module Brief class Document module Rendering extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Uses a custom Redcarpet::Render::HTML subclass # which simply inserts data attributes on each heading element # so that they can be queried with CSS more deliberately. class HeadingWrapper < ::Redcarpet::Render::HTML def header(text, level) "#{text}" end end module ClassMethods def renderer_class HeadingWrapper end def renderer @renderer ||= begin r = true, autolink: true, gh_blockcode: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, footnotes: true) end end end # Documents can be rendered into HTML. # # They will first be put through a Nokogiri processor pipeline # which allows us to wrap things in section containers, apply data # attributes, and other things to the HTML so that the output HTML retains its # relationship to the underlying data and document structure. def to_html(options = {}) html = if options[:wrap] == false unwrapped_html else wrapper = options.fetch(:wrapper, 'div') "<#{ wrapper } data-brief-model='#{ model_class.type_alias }' data-brief-path='#{ relative_path_identifier }'>#{ unwrapped_html }" end html.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? html.html_safe : html.to_s end def unwrapped_html parser.to_html end protected def to_raw_html renderer.render(content) end def renderer @renderer ||= self.class.renderer end attr_writer :renderer end end end