name: Accordion (experimental) description: The accordion component lets users show and hide sections of related content on a page. govuk_frontend_components: - accordion body: | This component is based on the [GOV.UK Design System accordion component]( and is currently experimental because more research is needed to validate it. If using this component, [please feed back any research findings to the Design System team]( accessibility_criteria: | The accordion must: * accept focus * be usable with a keyboard * allow the controls to change in appearance when keyboard focus moves to it * allow the controls to indicate when users hover their cursor over it * be usable with touch * be usable with voice commands * have visible text * indicate to users that each section can be expanded and collapsed * tell the user when a step has been expanded or collapsed * be readable when only the [text of the page is zoomed in]( * zoom in up to 300% [without the text spilling off the screen]( * pass [colour contrast]( * be readable should a [user change colours]( * associate panel content with the control that opens it using the `aria-controls` attribute * have `aria-label` / `aria-labelledby` on section content with a value that refers to the button that controls display of the content Section headings must use a button element so that users: * can toggle sections with the space and enter keys * cannot open sections in a new tab or window When CSS and / or JavaScript is unavailable, the component must: * be fully expanded * not be marked as expandable shared_accessibility_criteria: - link examples: default: data: items: - heading: text: Writing well for the web content: html:
This is the content for Writing well for the web.
- heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html:This is the content for Writing well for specialists.
- heading: text: Know your audience content: html:This is the content for Know your audience.
- heading: text: How people read content: html:This is the content for How people read.
with_supplied_identification: description: | An `id` for an individual accordion is optional as it's automatically generated, but it can be supplied if a specific `id` is required. The `id` must be unique across the domain of your service. This is because the open or closed state of individual instances of the accordion uses `localStorage` to persist across page loads. Used as an `id` in the HTML for the accordion as a whole, and also as a prefix for the `id`s of the section contents and the buttons that open them, so that those `id`s can be the target of `aria-labelledby` and `aria-control` attributes. data: id: with-supplied-id-thats-unique-across-the-domain items: - heading: text: Writing well for the web content: html:This is the content for Writing well for the web.
- heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html:This is the content for Writing well for specialists.
- heading: text: Know your audience content: html:This is the content for Know your audience.
- heading: text: How people read content: html:This is the content for How people read.
with_summary: description: Adds a subheading below each section heading. data: items: - heading: text: Understanding agile project management summary: text: Introductions, methods, core features. content: html: 'This is the content for Writing well for the web.
data_attributes: gtm: gtm-accordion-item-1 - heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html:This is the content for Writing well for specialists.
data_attributes: gtm: gtm-accordion-item-2 - heading: text: Know your audience content: html:This is the content for Know your audience.
data_attributes: gtm: gtm-accordion-item-3 - heading: text: How people read content: html:This is the content for How people read.
data_attributes: gtm: gtm-accordion-item-4 different_heading_level: description: This will alter the level of the heading, not the appearance of the heading. data: heading_level: 3 items: - heading: text: Writing well for the web content: html:This is the content for Writing well for the web.
- heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html:This is the content for Writing well for specialists.
- heading: text: Know your audience content: html:This is the content for Know your audience.
- heading: text: How people read content: html:This is the content for How people read.
with_margin_bottom: description: | The component accepts a number for margin bottom from `0` to `9` (`0px` to `60px`) using the [GOV.UK Frontend spacing scale]( It defaults to having a margin bottom of `30px`. data: margin_bottom: 0 items: - heading: text: Writing well for the web content: html:This is the content for Writing well for the web.
- heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html:This is the content for Writing well for specialists.
with_section_open: description: | Adding `expanded: true` to the item will mean the section defaults to being open, rather than closed. Once a user opens or closes a section, the state of each section is remembered. data: items: - heading: text: Writing well for the web content: html:This is the content for Writing well for the web.
expanded: true - heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html:This is the content for Writing well for specialists.
- heading: text: Know your audience content: html:This is the content for Know your audience.
- heading: text: How people read content: html:This is the content for How people read.
with_the_anchor_link_navigation: description: | Some apps require custom `id`s per accordion section heading. Custom `id`s allow you to link section headings, sometimes across multiple pages. For example on [guidance pages for Content Designers, referred to as "manuals",]( each manual includes multiple sets of accordions and will reference between specific sections to easily access content. Using the same rules, custom `id`s automatically open accordions when users click within another accordion that links to either * the `id` of an accordion section heading * an `id` within the content of an accordion (this will also automatically navigate to and open accordions on page load) This feature will only be used if the `anchor_navigation` flag is passed as `true`. This mitigates performance risk from event listeners on a large number of links. Unlike with the accordion-wide custom `id` attribute, any `id`s passed to accordion headings as part of this are not stored in `localStorage`. `id`s do not need to be unique across your domain, but should still be unique in the context of the page. data: anchor_navigation: true items: - heading: text: Writing well for the web id: writing-well-for-the-web content: html:This is content for accordion 1 of 2
This content contains a link
- heading: text: Writing well for specialists content: html: - heading: text: Know your audience content: html:This is the content for Know your audience.
- heading: text: How people read content: html:This is the content for How people read.