model" do @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use the 'body' hook to retrieve the body of the request" do @handler.expects(:body).returns "my body" @model_class.expects(:convert_from).with { |format, body| body == "my body" }.returns @model_instance @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should fail to save model if data is not specified" do @handler.stubs(:body).returns('') lambda { @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should use a common method for determining the request parameters" do @indirection.expects(:save).with(@model_instance, 'key').once @handler.do_save("my_handler", "key", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use the default status when a model save call succeeds" do @handler.expects(:set_response).with { |response, body, status| status.nil? } @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should return the yaml-serialized result when a model save call succeeds" do @indirection.stubs(:save).returns(@model_instance) @model_instance.expects(:to_yaml).returns('foo') @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should set the content to yaml" do @handler.expects(:set_content_type).with(@response, @yamlformat) @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end it "should use the content-type header to know the body format" do @handler.expects(:content_type_header).returns("text/format") Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.stubs(:mime).with("text/format").returns @format @model_class.expects(:convert_from).with { |format, body| format == "format" }.returns @model_instance @handler.do_save("my_handler", "my_result", {}, @request, @response) end end end describe "when resolving node" do it "should use a look-up from the ip address" do Resolv.expects(:getname).with("").returns("host.domain.com") @handler.resolve_node(:ip => "") end it "should return the look-up result" do Resolv.stubs(:getname).with("").returns("host.domain.com") @handler.resolve_node(:ip => "").should == "host.domain.com" end it "should return the ip address if resolving fails" do Resolv.stubs(:getname).with("").raises(RuntimeError, "no such host") @handler.resolve_node(:ip => "").should == "" end end end